so i've just watched the Die Hard Trilogy!!! haha....its fucking awesome!!! BRB im just going to the shop...
kk im back!!
just got called into work...right now im naked (about to get in the shower) jumping about and spanking my arse intune to romper stomper by the transplants...tune...
Romper Stomper - Transplants
"...Friends I have - one reason to die, will we got we will get by, no matter what stand'n side by side, we'll come through with our heads held high...I wanna know...i wanna know...I wanna know...can i count on you when it's time?!!!!"
kk im back!!
just got called into work...right now im naked (about to get in the shower) jumping about and spanking my arse intune to romper stomper by the transplants...tune...
Romper Stomper - Transplants
"...Friends I have - one reason to die, will we got we will get by, no matter what stand'n side by side, we'll come through with our heads held high...I wanna know...i wanna know...I wanna know...can i count on you when it's time?!!!!"
cheer man.