Hey Kids!
Time again for the next analytical hug blog. First up the hug!
Time again for the next analytical hug blog. First up the hug!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Hug 108: 9AM, Mar 2: Female, late 20s
I was working away at my desk when The Queen Dictator came over. She asked if I wanted all my back logged hugs from her. I said I would take one today. So we hugged at my desk. She asked if we were going to hold it for 10 seconds, I said no that wasnt needed.
Hug 109: 11AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
I had a super awesome lunch date with JPEG. She came to meet me at my work building. She said she got lost in the +15s, which makes all the more reason why spending time with her is awesome. When I met her, we hugged.
Hug 110: 11:05AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
As we walked to the restaurant we were stopped at some lights. It was windy out and stood in the way of the wind. Then I motioned out to JPEG to come over to me. We kind of cuddle/hugged at the stoplight.
Hug 111: 11:50AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
After a great lunch and good conversation with JPEG. I walked back with her to my office. A long the way I put my arm around her and she put her arm around my waist and we walked. This hug is called the walking side hug. It is a side hug you do while walking. Very expert technique.
Hug 112: 12PM, Mar 2: Female, 29
It was time for me go get back to work. Before I left, me and JPEG hugged. It was a long and tight hug. At the end I slid my hands up her back, over her shoulders, down her arms and we held hands for a moment. It was a most awesome hug.
Hug 113: 8:45PM, Mar 4: Female, 29
I was invited to a dance party at the Motherologists and Zaps place. I got there late, but was still the first to arrive. I talked to the Motherologis and Zap for a bit before JPEG arrived. When she got there I got a hug from her.
Hug 114: 9PM, Mar 4: Male, late 20s: Unique 39
More guests started to arrive. When one of these people arrived, who I will call Ambiguous, he started hugging people. I thought I would get in on the action and got a hug from him.
Hug 115: 9:30PM, Mar 4: Male, 26
Then Cold Feet arrived. When he did, I got a hug from him.
Hug 116: 10PM, Mar 4: Female, 27
When J.Bean arrived, she made her rounds and hugged everyone there, include me.
Hug 117: 10:10PM, Mar 4: Male, 32; Female, 27; Male, late 20s
This hug started off with J.Bean hugging with Zap. There was a picture been taking of them and Ambiguous jumped. I saw this and thought, I would get in on the action. 4-way hug!
Hug 118: 11PM, Mar 4: Male, 32
The dance party was in full swing now. Everyone at the party was dancing on the worlds smallest dance floor. Zap came up behind me and put his arms around me. Then then proceeded to move me into the middle of the dance floor. I think I was blocking his way and he wanted me to move. Still counts as a hug.
Hug 119: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
After dancing for a bit, I moved into the kitchen to sit and have a drink. JPEG came in and sat on my lap. I put my arms around her and sit cuddled with her.
Hug 120: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
JPEG got up from my lap and came back. I offered her my lap again and she sat back down. Once again we sit cuddled.
Hug 121: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
A good song came on and JPEG pulled me onto the worlds smallest dance floor. Danced really close and there was definitely some close hug like dancing action.
Hug 122: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 27
J.Bean was leaving the party and when she did, I got a hug from her.
Hug 123: ??AM, Mar 5: Male, late 20s
Ambiguous was leaving the party and I got a hug from him.
Hug 124: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
The seven remaining awake people at the party decided it would be awesome idea to make a massive bed for everyone to sleep on. I got the edge of the bed and got to spoon with JPEG as I tried to get to sleep.
Hug 125: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
JPEG got up at some point, I am not sure where she went, but when she got back, it was back to spooning with her.
Hug 126: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
At some point, me and JPEG got up and went to a different bed, where the spoon resumed.
Hug 127: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
We heard the other guest getting prepared to leave. As such, JPEG and I decided it was best we go to our separate homes as well. Before we left the bed, we had a hug.
Hug 128: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Male, 26
We cleaned up the massive blanket/foam bed before we all left. Cold Feet got a hug before we left.
Hug 129: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Male, late 20s
I also got a hug from Lucky.
Hug 130: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, late 20s: Unique 40
I got a hug from a person, who I will call Tan Lines, as she was a good dance partner for parts of the night.
Hug 131: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
The last hug went to JPEG before going home.
Hug 132: 8:30AM, Mar 7: Female, late 20s
I was walking to the kitchen when I passed The Queen Dictators desk. Knowing it was her birthday on the previous day, I asked if she wanted a birthday hug. She said yes and she came around her desk for a hug. It was a 5 second hug with a sway.
Hug 133: Mar 8, 3:30PM: Female, 29
It was RPG game night with JPEG, The Thin Lawyer, GM and D20s at JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place. I was invited over early to avoid a length trip home then back downtown. When I arrived me and JPEG hugged.
Hug 134: Mar 8, 10PM: Female, 29
After a good dinner prepared by JPEG, we played a great game of Fiasco: Dragon Slayers. I got to play a golem that was very disgruntled and liked to squish things. Okay, it was a rip off of Shale from Dragon Age, but I still played it well I thought. Everyone played their role quite well. After the game, it was time to leave and I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 135: Mar 9, 5PM: Female, late 20s
I was meeting up with JPEG for a date, so I stayed at work late. As I was walking out, The Queen Dictator was leaving work too. I walked and chatted with her for a couple of blocks before we parted ways. I asked if she wanted a hug, she accepted my offer. I couldnt get my arms around her torso because she had on a large backpack, but her arms got around my torso.
Hug 136: Mar 9, 5:30PM: Female, 29
I was on my what to the train station because JPEG wanted to meet there. When she got off the train and she found me, we hugged.
Hug 137: Mar 9, 7:30PM: Female, 29
We walked over to her place first so she could drop off some stuff, then it was off to dinner at a local pub. We had some good conversations about our lives and such. After dinner we walked back to her place to watch an episode of Rome. We cuddled for duration of the episode, which was very nice.
Hug 138: Mar 9, 9PM: Female, 29
After Rome, The Thin Lawyer got home. JPEG, The Thin Lawyer and I all watched an episode of Firefly. After the episode, it was time for me to go home because I was super tired. Me and JPEG hugged on the couch.
Hug 139: Mar 9, 9PM: Male, 26
On my way out the door, I asked The Thin Lawyer if he wanted a hug. He did, so we hugged.
Hug 140: Mar 9, 9PM: Female, 29
I also got another hug from JPEG.
Hug 141: Mar 9, 9:15PM: Male, 36: Unique 41
I was waiting for the train to go home. Smiling away at the awesome date I just had, when some random drunk person came up to me. He asked me if I could see anything out of my sunglasses. I wasnt sure what he meant, so he continued to explain how as a youth he would wear sunglasses at night so people couldnt look at how wasted he was. He then went on to tell me his age, which might explain how I know how old this guy is. He then talked about how one of his buddies would be able to wear his sunglasses in a dark alley and still be able to see everything, while he would be blind as a bat. I told him I wore the glasses because light kind of bothers me and that I dont want people to look at my eyes. He then asked me up for change. He gave me a good conversation and some entertainment, I gave him a dollar. He then went on to hug me and shake my hand. I would like people to know, that he was my drunk prostitute for that evening.
Hug 142: 6PM, Mar 12: Male, 27
I was invited over to Lucky and Cheesecakes place for a potluck and Rock Band. After going to the wrong house, I arrived. When I did, I got a hug from Lucky, even though my arms were full.
Hug 143: 6PM, Mar 12: Female, 27
I arrived right behind J.Bean. When Lucky asked me what I was at in my hug count, J.Bean remembered my hug count and hugged me.
Hug 144: 6PM, Mar 12: Female, 29
JPEG was there before me and I got a hug from her.
Hug 145: 6PM, Mar 12: Male, 26
Cold Feet was also there and he wanted to have the multiple of 5 hug, which he got.
Hug 146: 8PM, Mar 12: Male, 26
The Thin Lawyer showed up at about 8PM and after hugging JPEG I got a hug from him.
Hug 147: 12AM, Mar 13: Female, 29
After some good food and some Rock Band, I had the opportunity to cuddle with JPEG, which I took.
Hug 148: 10:30AM, Mar 13: Female, age withheld
It was laundry day and I went to the parents place to do laundry. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother.
Hug 149: 11AM, Mar 13: Male, 52
After I got my first load in and had a chat with my mother, my father came in from waking up. He got some coffee and afterwards, I gave him a hug.
Hug 150: 7PM, Mar 13: Female, age withheld
After a day of laundry, watching some animated movies, had too great meals and spent some good time with the family, it was time to go home. I first got a hug from my mother.
Hug 151: 7PM, Mar 13: Male, 52
Then from my father.
Hug 152: 2:15PM, Mar 18: Male, late 20s: Unique 42
We were doing a inter-office event, which consisted of many games. Today was the last event of the two weeks. Before the games started, Bri Bri Lie Lie offered me a hug. I took it, as it was the first one this week.
Hug 153: 2:15PM, Mar 18: Male, mid 20s
After Bri Bri Lie Lies hug, AK47 asked for a hug too. And I gave him one.
Hug 154: 4:45PM, Mar 18: Male, mid 30s
During the game at the office, some things were said that really made me upset. There were also some things said after the game as well that just really pissed me off. I had a talk with R Squared about what went down. He gave me some advice about women and how they all have some sort of attack mode. After the talk, he offered me a hug. I took it.
Hug 155: 8:15AM, Mar 19: Female, 29
I was off to the STI clinic to get myself all checked out. I first went to JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place to meet up with them. When I got there, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 156: 8:15AM, Mar 19: Male, 26
I then got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 157: 10:15AM, Mar 19: Male, 26
The party of us three (me, JPEG and The Thin Lawyer) arrived at the clinic. I would have to say, I dont think I could have gone to the clinic on my own and I am glad I had some company with me. It made the entire event kind of entertaining. While me and The Lawyer were waiting for JPEGs turn to be done. Cold Feet showed up. We watched him walk across the waiting room and sit down. Finally he noticed us and came over to join us. Then JPEGs exam was done, the party of three left to go have brunch. Before we left, Cold Feet hug each one of us, including me.
Hug 158: 1PM, Mar 19: Female, 29
After brunch the company of three, went to JPEG/Thin Lawyers place to watch some Firefly. After which, I left to go home. I hugged JPEG as she walked past me before I had my jacket on. It was a long hug, like 10 seconds long. I would give it an A+ for super awesome.
Hug 159: 1PM, Mar 19: Female, 29
I hugged JPEG again before I left.
Hug 160: 1PM, Mar 19: Male, 26
I also hugged The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 161: 5:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
I was invited over to JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place for a potluck/game night. I got there with some bread and when I did, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 162: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
After dinner, which consisted of some squash, scallop potatoes, a Greek salad, some crackers and some rice bread, we played a game of Shadows over Camelot. It is a collaborative game where you try to complete quests, get swords and hopefully not die. In the end we barely won out against the forces of evil. After the game, I stood up and walked around and over to the door. JPEG came and stood beside me and I side hugged her.
Hug 163: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Male, 26
After everyone else left, I got my turn in the shoe putting on queue. After the shoes were on, I got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 164: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
I also got a hug from JPEG. This was a long, tight hug.
Hug 165: 3:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
It was RPG night at JPEG and The Thin Lawyers place. I went over early to hand out with JPEG. When I got there, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 166: 4:15PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After sitting down, chatting and listening to music, JPEG asked for a back rub. She turned her back to me while sitting on her couch. I started my back rub and The Thin Lawyer called. She talked to him while I continued my services. After the call was done, I slide my hands down her arms and she back against me. I then moved my arms to wrap around her and held her close to me.
Hug 167: 4:20PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After the cuddling from hug 166, JPEG noticed the music stopped. She got up and changed the CD. She came back and we cuddled some more.
Hug 168: 4:30PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
JPEG asked if I wanted to hear some poetry she found and I said I would. She got up and retrieved a book of poetry. She read me a passage about an orange and a kiss in the kitchen. It was very good. Then we went back to cuddling.
Hug 169: 4:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
During our cuddling, I told JPEG around the new Wonder Woman series they are making for NBC. She got up and tried to Google search for the pictures. She couldnt find any right away. I told JPEG I would find a link for her the next day. She came back to the couch where more cuddling took place.
Hug 170: 5:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After cuddling, JPEG went to start supper for me, The Thin Lawyer and herself. I tried to entertain her with my charming good looks and wit. After she had dinner started, JPEG and I went to get The Thin Lawyer a Slurpee (which is a lie because Slurpee is a trademark of 7-eleven). When we got back to JPEGs place, she had to warm up her hands and I have standing agreement with her that she could always use my body to warm up her hands. As she was warming her hand, I hugged her.
Hug 171: 5:50PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
JPEG broke away from warming her hands to check on dinner. She came back and warmed them up again, and I hugged again. Which ended with us dancing a little.
Hug 172: 6PM, Mar 22: Male, 26
As I was dancing with JPEG, The Thin Lawyer got home. He got a hug from JPEG and then me as we listened about how is day went.
Hug 173: 10PM, Mar 22: Male, 26
After dinner, GM and D20s arrived. We started the character creation part of the RPG we were playing. After doing the creation and coming up with some back story for our characters, it was time to go home. Before I left I got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 174: 10PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
I aslo got a hug from JPEG. A long hug at that.
Hug 175: 3:10PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
After work, I had a date with JPEG. She came by my work to pick me up. When I went down to meet her, I greeted her with a hug and a kiss. The kiss was kind of awkward, I think because she wasnt expecting me to kiss her in public. It was still sweet and short.
Hug 176: 4PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
When we got back to JPEGs place, we made clay monsters. It was super dorky and fun. I made a scaly, bird like creature with tentacles and JPEG made a cheerleader, complete with skirt and bow. After that we sat on her couch, cuddled and watched an episode of Rome.
Hug 177: 4:45PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
After the episode of Rome was over, JPEG went to go check on something and came back. We started listening to music and just cuddled on the couch.
Hug 178: 5PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
JPEG went up to go start dinner for us. She first went to turn on the oven. When she came back, more cuddles.
Hug 179: 5:10PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Then JPEG went to put dinner in the oven. When she got back, more cuddling.
Hug 180: 5:45PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
At this time, the oven timer went off and JPEG went to check on dinner. It wasnt done yet, so round 4 of cuddling started.
Hug 181: 5:50PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Ding. Dinner not ready. Round 5.
Hug 183: 6:30PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Dinner was finally done and JPEG made me chicken pot pie. It was super yummy. During supper we started watching Howls Moving Castle. When we were both done our dinner, JPEG and I cuddled while we watched the movie.
Hug 184: 8PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
We didnt get to finish Howls Castle because the DVD disk was scratched and it started to skip.
We then watched Porco Rosso and cuddled some more.
Hug 185: 11PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Part way through the movie, I got some really back gas, like my stomach was in pain. We stopped cuddling for a while after that and finished watching the movie. Then, we were both very tired pandas, so JPEG and I went to bed. We fell asleep with me spooning her.
Hug 186: 8:15AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
JPEG said she was a morning person and got up way before I did, at like 7. When I got up, I came out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. We kissed and hugged while in there. Nice morning to wake up to.
Hug 187: 9AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
I was hunched over my bag putting away some stuff, when JPEG came up behind me and started playing with my hair. This continued until she was hugging me from behind.
Hug 188: 9:15AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
Me and JPEG went out to get brunch at a bistro in Kensington called Wake. As we waited for a street light to change so we could walk across, JPEG tried to sneak hug me, but I was on to her and ambushed her sneaky hug with a ambush hug (which was just a hug).
Hug 189: 2PM, Mar 26: Female, 29
After brunch, me and JPEG went to the STI clinic to meet up with The Thin Lawyer to get our test results back. (All clean if you are keeping score at home.) Then we went back to JPEGs and Thin Lawyers place for some Firefly. After which, it was time for me to go home. I got a long, sensual hug from JPEG.
Hug 190: 2PM, Mar 26: Male, 26
I also got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 191: 3:20PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
After I was done work, I met up with JPEG at near by shopping center. When she found me in the food court, we kissed and hugged.
Hug 192: 4:20PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
It was the first decent day for walking, so me and JPEG walked from the shopping center to a grocery store and back to her place. When we got there, we listened to music, talked and cuddled.
Hug 193: 5PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
When the first CD was finished, JPEG got up to change it to another disc. When she came back, we continued our cuddling/talking session.
Hug 194: 6:35PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
I was hanging out with JPEG because we were going to play Penny for Your Thoughts with The Thin Lawyer and Cold Feet. When Cold Feet arrived at JPEG and Thin Lawyers place, he greeted everyone with a hug, including me.
Hug 195: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
After a good dinner made by JPEG and a great game, it was time to go home. Before me and Cold Feet left, he proclaimed Hugs for everyone! I got the first in his round of hugs.
Hug 196: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
In the spirit of Cold Feet, I proclaimed Hugs for everyone! I first hugged The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 197: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
I also hugged JPEG.
Hug 108: 9AM, Mar 2: Female, late 20s
I was working away at my desk when The Queen Dictator came over. She asked if I wanted all my back logged hugs from her. I said I would take one today. So we hugged at my desk. She asked if we were going to hold it for 10 seconds, I said no that wasnt needed.
Hug 109: 11AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
I had a super awesome lunch date with JPEG. She came to meet me at my work building. She said she got lost in the +15s, which makes all the more reason why spending time with her is awesome. When I met her, we hugged.
Hug 110: 11:05AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
As we walked to the restaurant we were stopped at some lights. It was windy out and stood in the way of the wind. Then I motioned out to JPEG to come over to me. We kind of cuddle/hugged at the stoplight.
Hug 111: 11:50AM, Mar 2: Female, 29
After a great lunch and good conversation with JPEG. I walked back with her to my office. A long the way I put my arm around her and she put her arm around my waist and we walked. This hug is called the walking side hug. It is a side hug you do while walking. Very expert technique.
Hug 112: 12PM, Mar 2: Female, 29
It was time for me go get back to work. Before I left, me and JPEG hugged. It was a long and tight hug. At the end I slid my hands up her back, over her shoulders, down her arms and we held hands for a moment. It was a most awesome hug.
Hug 113: 8:45PM, Mar 4: Female, 29
I was invited to a dance party at the Motherologists and Zaps place. I got there late, but was still the first to arrive. I talked to the Motherologis and Zap for a bit before JPEG arrived. When she got there I got a hug from her.
Hug 114: 9PM, Mar 4: Male, late 20s: Unique 39
More guests started to arrive. When one of these people arrived, who I will call Ambiguous, he started hugging people. I thought I would get in on the action and got a hug from him.
Hug 115: 9:30PM, Mar 4: Male, 26
Then Cold Feet arrived. When he did, I got a hug from him.
Hug 116: 10PM, Mar 4: Female, 27
When J.Bean arrived, she made her rounds and hugged everyone there, include me.
Hug 117: 10:10PM, Mar 4: Male, 32; Female, 27; Male, late 20s
This hug started off with J.Bean hugging with Zap. There was a picture been taking of them and Ambiguous jumped. I saw this and thought, I would get in on the action. 4-way hug!
Hug 118: 11PM, Mar 4: Male, 32
The dance party was in full swing now. Everyone at the party was dancing on the worlds smallest dance floor. Zap came up behind me and put his arms around me. Then then proceeded to move me into the middle of the dance floor. I think I was blocking his way and he wanted me to move. Still counts as a hug.
Hug 119: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
After dancing for a bit, I moved into the kitchen to sit and have a drink. JPEG came in and sat on my lap. I put my arms around her and sit cuddled with her.
Hug 120: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
JPEG got up from my lap and came back. I offered her my lap again and she sat back down. Once again we sit cuddled.
Hug 121: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
A good song came on and JPEG pulled me onto the worlds smallest dance floor. Danced really close and there was definitely some close hug like dancing action.
Hug 122: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 27
J.Bean was leaving the party and when she did, I got a hug from her.
Hug 123: ??AM, Mar 5: Male, late 20s
Ambiguous was leaving the party and I got a hug from him.
Hug 124: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
The seven remaining awake people at the party decided it would be awesome idea to make a massive bed for everyone to sleep on. I got the edge of the bed and got to spoon with JPEG as I tried to get to sleep.
Hug 125: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
JPEG got up at some point, I am not sure where she went, but when she got back, it was back to spooning with her.
Hug 126: ??AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
At some point, me and JPEG got up and went to a different bed, where the spoon resumed.
Hug 127: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
We heard the other guest getting prepared to leave. As such, JPEG and I decided it was best we go to our separate homes as well. Before we left the bed, we had a hug.
Hug 128: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Male, 26
We cleaned up the massive blanket/foam bed before we all left. Cold Feet got a hug before we left.
Hug 129: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Male, late 20s
I also got a hug from Lucky.
Hug 130: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, late 20s: Unique 40
I got a hug from a person, who I will call Tan Lines, as she was a good dance partner for parts of the night.
Hug 131: 6:30AM, Mar 5: Female, 29
The last hug went to JPEG before going home.
Hug 132: 8:30AM, Mar 7: Female, late 20s
I was walking to the kitchen when I passed The Queen Dictators desk. Knowing it was her birthday on the previous day, I asked if she wanted a birthday hug. She said yes and she came around her desk for a hug. It was a 5 second hug with a sway.
Hug 133: Mar 8, 3:30PM: Female, 29
It was RPG game night with JPEG, The Thin Lawyer, GM and D20s at JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place. I was invited over early to avoid a length trip home then back downtown. When I arrived me and JPEG hugged.
Hug 134: Mar 8, 10PM: Female, 29
After a good dinner prepared by JPEG, we played a great game of Fiasco: Dragon Slayers. I got to play a golem that was very disgruntled and liked to squish things. Okay, it was a rip off of Shale from Dragon Age, but I still played it well I thought. Everyone played their role quite well. After the game, it was time to leave and I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 135: Mar 9, 5PM: Female, late 20s
I was meeting up with JPEG for a date, so I stayed at work late. As I was walking out, The Queen Dictator was leaving work too. I walked and chatted with her for a couple of blocks before we parted ways. I asked if she wanted a hug, she accepted my offer. I couldnt get my arms around her torso because she had on a large backpack, but her arms got around my torso.
Hug 136: Mar 9, 5:30PM: Female, 29
I was on my what to the train station because JPEG wanted to meet there. When she got off the train and she found me, we hugged.
Hug 137: Mar 9, 7:30PM: Female, 29
We walked over to her place first so she could drop off some stuff, then it was off to dinner at a local pub. We had some good conversations about our lives and such. After dinner we walked back to her place to watch an episode of Rome. We cuddled for duration of the episode, which was very nice.
Hug 138: Mar 9, 9PM: Female, 29
After Rome, The Thin Lawyer got home. JPEG, The Thin Lawyer and I all watched an episode of Firefly. After the episode, it was time for me to go home because I was super tired. Me and JPEG hugged on the couch.
Hug 139: Mar 9, 9PM: Male, 26
On my way out the door, I asked The Thin Lawyer if he wanted a hug. He did, so we hugged.
Hug 140: Mar 9, 9PM: Female, 29
I also got another hug from JPEG.
Hug 141: Mar 9, 9:15PM: Male, 36: Unique 41
I was waiting for the train to go home. Smiling away at the awesome date I just had, when some random drunk person came up to me. He asked me if I could see anything out of my sunglasses. I wasnt sure what he meant, so he continued to explain how as a youth he would wear sunglasses at night so people couldnt look at how wasted he was. He then went on to tell me his age, which might explain how I know how old this guy is. He then talked about how one of his buddies would be able to wear his sunglasses in a dark alley and still be able to see everything, while he would be blind as a bat. I told him I wore the glasses because light kind of bothers me and that I dont want people to look at my eyes. He then asked me up for change. He gave me a good conversation and some entertainment, I gave him a dollar. He then went on to hug me and shake my hand. I would like people to know, that he was my drunk prostitute for that evening.
Hug 142: 6PM, Mar 12: Male, 27
I was invited over to Lucky and Cheesecakes place for a potluck and Rock Band. After going to the wrong house, I arrived. When I did, I got a hug from Lucky, even though my arms were full.
Hug 143: 6PM, Mar 12: Female, 27
I arrived right behind J.Bean. When Lucky asked me what I was at in my hug count, J.Bean remembered my hug count and hugged me.
Hug 144: 6PM, Mar 12: Female, 29
JPEG was there before me and I got a hug from her.
Hug 145: 6PM, Mar 12: Male, 26
Cold Feet was also there and he wanted to have the multiple of 5 hug, which he got.
Hug 146: 8PM, Mar 12: Male, 26
The Thin Lawyer showed up at about 8PM and after hugging JPEG I got a hug from him.
Hug 147: 12AM, Mar 13: Female, 29
After some good food and some Rock Band, I had the opportunity to cuddle with JPEG, which I took.
Hug 148: 10:30AM, Mar 13: Female, age withheld
It was laundry day and I went to the parents place to do laundry. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother.
Hug 149: 11AM, Mar 13: Male, 52
After I got my first load in and had a chat with my mother, my father came in from waking up. He got some coffee and afterwards, I gave him a hug.
Hug 150: 7PM, Mar 13: Female, age withheld
After a day of laundry, watching some animated movies, had too great meals and spent some good time with the family, it was time to go home. I first got a hug from my mother.
Hug 151: 7PM, Mar 13: Male, 52
Then from my father.
Hug 152: 2:15PM, Mar 18: Male, late 20s: Unique 42
We were doing a inter-office event, which consisted of many games. Today was the last event of the two weeks. Before the games started, Bri Bri Lie Lie offered me a hug. I took it, as it was the first one this week.
Hug 153: 2:15PM, Mar 18: Male, mid 20s
After Bri Bri Lie Lies hug, AK47 asked for a hug too. And I gave him one.
Hug 154: 4:45PM, Mar 18: Male, mid 30s
During the game at the office, some things were said that really made me upset. There were also some things said after the game as well that just really pissed me off. I had a talk with R Squared about what went down. He gave me some advice about women and how they all have some sort of attack mode. After the talk, he offered me a hug. I took it.
Hug 155: 8:15AM, Mar 19: Female, 29
I was off to the STI clinic to get myself all checked out. I first went to JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place to meet up with them. When I got there, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 156: 8:15AM, Mar 19: Male, 26
I then got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 157: 10:15AM, Mar 19: Male, 26
The party of us three (me, JPEG and The Thin Lawyer) arrived at the clinic. I would have to say, I dont think I could have gone to the clinic on my own and I am glad I had some company with me. It made the entire event kind of entertaining. While me and The Lawyer were waiting for JPEGs turn to be done. Cold Feet showed up. We watched him walk across the waiting room and sit down. Finally he noticed us and came over to join us. Then JPEGs exam was done, the party of three left to go have brunch. Before we left, Cold Feet hug each one of us, including me.
Hug 158: 1PM, Mar 19: Female, 29
After brunch the company of three, went to JPEG/Thin Lawyers place to watch some Firefly. After which, I left to go home. I hugged JPEG as she walked past me before I had my jacket on. It was a long hug, like 10 seconds long. I would give it an A+ for super awesome.
Hug 159: 1PM, Mar 19: Female, 29
I hugged JPEG again before I left.
Hug 160: 1PM, Mar 19: Male, 26
I also hugged The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 161: 5:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
I was invited over to JPEGs and The Thin Lawyers place for a potluck/game night. I got there with some bread and when I did, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 162: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
After dinner, which consisted of some squash, scallop potatoes, a Greek salad, some crackers and some rice bread, we played a game of Shadows over Camelot. It is a collaborative game where you try to complete quests, get swords and hopefully not die. In the end we barely won out against the forces of evil. After the game, I stood up and walked around and over to the door. JPEG came and stood beside me and I side hugged her.
Hug 163: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Male, 26
After everyone else left, I got my turn in the shoe putting on queue. After the shoes were on, I got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 164: 10:30PM, Mar 20: Female, 29
I also got a hug from JPEG. This was a long, tight hug.
Hug 165: 3:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
It was RPG night at JPEG and The Thin Lawyers place. I went over early to hand out with JPEG. When I got there, I got a hug from JPEG.
Hug 166: 4:15PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After sitting down, chatting and listening to music, JPEG asked for a back rub. She turned her back to me while sitting on her couch. I started my back rub and The Thin Lawyer called. She talked to him while I continued my services. After the call was done, I slide my hands down her arms and she back against me. I then moved my arms to wrap around her and held her close to me.
Hug 167: 4:20PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After the cuddling from hug 166, JPEG noticed the music stopped. She got up and changed the CD. She came back and we cuddled some more.
Hug 168: 4:30PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
JPEG asked if I wanted to hear some poetry she found and I said I would. She got up and retrieved a book of poetry. She read me a passage about an orange and a kiss in the kitchen. It was very good. Then we went back to cuddling.
Hug 169: 4:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
During our cuddling, I told JPEG around the new Wonder Woman series they are making for NBC. She got up and tried to Google search for the pictures. She couldnt find any right away. I told JPEG I would find a link for her the next day. She came back to the couch where more cuddling took place.
Hug 170: 5:45PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
After cuddling, JPEG went to start supper for me, The Thin Lawyer and herself. I tried to entertain her with my charming good looks and wit. After she had dinner started, JPEG and I went to get The Thin Lawyer a Slurpee (which is a lie because Slurpee is a trademark of 7-eleven). When we got back to JPEGs place, she had to warm up her hands and I have standing agreement with her that she could always use my body to warm up her hands. As she was warming her hand, I hugged her.
Hug 171: 5:50PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
JPEG broke away from warming her hands to check on dinner. She came back and warmed them up again, and I hugged again. Which ended with us dancing a little.
Hug 172: 6PM, Mar 22: Male, 26
As I was dancing with JPEG, The Thin Lawyer got home. He got a hug from JPEG and then me as we listened about how is day went.
Hug 173: 10PM, Mar 22: Male, 26
After dinner, GM and D20s arrived. We started the character creation part of the RPG we were playing. After doing the creation and coming up with some back story for our characters, it was time to go home. Before I left I got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 174: 10PM, Mar 22: Female, 29
I aslo got a hug from JPEG. A long hug at that.
Hug 175: 3:10PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
After work, I had a date with JPEG. She came by my work to pick me up. When I went down to meet her, I greeted her with a hug and a kiss. The kiss was kind of awkward, I think because she wasnt expecting me to kiss her in public. It was still sweet and short.
Hug 176: 4PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
When we got back to JPEGs place, we made clay monsters. It was super dorky and fun. I made a scaly, bird like creature with tentacles and JPEG made a cheerleader, complete with skirt and bow. After that we sat on her couch, cuddled and watched an episode of Rome.
Hug 177: 4:45PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
After the episode of Rome was over, JPEG went to go check on something and came back. We started listening to music and just cuddled on the couch.
Hug 178: 5PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
JPEG went up to go start dinner for us. She first went to turn on the oven. When she came back, more cuddles.
Hug 179: 5:10PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Then JPEG went to put dinner in the oven. When she got back, more cuddling.
Hug 180: 5:45PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
At this time, the oven timer went off and JPEG went to check on dinner. It wasnt done yet, so round 4 of cuddling started.
Hug 181: 5:50PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Ding. Dinner not ready. Round 5.
Hug 183: 6:30PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Dinner was finally done and JPEG made me chicken pot pie. It was super yummy. During supper we started watching Howls Moving Castle. When we were both done our dinner, JPEG and I cuddled while we watched the movie.
Hug 184: 8PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
We didnt get to finish Howls Castle because the DVD disk was scratched and it started to skip.

Hug 185: 11PM, Mar 25: Female, 29
Part way through the movie, I got some really back gas, like my stomach was in pain. We stopped cuddling for a while after that and finished watching the movie. Then, we were both very tired pandas, so JPEG and I went to bed. We fell asleep with me spooning her.
Hug 186: 8:15AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
JPEG said she was a morning person and got up way before I did, at like 7. When I got up, I came out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. We kissed and hugged while in there. Nice morning to wake up to.
Hug 187: 9AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
I was hunched over my bag putting away some stuff, when JPEG came up behind me and started playing with my hair. This continued until she was hugging me from behind.
Hug 188: 9:15AM, Mar 26: Female, 29
Me and JPEG went out to get brunch at a bistro in Kensington called Wake. As we waited for a street light to change so we could walk across, JPEG tried to sneak hug me, but I was on to her and ambushed her sneaky hug with a ambush hug (which was just a hug).
Hug 189: 2PM, Mar 26: Female, 29
After brunch, me and JPEG went to the STI clinic to meet up with The Thin Lawyer to get our test results back. (All clean if you are keeping score at home.) Then we went back to JPEGs and Thin Lawyers place for some Firefly. After which, it was time for me to go home. I got a long, sensual hug from JPEG.
Hug 190: 2PM, Mar 26: Male, 26
I also got a hug from The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 191: 3:20PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
After I was done work, I met up with JPEG at near by shopping center. When she found me in the food court, we kissed and hugged.
Hug 192: 4:20PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
It was the first decent day for walking, so me and JPEG walked from the shopping center to a grocery store and back to her place. When we got there, we listened to music, talked and cuddled.
Hug 193: 5PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
When the first CD was finished, JPEG got up to change it to another disc. When she came back, we continued our cuddling/talking session.
Hug 194: 6:35PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
I was hanging out with JPEG because we were going to play Penny for Your Thoughts with The Thin Lawyer and Cold Feet. When Cold Feet arrived at JPEG and Thin Lawyers place, he greeted everyone with a hug, including me.
Hug 195: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
After a good dinner made by JPEG and a great game, it was time to go home. Before me and Cold Feet left, he proclaimed Hugs for everyone! I got the first in his round of hugs.
Hug 196: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Male, 26
In the spirit of Cold Feet, I proclaimed Hugs for everyone! I first hugged The Thin Lawyer.
Hug 197: 10:50PM, Mar 29: Female, 29
I also hugged JPEG.
The summary for those that don't want to walk through all the hugs:
Mar 2011 hug count: 90
Mar 2010 hug count: 15
Total 2011 hug count: 197
Total 2010 hug count (at this time last year): 99
Hugs until goal #1 is met: 203
Average monthly hug count needed to meet goal #1: 23
Longest hug streak: 5 days
Number of hug streaks (5 or more days): 1
Unique hug count: 42
Scored big this month on hugs! I think it might help that I am seeing someone right now.
Lastly, the SG bonus!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I am seeing someone right now. We have been dating for a month or so. A lot of my "hugs" have come from her. She is super sweet and dorky. Like the last time I made out with her she told me all the benefits from kissing. It was super effective! Though, it has been hard to keep track of the hugs/cuddling. I do believe I might have missed a couple of hugs here and there, but I am just going to go with it. Also, some of the hugs/cuddling, might not have stopped at just that. I am going to leave which cuddling parts are more or less cuddling up to you.
I had a chat with my brother the other day about my hug count. He says that hugs from the person I am seeing shouldn't count. I think they should because if I can't count the hug from someone I am seeing and should be intimate with, why should I even bother.
Oh, yes. I also have to mention that being polyamourous is super awesome. That is all.
I am seeing someone right now. We have been dating for a month or so. A lot of my "hugs" have come from her. She is super sweet and dorky. Like the last time I made out with her she told me all the benefits from kissing. It was super effective! Though, it has been hard to keep track of the hugs/cuddling. I do believe I might have missed a couple of hugs here and there, but I am just going to go with it. Also, some of the hugs/cuddling, might not have stopped at just that. I am going to leave which cuddling parts are more or less cuddling up to you.

I had a chat with my brother the other day about my hug count. He says that hugs from the person I am seeing shouldn't count. I think they should because if I can't count the hug from someone I am seeing and should be intimate with, why should I even bother.
Oh, yes. I also have to mention that being polyamourous is super awesome. That is all.
and another hug.