Hello again readers.
I have been thinking about the hug blog and when it would okay to blog about something personal. I mean, in the event that I have sex, there is a the possibility of hugging at some point. I guess I would be okay if I counted the hugs in my head and added them to the hug total, but what do I do when it comes time to blog? Would it bother you if somebody quoted the time that sex happened? Would that be like kissing and telling? Would you be offended if you were linked with the act in general? Tell me what you guys think about this subject. Is there something as too much information when it comes to hugs?
On that note, the list for July:
I have been thinking about the hug blog and when it would okay to blog about something personal. I mean, in the event that I have sex, there is a the possibility of hugging at some point. I guess I would be okay if I counted the hugs in my head and added them to the hug total, but what do I do when it comes time to blog? Would it bother you if somebody quoted the time that sex happened? Would that be like kissing and telling? Would you be offended if you were linked with the act in general? Tell me what you guys think about this subject. Is there something as too much information when it comes to hugs?
On that note, the list for July:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Hug 225: July 1, 10 AM-ish: Female, age withheld
It was Canada day and had laundry to do. Off to the parent's place to spend some time, get some food and to use their washing machines. When I arrived, I got a hug from my mom.
Hug 226: July 1, 10 AM-ish: Male, 51
After about 5 minutes, my dad woke up and I got a hug from him.
Hug 227: July 1, 6 PM-ish: Female, age withheld
After spending the day with my parents, watching a couple of movies and having some steak, it was time to go home. Before I left, I got a hug from my mother...
Hug 228: July 1, 6PM-ish: Male, 51
and one from my dad.
Hug 229: July 3, 6PM-ish: Male, 29
Another night of Munchkin was in store for me this night. I arrived at Ice Queen's place at 6 PM after seeing Toy Story with her, VampireBill and Crushinator. When we got into her place, VampireBill was the first to get a hug from me.
Hug 230: July 3, 6:30 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
After chatting some between us, Pixie and Rod arrived. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 231: July 3, 6:30 PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got my groping hug from Rod. Still the only person to grab my ass during a hug.
Hug 232: July 3, 11 PM-ish: Female, late-twenties
After getting food from a near by vietnamese place and getting milkshakes from Peter's, which make some awesome old school drive in diner food, it was time to play some munchkin. I don't think I won any games, but I still had fun. Pixie got tired and her and Rod decided to go home. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 233: July 3, 11 PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got a groping hug from Rod.
Hug 234: July 3, 11:30 PM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After a bathroom break by all, I found myself in the kitchen with Ice Queen. I did a play karate chop to her head. She then started to play fight with me ninja style. After about 10 seconds of that, we made up with a hug.
Hug 235: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Female, 27
After all was said and done, we all had to go home and rest. As we parted ways, I got a hug from Kenny.
Hug 236: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Male,
I got a hug from Crushinator's roommate, a guy I will call StickBoy. StickBoy is a quite guy but he is really skinny like me and like to poke fires with sticks.
Hug 237: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I got a hug from Ice Queen.
Hug 238: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Male, 29
And lastly for the night, I got a hug from Crushinator.
Hug 239: July 10, 6:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
I went to a birthday party at Crushinator's home for Mauler. The party was to be take place outside on Crushinator's lawn, because his home is way too small for any guests. It was going to happen rain or shine. And rain it did. At some points it was sheets of rain. Mauler bought 10 umbrellas that day and Disstress brought some tarps to put up. When I got there the tarps were just going up. I helped out. After everything was set, I got a hug from Mauler.
Hug 240: July 10, 7 PM-ish: Female, mid-twenties
While talking to people at the party and I had been standing the in rain all this time enjoying myself, e.V ran into me and gave me a hug.
Hug 241: July 10, 8 PM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After some people had been fed, and started the party in the rain going, Ice Queen arrived. When she got there, I got a hug from her.
Hug 242: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
After Mauler had been drinking most of a bottle of Goldschlger, we stumbled his way over to where I was sitting. He gave me a hug and told me that totally thought I was awesome.
Hug 243: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler continued to go on about how great of a person I was and how much he enjoyed my company. He then gave me another hug.
Hug 244: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler continued on with his drunken ramblings and gave me another hug. *Triple hug*
Hug 245: July 10, 10 PM-ish: Male, 31
I was listening to a couple people cat about stuff when a guy, which I will call Mr. Producer. I will give him this nickname because he likes to make films and most of the time I talk to him, he is over seeing the entire production of said films. Anyways, Mr. Producer came over to me and gave me a hug out of the blue.
Hug 246: July 10, 10 PM-ish: Male, 31
Mr. Producer then went on to tell me how great of a person I am. He also said to me "you probably don't know how much I love you." Aww. That made me feel good, then I remembered he was drunk. I gave him a hug because of the nice complement.
Hug 247: July 11, 12 AM-ish: Female, 27
I was talking to Crushinator's upstairs neighbor, who I will call Red Seal, because she is a Red Seal Chef. After talking with her and others for a couple of hours, she got tired and wanted to go to bed. She gave me a hug before she left.
Hug 248: July 11, 12 AM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler was up and about in his drunken state laughing his ass off. He then fell over because he was laughing so hard. He asked me to help him up. I did that and in return was rewarded with a hug.
Hug 249: July 11, 1 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I standing around the corner when I knew that Ice Queen was coming up. I stuck out my arm way too soon so she could see it. She grabbed and pretended to "break" it. She was sorry she hurt me and we hugged to make up.
Hug 250: July 11, 1:30 AM-ish: Female, 32
DJ Jinx was at Mauler's b-day party. I hadn't really talked to her in a long time. I had a brief chat limited to small talk that night. We were also have a group discussion (where I just make jokes and listen most of the time). She was leaving and was giving out hugs to people. I was surprised she gave me one, but she did. I think she would also like to know that her hug was the one that put me at my goal for this year. She likes to have her ego stroked.
That is right I made it to 250 hugs this year! *achievement unlocked: 250 hugs in one year*
Hug 251: July 11, 1:30 AM-ish: Male, early thirties
Sven was at the Mauler b-day party. I got a hug from him when he left too.
Hug 252: July 11, 2 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I helped clean up after the party was broken up, as I like to take stuff home that nobody else wants.
I got a hug from Ice Queen before I left.
Hug 253: July 11, 2 AM-ish: Male, 29
I also got a hug from Crushinator.
Hug 254: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, 28
I went to a meet up of poly people and poly friendly people on this day. I didn't get into their relationships, as I figured I would figure out the connections sooner or later.
We were suppose to have a picnic at a park, but it started to rain when the picnic was suppose to start. I went to the park anyways just to make sure nobody wasn't going to show, and nobody did. So I went to the backup meet up place, a pub close by. I am not complaining, I liked spending time in the rain, I just wish I wasn't late to the meet-up.
After spending a couple hours with these poly people, have some laughs and just talking, it was time for everyone to go home. It was a work night for me, so I was okay with that. westwardho gave me a hug, even though I didn't talk to her at all that night. She marks the second active member of SG I have hugged, that I know of.
Hug 255: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Male, age unknown
After I gave westwardho her hug, she announced to the others at the table that I collect hugs. This opened the door for a lot more hugs this night.
The first was from the guy sitting right next to me the entire night, which I will call Emacs. We talked about computers and programs. We talked about vim or emacs and it turns out we both like emacs over vim. Anyways, hug from him.
Hug 256: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Male, age unknown
I then got a hug from a guy I will call, AKA (Also Known As). I will give him this name because the waitron asked for his name when he ordered some food. After telling the waitron his name, the waitron asked what his real name was. Got a hug from that guy.
I noticed something during this hug, I have started to rub people's back during the hug. I started doing this consciously just to see if I could start doing it. Now I do it without thinking. I think I will stick with this habit.
Hug 257: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, 29
The hugs continued with a woman, which I will call RMT. She is a masseuse. It is hard to come up with nickname for people you don't really know yet. She seemed like a good person, but you know I have to come up with nicknames to protect the innocent.
Hug 258: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, age unknown
The last hug before I left the pub was from another women, which I will call K. When I met her, I asked if I could call her by a shortened version of her name. She said no. Well, now here she will be just be called one letter. Again, will probably revise if needed.
Hug 259: July 26, 10:10 PM-ish: Female, early twenties
After paying for my pop and leaving the pub, I caught up to the couple that were sitting across from me at the meet up. They left about 4 minutes before me and told them they were slow. was we were leaving the mall where the pub was located, I got a hug from the woman, which I will call Goldielocks II. I can't call her Goldielocks, because that name is for my cousin's wife, but she lives with three gay guys. She already made a comment that she referred to her and her roommates as Goldielocks and the three bears. There is no way I can't call her that.
About the hug, it was kind of awkward. I was holding the door open when I got a hug from her and the door did come back to hit me a little. I did get in the back rub. A very unique hug to say the least.
Hug 260: July 30, 8 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
I was invited to Kenny's b-day party. It was suppose to be zombie themed because Kenny turned 28, as in 28 years later. I was going to go home after work and try to put something together. Unfortunately, I was stuck at work well passed the time I should have gone home. After I left work, I went home jumped in my car and went to the party. It turns out nobody else dressed up like a zombie either, unless we were all survivors...

I got to Crushinator's place, because it is the only place to have BBQ in the summer, and started talking to Crushinator. After about 30 minutes, Pixie and Rod came back from getting some food and I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 261: July 30, 8PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got an ass grabbing hug from Rod.
Hug 262: July 30, 11 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
The party went well. There was a fire, we talked. We "scared off" Kenny's cute friend, which I would feel bad if I did. Food was good. Laughs all over the place. Pixie and Rod got tired and decided to go home. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 263: July 30, 11 PM-ish: Male, 24
And a groping hug from Rod.
Hug 264: July 31, 12 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
Ice Queen was putting some henna on Kenny's foot. It was pretty dark, so I went inside to get a flashlight. I was looking around for one when Ice Queen came as well, I was at the door and asked for $5. She gave me a hug instead. Score! We found the flashlight and went back out.
Hug 265: July 31, 1 AM-ish: Female, 28
Kenny decide it was time for her to go home. She went around give hugs. She is progressing for well for someone who does like to touch people or people touching her. Kind of like me.
She gave me a hug.
Hug 266: July 31, 1 AM-ish: Male, unknown
This one comes from Speeny, Kenny's now current boyfriend. She got back together with him some time ago. He remembered the hug from New Years. Glad to see others are remembering hugs from me.
Hug 267: July 31, 2 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After everyone else had left, I helped clean up. I then left and got a hug from Ice Queen.
Hug 268: July 31, 2 AM-ish: Male, 29
And Crushinator. I notice Crushinator only wants to give hugs to me after Ice Queen has. Interesting to say the least.
Hug 225: July 1, 10 AM-ish: Female, age withheld
It was Canada day and had laundry to do. Off to the parent's place to spend some time, get some food and to use their washing machines. When I arrived, I got a hug from my mom.
Hug 226: July 1, 10 AM-ish: Male, 51
After about 5 minutes, my dad woke up and I got a hug from him.
Hug 227: July 1, 6 PM-ish: Female, age withheld
After spending the day with my parents, watching a couple of movies and having some steak, it was time to go home. Before I left, I got a hug from my mother...
Hug 228: July 1, 6PM-ish: Male, 51
and one from my dad.
Hug 229: July 3, 6PM-ish: Male, 29
Another night of Munchkin was in store for me this night. I arrived at Ice Queen's place at 6 PM after seeing Toy Story with her, VampireBill and Crushinator. When we got into her place, VampireBill was the first to get a hug from me.
Hug 230: July 3, 6:30 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
After chatting some between us, Pixie and Rod arrived. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 231: July 3, 6:30 PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got my groping hug from Rod. Still the only person to grab my ass during a hug.
Hug 232: July 3, 11 PM-ish: Female, late-twenties
After getting food from a near by vietnamese place and getting milkshakes from Peter's, which make some awesome old school drive in diner food, it was time to play some munchkin. I don't think I won any games, but I still had fun. Pixie got tired and her and Rod decided to go home. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 233: July 3, 11 PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got a groping hug from Rod.
Hug 234: July 3, 11:30 PM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After a bathroom break by all, I found myself in the kitchen with Ice Queen. I did a play karate chop to her head. She then started to play fight with me ninja style. After about 10 seconds of that, we made up with a hug.
Hug 235: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Female, 27
After all was said and done, we all had to go home and rest. As we parted ways, I got a hug from Kenny.
Hug 236: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Male,
I got a hug from Crushinator's roommate, a guy I will call StickBoy. StickBoy is a quite guy but he is really skinny like me and like to poke fires with sticks.
Hug 237: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I got a hug from Ice Queen.
Hug 238: July 4, 1 AM-ish: Male, 29
And lastly for the night, I got a hug from Crushinator.
Hug 239: July 10, 6:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
I went to a birthday party at Crushinator's home for Mauler. The party was to be take place outside on Crushinator's lawn, because his home is way too small for any guests. It was going to happen rain or shine. And rain it did. At some points it was sheets of rain. Mauler bought 10 umbrellas that day and Disstress brought some tarps to put up. When I got there the tarps were just going up. I helped out. After everything was set, I got a hug from Mauler.
Hug 240: July 10, 7 PM-ish: Female, mid-twenties
While talking to people at the party and I had been standing the in rain all this time enjoying myself, e.V ran into me and gave me a hug.
Hug 241: July 10, 8 PM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After some people had been fed, and started the party in the rain going, Ice Queen arrived. When she got there, I got a hug from her.
Hug 242: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
After Mauler had been drinking most of a bottle of Goldschlger, we stumbled his way over to where I was sitting. He gave me a hug and told me that totally thought I was awesome.
Hug 243: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler continued to go on about how great of a person I was and how much he enjoyed my company. He then gave me another hug.
Hug 244: July 10, 9:30 PM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler continued on with his drunken ramblings and gave me another hug. *Triple hug*
Hug 245: July 10, 10 PM-ish: Male, 31
I was listening to a couple people cat about stuff when a guy, which I will call Mr. Producer. I will give him this nickname because he likes to make films and most of the time I talk to him, he is over seeing the entire production of said films. Anyways, Mr. Producer came over to me and gave me a hug out of the blue.
Hug 246: July 10, 10 PM-ish: Male, 31
Mr. Producer then went on to tell me how great of a person I am. He also said to me "you probably don't know how much I love you." Aww. That made me feel good, then I remembered he was drunk. I gave him a hug because of the nice complement.
Hug 247: July 11, 12 AM-ish: Female, 27
I was talking to Crushinator's upstairs neighbor, who I will call Red Seal, because she is a Red Seal Chef. After talking with her and others for a couple of hours, she got tired and wanted to go to bed. She gave me a hug before she left.
Hug 248: July 11, 12 AM-ish: Male, 30
Mauler was up and about in his drunken state laughing his ass off. He then fell over because he was laughing so hard. He asked me to help him up. I did that and in return was rewarded with a hug.
Hug 249: July 11, 1 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I standing around the corner when I knew that Ice Queen was coming up. I stuck out my arm way too soon so she could see it. She grabbed and pretended to "break" it. She was sorry she hurt me and we hugged to make up.
Hug 250: July 11, 1:30 AM-ish: Female, 32
DJ Jinx was at Mauler's b-day party. I hadn't really talked to her in a long time. I had a brief chat limited to small talk that night. We were also have a group discussion (where I just make jokes and listen most of the time). She was leaving and was giving out hugs to people. I was surprised she gave me one, but she did. I think she would also like to know that her hug was the one that put me at my goal for this year. She likes to have her ego stroked.
That is right I made it to 250 hugs this year! *achievement unlocked: 250 hugs in one year*
Hug 251: July 11, 1:30 AM-ish: Male, early thirties
Sven was at the Mauler b-day party. I got a hug from him when he left too.
Hug 252: July 11, 2 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I helped clean up after the party was broken up, as I like to take stuff home that nobody else wants.

Hug 253: July 11, 2 AM-ish: Male, 29
I also got a hug from Crushinator.
Hug 254: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, 28
I went to a meet up of poly people and poly friendly people on this day. I didn't get into their relationships, as I figured I would figure out the connections sooner or later.
We were suppose to have a picnic at a park, but it started to rain when the picnic was suppose to start. I went to the park anyways just to make sure nobody wasn't going to show, and nobody did. So I went to the backup meet up place, a pub close by. I am not complaining, I liked spending time in the rain, I just wish I wasn't late to the meet-up.
After spending a couple hours with these poly people, have some laughs and just talking, it was time for everyone to go home. It was a work night for me, so I was okay with that. westwardho gave me a hug, even though I didn't talk to her at all that night. She marks the second active member of SG I have hugged, that I know of.
Hug 255: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Male, age unknown
After I gave westwardho her hug, she announced to the others at the table that I collect hugs. This opened the door for a lot more hugs this night.
The first was from the guy sitting right next to me the entire night, which I will call Emacs. We talked about computers and programs. We talked about vim or emacs and it turns out we both like emacs over vim. Anyways, hug from him.
Hug 256: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Male, age unknown
I then got a hug from a guy I will call, AKA (Also Known As). I will give him this name because the waitron asked for his name when he ordered some food. After telling the waitron his name, the waitron asked what his real name was. Got a hug from that guy.
I noticed something during this hug, I have started to rub people's back during the hug. I started doing this consciously just to see if I could start doing it. Now I do it without thinking. I think I will stick with this habit.
Hug 257: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, 29
The hugs continued with a woman, which I will call RMT. She is a masseuse. It is hard to come up with nickname for people you don't really know yet. She seemed like a good person, but you know I have to come up with nicknames to protect the innocent.
Hug 258: July 26, 10 PM-ish: Female, age unknown
The last hug before I left the pub was from another women, which I will call K. When I met her, I asked if I could call her by a shortened version of her name. She said no. Well, now here she will be just be called one letter. Again, will probably revise if needed.
Hug 259: July 26, 10:10 PM-ish: Female, early twenties
After paying for my pop and leaving the pub, I caught up to the couple that were sitting across from me at the meet up. They left about 4 minutes before me and told them they were slow. was we were leaving the mall where the pub was located, I got a hug from the woman, which I will call Goldielocks II. I can't call her Goldielocks, because that name is for my cousin's wife, but she lives with three gay guys. She already made a comment that she referred to her and her roommates as Goldielocks and the three bears. There is no way I can't call her that.
About the hug, it was kind of awkward. I was holding the door open when I got a hug from her and the door did come back to hit me a little. I did get in the back rub. A very unique hug to say the least.
Hug 260: July 30, 8 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
I was invited to Kenny's b-day party. It was suppose to be zombie themed because Kenny turned 28, as in 28 years later. I was going to go home after work and try to put something together. Unfortunately, I was stuck at work well passed the time I should have gone home. After I left work, I went home jumped in my car and went to the party. It turns out nobody else dressed up like a zombie either, unless we were all survivors...

I got to Crushinator's place, because it is the only place to have BBQ in the summer, and started talking to Crushinator. After about 30 minutes, Pixie and Rod came back from getting some food and I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 261: July 30, 8PM-ish: Male, 24
I also got an ass grabbing hug from Rod.
Hug 262: July 30, 11 PM-ish: Female, late twenties
The party went well. There was a fire, we talked. We "scared off" Kenny's cute friend, which I would feel bad if I did. Food was good. Laughs all over the place. Pixie and Rod got tired and decided to go home. I got a hug from Pixie.
Hug 263: July 30, 11 PM-ish: Male, 24
And a groping hug from Rod.
Hug 264: July 31, 12 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
Ice Queen was putting some henna on Kenny's foot. It was pretty dark, so I went inside to get a flashlight. I was looking around for one when Ice Queen came as well, I was at the door and asked for $5. She gave me a hug instead. Score! We found the flashlight and went back out.
Hug 265: July 31, 1 AM-ish: Female, 28
Kenny decide it was time for her to go home. She went around give hugs. She is progressing for well for someone who does like to touch people or people touching her. Kind of like me.

Hug 266: July 31, 1 AM-ish: Male, unknown
This one comes from Speeny, Kenny's now current boyfriend. She got back together with him some time ago. He remembered the hug from New Years. Glad to see others are remembering hugs from me.

Hug 267: July 31, 2 AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
After everyone else had left, I helped clean up. I then left and got a hug from Ice Queen.
Hug 268: July 31, 2 AM-ish: Male, 29
And Crushinator. I notice Crushinator only wants to give hugs to me after Ice Queen has. Interesting to say the least.
43 hugs this month. No goal except to set the bar as high as I can. I feel this part is missing some numbers.
Maybe I'll hug someone when I'm on vaca ... then again I don't like people touching me
On a side note, I totally want to play with your hair.