Monthly update!
Things are going a little stressful lately. Work has been busy and I'm definately understanding now the dynamic job description that I have. And it doesn't help that I have mixed intentions from other staff members in getting the job done. I don't really appreciate it, but I'll live with it. Conflict from w/in the organization just makes it that much more difficult. Moreso than dealing with clients.
Red Cross has been keeping me busy. Went on my first house fire call last saturday. I'm getting renters' insurance after that. I recommend that everyone else do the same if you haven't. In about 10 minutes this man, woman and her mother lost everything. Worth the $12 a month I'd think.
But I'm helping out the Manager of Disaster (yes that's his title) figure out outcome targets to adjust services with in the chapter. SHould be a year long project, but it sounds like fun. If only I got paid for this.
Gasparilla Marathon is this weekend. I dunno if I'm gonna run it now. I really want to, but it's $65 and I didn't get time to run this week...
The week after, Florida Young Dems is having a shindig/meeting for the state in Cape Canaveral. I'm debating if I really want to go...Habitat is having a crew leader training which only comes around maybe two times a year... decisions...
Drinking Liberally Tuesday AND Thursday this week. Lots of drinking to do.
Anyway. Saw Rambo with Red_Flynn. Twas awesome. I've never seen people just disintergrate like that... brutal. But man, Sly's OLD.
Well, it's work time...and I need some coffee...
Things are going a little stressful lately. Work has been busy and I'm definately understanding now the dynamic job description that I have. And it doesn't help that I have mixed intentions from other staff members in getting the job done. I don't really appreciate it, but I'll live with it. Conflict from w/in the organization just makes it that much more difficult. Moreso than dealing with clients.
Red Cross has been keeping me busy. Went on my first house fire call last saturday. I'm getting renters' insurance after that. I recommend that everyone else do the same if you haven't. In about 10 minutes this man, woman and her mother lost everything. Worth the $12 a month I'd think.
But I'm helping out the Manager of Disaster (yes that's his title) figure out outcome targets to adjust services with in the chapter. SHould be a year long project, but it sounds like fun. If only I got paid for this.
Gasparilla Marathon is this weekend. I dunno if I'm gonna run it now. I really want to, but it's $65 and I didn't get time to run this week...
The week after, Florida Young Dems is having a shindig/meeting for the state in Cape Canaveral. I'm debating if I really want to go...Habitat is having a crew leader training which only comes around maybe two times a year... decisions...
Drinking Liberally Tuesday AND Thursday this week. Lots of drinking to do.
Anyway. Saw Rambo with Red_Flynn. Twas awesome. I've never seen people just disintergrate like that... brutal. But man, Sly's OLD.
Well, it's work time...and I need some coffee...
Remember Tampa Munch Saturday 12PM to whenever and Fetish Club in the evening... I was thinking maybe Ren Fair too if you guys are interested in going again.