i haven't blogged in 3 months! i suck....
i haven't because i haven't had a camera... blogs are no fun with out pictures!
so... i am officially single... well we broke up a month ago (he broke up with me the day before thanksgiving....) but we officially haven't talked in a week! he was so worthless..... kind of sad that i will be spending my christmas on a bar stool and not with him and his amazing family.... but shit happens...
i am back in school and registered for classes!!! taking water color painting, digital media and some boring ass business classes....
i am happy tho.... i am going to turn my life back around back to where it was before i was devoting all of my time and emotions to him.... (for nothing in return)
going to get back to my leg sleeve!
and shooting a new set!
never again will i date someone who hinders me doing what i love!
i set up a mygurlfund.com account! excited
and i am thinking about cam modeling? does anyone know of a good site to work on????
thats all for now!