Thursday Sep 24, 2009 Sep 24, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email the closing on my house is set for October 15th at 2pm! woot... it's all starting to fall into place and btw, MY MORTGAGE WAS APPROVED! VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS badluckbrent: No it won't it I mean it could really be worse. I am just like Meh I don't care anymore. you can only hold hate for so long. Congrats on the house etc. Sep 27, 2009 bethy13: dude you have a mortgage. that totally makes you an adult now. ps-you're right. we do need to hang out. i'll text you later and maybe we can figure something out. Sep 27, 2009
ps-you're right. we do need to hang out. i'll text you later and maybe we can figure something out.