I got drunk at a wedding last night. On of my man's friends got married, which makes me feel old. It's weird when all your friends start marrying and having babies. My exboyfriend is a dad, which is terrifying because he is an idiot but also because people think it is "normal" at this age. Anyhow, Catholic wedding, which I am respectful of peoples beliefs, but when they got into how marriage is being tested because it is supposed to be man and woman, I wanted to stomp and rant, but you know, I'm not ruining someone's day. Also, people kept asking when me and the man will marry. Okay seriously, there is NEVER a good time to ask that unless a couple has announced they are to be married and you actually want to know the date, otherwise it causes discomfort.
I saw Troy last weekend, it was really good. I want to see Shrek 2 soon.
Err.... my tummy is angry at me. I think I should go.

Yeah, all my friends got married around the time I was 21, and when alot of your friends are girls, it kills your friendships sometimes because of jealous husbands and less free time. I miss two good friends down in FL in particular.
And on a lovely side note, fuck religion and that god entity. Driving is less natural than homosexuality.