Well I guess I started 2008 in abit of a negative mindset and couldn't really get rid of 2007 bullshit right away but i'm slowing working on it .. There are so many things to look foward to like .......
*2 of my closest friends are getting married talk about a year of drink and fun .
*In 9 mths time i will be a fully qualified hairdresser and i can do wat the fuck i want and work for who i want no more bullshit yay ..
*Me and my boy's trip away our first real trip away since we have been together .. awesome ..
So this year is gonna be rad ...
*2 of my closest friends are getting married talk about a year of drink and fun .
*In 9 mths time i will be a fully qualified hairdresser and i can do wat the fuck i want and work for who i want no more bullshit yay ..
*Me and my boy's trip away our first real trip away since we have been together .. awesome ..
So this year is gonna be rad ...
My healthy shit is doing great, i eat lots of fruit and drink alot of water, no candy and shit for me, haha. I went to the gym this monday, and i actually liked it! Tomorrow i'll go again. My goal is to go 3 times a week, hope i can keep it up! -xxx-