Well, it's high time I freshen up this profile and make a new blog post, now that I'm starting to know some folks around here. This story begins with the re-discovery of an old friend, known to SG as nikonphoto80. We made an all-out high-speed burn [tips hat to HST] up to Newport, Kentucky (across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio) for the opening of...
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you still alive?
I'm still healing, but every day gets a little better. And I'm determined to have this party if it kills me. We've been talking about having a get together since we moved in, but I was either too sickly or we had repairs to finish or what have you. Plus, I'm a big holiday dork and really get into Christmas. Last year, I baked something like 13 dozen cookies. So yes, the party is still on.

Hey, I'm brand new to membership on this site, though I have browsed the pics occasionally since finding my way here from The Cult.
I had a notion of catching Chuck on his current tour when he hit Raleigh/ Durham last week, but other responsibilities got in the way. I am in the southeast, but even North Carolina is several hours drive and an overnight...
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I had a notion of catching Chuck on his current tour when he hit Raleigh/ Durham last week, but other responsibilities got in the way. I am in the southeast, but even North Carolina is several hours drive and an overnight...
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what are you doing saturday?
it was cool meeting you too man! we definitely had fun coming out! keep rockin!!!