Back on SG. Yeah, like you care. Just thought I needed to send a big thank you to SG help desk!
When I tried to re-activate my account a week or two ago, I completely botched it, mistyped my nickname and... well, eventually I ended up with two active paid accounts. Officially stupid.
But the admins got it sorted out, and I'm grateful for that...
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When I tried to re-activate my account a week or two ago, I completely botched it, mistyped my nickname and... well, eventually I ended up with two active paid accounts. Officially stupid.

But the admins got it sorted out, and I'm grateful for that...
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Thanks to everybody who sent birthday wishes! Hate to be reminded of my getting older..
But it's good to know that people take notice.
The last few days I've been busy showing a bunch of Americans with interests in prehistory around the area. We visited the Haithabu Viking Museum and Schloss Gottorf at Schleswig, the Schleswiger Dom, the Thorsberg Bog, the Viking Museum in Ribe...
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The last few days I've been busy showing a bunch of Americans with interests in prehistory around the area. We visited the Haithabu Viking Museum and Schloss Gottorf at Schleswig, the Schleswiger Dom, the Thorsberg Bog, the Viking Museum in Ribe...
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Good morning and welcome to another episode of the dreadfully dull sitcom that is my life. Can't blame you for not caring... But blogging is like writing a diary with the added pretense of an audience. Yay for katharsis!
I really need to get some sleep. But my hormone crazed mind won't allow for much. My thoughts keep revolving around her, especially when it...
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I really need to get some sleep. But my hormone crazed mind won't allow for much. My thoughts keep revolving around her, especially when it...
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herzlichen glckwunsch nachtrglich!
na htte ich gewusst, dass du in kiel wohnst ... htten wir noch einen zusammen getrunken
nchstes jahr dann
oder du kommst mal nach kln

nchstes jahr dann
oder du kommst mal nach kln
"I would only believe in a god that knew how to dance!" (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Wah, my last entry was from October? Gotta update... Not much to tell, though. Life still sucks beyond description. Okay, I guess I'm better off that many people. But I'm still miserable. Knowing how ungrateful that is makes me even more miserable. Nice feedback loop, that!
Worst of all... I fell...
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Wah, my last entry was from October? Gotta update... Not much to tell, though. Life still sucks beyond description. Okay, I guess I'm better off that many people. But I'm still miserable. Knowing how ungrateful that is makes me even more miserable. Nice feedback loop, that!

Worst of all... I fell...
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@ was Du heute morgen bei Gute Morgen SGgermany geschrieben hast: das kenne ich.
Bei mir ist z. Z. ein bisschen anders, in dem ich nicht mehr Kummer habe (wird schon wieder -- kommt immer wieder zurueck), aber immer noch schlimm ist es, in dem das Maedel mit dem ich zusammen bin weit weg ist--das tut auch weh.
Aber eines, das mir waehrend den letzte Woche hier in Trier sehr viel gehoelfen hat: einfach zwei schoene Freundinnen (auf kein Fall die Geliebte!) mitnehmen, und in Kieler Pumpe odere in einen andere Club eine Tanzflaesche finden und einfach super hard super lang tanzen, bis Du nicht mehr kannst. Naechste Woche: wiederholen. Die Geliebte so wenig wie moeglich sehen.
Das loest sich langsam ab. dauert ein bisschen aber das loest sich ab...
@ was Du heute morgen bei Gute Morgen SGgermany geschrieben hast: das kenne ich.
Bei mir ist z. Z. ein bisschen anders, in dem ich nicht mehr Kummer habe (wird schon wieder -- kommt immer wieder zurueck), aber immer noch schlimm ist es, in dem das Maedel mit dem ich zusammen bin weit weg ist--das tut auch weh.
Aber eines, das mir waehrend den letzte Woche hier in Trier sehr viel gehoelfen hat: einfach zwei schoene Freundinnen (auf kein Fall die Geliebte!) mitnehmen, und in Kieler Pumpe odere in einen andere Club eine Tanzflaesche finden und einfach super hard super lang tanzen, bis Du nicht mehr kannst. Naechste Woche: wiederholen. Die Geliebte so wenig wie moeglich sehen.
Das loest sich langsam ab. dauert ein bisschen aber das loest sich ab...

One up on the piercing scale...
I've found that one of the best ways to help heal a hole in your heart is to have a hole punched in your body. Though I never seem to get quite the same endorphin rush as the first time (well, both nipples in one sitting, that's hard to top, I guess...).
I've been wanting to get my tongue...
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I've found that one of the best ways to help heal a hole in your heart is to have a hole punched in your body. Though I never seem to get quite the same endorphin rush as the first time (well, both nipples in one sitting, that's hard to top, I guess...).
I've been wanting to get my tongue...
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Sometimes, cheesy 50s rock'n'roll says it best...
Hearts that are broken and love thats untrue
these go with learning the game
When you love a girl and she doesnt love you
youre only learning the game
When she says that youre the only one shell ever love
then you find that you are not the one shes thinking of
Feeling so sad and youre all...
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buddy holly rocks the socks.
You can't stop the signal!
Joss Whedon's Equality Now speech
"...because you're still asking me that question."
Joss, you truly are my hero. Thank you!
Joss Whedon's Equality Now speech
"...because you're still asking me that question."
Joss, you truly are my hero. Thank you!
sweet link.
No, I'm not a scientist. I've studied humanities for most of my life (English, philosophy, Scandinavian philology). The occupation "forensic entomologist" is just there to sound cool. Yeah, well...
Maybe in another life. *g*
Anyway, especially for Masaba here's a link:
Mark Benecke is Germany's most famous (and AFAIK only) real forensic entomologist. He keeps appearing on TV, talking about maggost and roaches with...
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Maybe in another life. *g*
Anyway, especially for Masaba here's a link:
Mark Benecke is Germany's most famous (and AFAIK only) real forensic entomologist. He keeps appearing on TV, talking about maggost and roaches with...
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Ich wei nicht mehr, ob es Kakerlaken waren. Aber er hat allerlei Getier verewigen lassen. Im aktuellen TM kommt er zum Thema "CopyCats" zu Wort.
Hi there! Thanks for the comment love! Rod is very nice, I hope to meet him sometime too, I so want to visit Germany - I love many of the artists comming out of there, and soo much of the music. I was thinkin of trying to get a job teaching art there, but I do not know what to expect, I am worried that many will not like me. I like your taste in music -
Creep n' Touch!
Creep n' Touch!

Snow is rare up here in the "land between the seas". Now it's March 6th and it's snowing like hell... Not that a late winter is all that unusual here, but why can't it ever snow for Yule when we want it and turn into spring in March when we need it?
Too cold...

snow is rare here ....are you really a forensic entomologist, that's rad!
nothing like playing with maggots, eh?
Whatever for? I got nothing to say... 

hey - dein website is aber sowas von tot ...