I am feelin down about shit today
life just doesn't happen the way i think it should.... and i really need to let it go && just let things happen.
this feeling happens to me about once a week. spend all day in bed wake up at 5, shower and then start drinking off my headache... thats were i am right now.

now i am done being sad on to better things. My really good friend Ashley came to visit me. we have the kind of friendship where you instantly fall in love with the person... and continue loving how kick ass they are. Shes sooo pretty, and INSANELY fucking hilarious. I wish we lived closer to each other....
This is what i like to call "blow job face"
she has a love for blunts too=)
we had a cook out this weekend and someone robbed all of the purses in the house.... aren't people fucking awesome?!?!? who does that.....
my besties daughter<3
my ex boyfriend lives in washington and started blowing glass, which i am going to start selling for him
he's insanely cool. He kicked his smack habit about 4 years ago and have been completely sober for 1 year now. His only friends out there are all sober too... so thats why hes having me sell em.... which is cool because ill get em for cheap sell em for cheap and still make some cash=) stoked
hes comin to visit in May and i cant wait to see him.....
iam already in a better mood, maybe its the beer, maybe its those pics=)
Looks like you had some fun there, it's great when friends like that come around.