Moving out
of the illustrious Pita House. I was asked why I was moving out after smoking 4 bowls to my dome and 4 more with other people.
Since Ive moved into this house
I cant eat anything
Im sick all the time
I do drugs
I dropped out of school
and I quit my job
Its always filthy here and I dont think its a good place for me
"fair enough"
wow. I dont think I have ever composed such a great argument off of the top of my head.
School and work should be a good thing for me. A new place should be a good thing for me, Absinthe should be a good thing for me.
of the illustrious Pita House. I was asked why I was moving out after smoking 4 bowls to my dome and 4 more with other people.
Since Ive moved into this house
I cant eat anything
Im sick all the time
I do drugs
I dropped out of school
and I quit my job
Its always filthy here and I dont think its a good place for me
"fair enough"
wow. I dont think I have ever composed such a great argument off of the top of my head.
School and work should be a good thing for me. A new place should be a good thing for me, Absinthe should be a good thing for me.
sounds like a valid argument ! Im proud of you for wanting to do school and work. And I cant wait to be a good thing for you !
congratulations! good luck with your new direction.