Saturday May 13, 2006 May 13, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Gene Wilder - Willy Wonka "there is no life i know to compare with pure imagination, living there you'll be free if you truly!!!!" VIEW 18 of 18 COMMENTS t7: [ 2 hours later ] "What are you doing?" "nothing" "your still shooting arnt you?" "No Im not firing missles anymore" "Computer display status of orbibital bombardment pods 1-20" Ordinance displaying for tactical strike pods 1 through 20 as follows: Empty. " Theres 20 high yeild missles per pod in pds 1h though 5, and pod 6 contained 200 heated shielded orbtit to surface rockets, you fired them all?" "Yup, and reloaded them from cargo bay 6 and fired them all off again" " Your wasting ammo you know " " I only spent pods 1-6 and their reloads, weve still got pods 7-100. " "Do you have any exgirl friends?" "working on that right now" bzzzzz PEW! bzzzzz PEW! bzzz PEW bzzz PEW! "your shooting zombies with lasers now?" "zombies?" "good lord" "woooooo lasers! pew pew pew jeu jeu jeu pew pew pew pew lasers! pew jeu jeu pew pew pew" May 16, 2006 badams: dood - i so need a copy of that diss... if it all fails... you can try and submit mine if you want "the simulation of a coal fired power stations electrical system - By Nate (aged 22 1/3s)"? May 16, 2006
"What are you doing?"
"your still shooting arnt you?"
"No Im not firing missles anymore"
"Computer display status of orbibital bombardment pods 1-20"
Ordinance displaying for tactical strike pods 1 through 20 as follows: Empty.
" Theres 20 high yeild missles per pod in pds 1h though 5, and pod 6 contained 200 heated shielded orbtit to surface rockets, you fired them all?"
"Yup, and reloaded them from cargo bay 6 and fired them all off again"
" Your wasting ammo you know "
" I only spent pods 1-6 and their reloads, weve still got pods 7-100. "
"Do you have any exgirl friends?"
"working on that right now"
"your shooting zombies with lasers now?"
"good lord"
"woooooo lasers! pew pew pew jeu jeu jeu pew pew pew pew lasers! pew jeu jeu pew pew pew"
if it all fails... you can try and submit mine if you want
"the simulation of a coal fired power stations electrical system - By Nate (aged 22 1/3s)"?