i had a wicked weekend and i love sushi...it was awesome...nice one...but now because i've eaten so much this weekend im so incredibly hungry....urgh!!!
i hope everyone is awesome and have had great weekends...
(edited the post because the other one made me out like i was mental)
(im not mental)
p.s. go say hey to my mates bennyjay and
p.p.s. going home this week so hopefully will have another set to put up soon...haha...
Raymonde - No One Can Hold a Candle to you
"...no one can hold a candle to you when it comes down to old fashioned virtue..."
"Oh he love, he love, he love
He does love his numbers
And they run, they run, they run him
In a great big circle
In a circle of infinity
3.1415926535 897932
3846 264 338 3279"
later shes goes on...
"50288419 716939937510
582319749 44 59230781
6406286208 821 4808651 32"
also another track on the first CD has the immortal line
"my washing machine
Washing machine
Washing machine
Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy
Get that dirty shirty clean
Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy
Make those cuffs and collars gleam
Everything clean and shiny
Washing machine
Washing machine
Washing machine"
rock and roll