Hello readers,
It is that time of the month where I post another blog about my hugs. Are you ready? Do you need something to drink? Maybe some popcorn? I am going to reveal the 100th hug of the year.
Okay, here we go!
It is that time of the month where I post another blog about my hugs. Are you ready? Do you need something to drink? Maybe some popcorn? I am going to reveal the 100th hug of the year.
Okay, here we go!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
HUG 100!: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 27
This one was a shocker even to me. There is a guy at work, which I will call Remington because he likes guns... a lot. He own like 6 rifles and a bunch of hand guns. His views are very right wing kind of guy. It was his last day at work before he gets to go to his new job. After work a bunch of co-workers took Remington out for drinks, which he had quite a few. After it all, we were going are own ways home. I noticed Fuzzy, who showed up to send off Remington, a hug. I thought I would take a chance. It started off as a handshake and ended up as a bro hug. I was surprised I got that from him. Seems very cool.
Hug 101: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 22
After some more talking, Fuzzy went home as well. I got a hug from him before he took off.
Hug 102: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 27
What is even more surprising about hug 100, is that it got a repeat that very night, like 15 minutes later. That's right, Remington gave me two hugs in one night. Something I wasn't expecting.
Hug 103: April 2, 8PM-ish: Male, mid-twenties
It was Jinx's birthday and I was going to go and wish her a happy b-day by going to tea with her. Unfortunately, the tea shop we visit was closed due to the fact it was Good Friday. What tea shop closes on Good Friday? I can see being closed in the morning, but all day? Whatever. The alternative plan was to go to Crushinator's place for a bbq/fire pit chat.
When I got to Crushinator's, his neighbor and good friend, who I will call Von Digital because he is German and is into computers. Anyways, I haven't seen him in a while and started talking and got a hug from him.
Hug 104: April 2, 8PM-ish: Male, 28
Crushinator was cooking up some burgers for the hungry guests. I got a hug from him when I wondered over to say hello to him.
Hug 105: April 2, 9PM-ish: Male, early thirties
After some time, Nerdstar showed up. When he got there, I gave him a hug.
Hug 106: April 2, 11PM-ish: Male, early, thirties
Nerdstar also took off from the bbq/fire, I gave him a hug as he left.
Hug 107: April 3, 12AM-ish: Female, late twenties
Flash was the bbq for sometime. I got a hug from her when she was coming back from the bathroom. I haven't seen her in a long time.
Hug 108:
Von Digital was kind of drunk and tired, so he decided to go to bed. Before he left to his place, I gave him a hug.
Hug 109: April 3: 1AM-ish: Male, late twenties
Sven was also at the bbq. He showed up way before I did. I got a bro hug from him when I was taking off, because I was tired at this point.
Hug 110: April 3: 1AM-ish: Male, 28
I also hugged Crushinator before I left. It is always important to hug your host before you leave a gathering.
Hug 111: April 3, 10AM-ish: Female, age withheld
It was Easter Sunday and my parents were hosting dinner for the family. So, I went and picked up my bro and we went over to the parent's place. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother.
Hug 112: April 3, 10AM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my dad.
Hug 113: April 3, 12PM-ish: Female, age withheld
My aunt Suse arrived just after noonish. I got a hug from her when she got there.
Hug 114: April 3, 1PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
My cousin came and brought her kid, Cool Hand. I got to hold the kid for some time, which counts as a hug. The kid is really growing fast. I am amazed.
Hug 115: April 3, 5PM-ish: Female, 24
My cousin Goldielocks gave me a hug thinking I wasn't going to see her for sometime, like June. She would be wrong on that for I saw her once more before the month was over. As a reminder to those not up to date with everything, Goldielocks is my cousin's wife. Since I don't want to keep calling her my cousin's wife, I am just going to go ahead and call he my cousin. Savy?
Hug 116: April 3, 5PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I got a hug from my Aunt Suse as she was leaving my parent's place.
Hug 117: April 3, 6PM-ish: Female, age withheld
My brother wanted to go home, and my laundry was complete, so we prepared to leave. But not first getting a package of Easter candy and leftover ham from dinner. Mmm. Anyways, I got a hug from my mother when I left.
Hug 118: April 3, 6PM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my dad when I left too.
Hug 119: April 10, 6PM-ish: Male, early twenties
It was the intern's birthday, which I will all Golden Intern as he helped me win the office Olympics and won many of the individual events himself. He is from Victoria and wanted to do something for his b-day. There were many of the other co-workers there. I gave the Last Intern a bro hug, just so he wouldn't feel weird. The night didn't produce anymore hugs, but there was much fun. Ate at a Mexican restaurant, went to a Korean karaoke bar, sang some songs along and with the group. There were some good song in there. We finished the night with some fooze ball and pool. It was a good night.
Hug 120: April 17, 10AM: Female, age withheld
I had to do laundry again, so it was off to the parent's place. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 121: April 17, 10AM: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 122: April 17, 8PM-ish: Female, age withheld
After helping my parent's setup their new computer with a wireless connection and helping my mom with somethings for May long weekend, plus dinner and doing my laundry, it was my time to go home. I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 123: April 17, 8PM-ish: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 124: April 24, 1PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I was invited to my cousin's super secret surprise birthday party. I was going as the DD for my parents. When I got the parent's place, I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 125: April 24, 1PM-ish: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 126: April 24, 3PM-ish: Female, age withheld
We went over to my aunt's place to do some crafts for May long weekend. When I got there, I gave a hug to my aunt Suse.
Hug 127: April 24, 7PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
When I drove my dad to the super secret surprise b-day location, my cousin (the male one) gave me Cool Hand as he was going outside in the blizzard that popped up out of nowhere to get a play seat from Cool Hand. I held onto Cool Hand for about a minute before my cousin got back.
Hug 128: April 24, 9PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
After Goldielocks arrived and she was surprised, Cool Hand was passed around the room from person to person. At some point, he was handed to me. I held him from some time. I did a little thing where he would kick his legs while standing in my lap and I would raise him up and down. He thought he was doing all the jumping. I count this all as one hug because I never left go of the kid during this time.
Hug 129: April 24, 10PM-ish: Male, 51
I drove my parents home as I wanted to get home before blizzard got bad again. When I dropped them off, I got a hug from my dad and...
Hug 130: April 24, 10PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I got a hug from my mother. You thought it was going to be the other way around didn't you.
Hug 131: April 25, 6:30PM-ish: Male, 28
On Facebook, Crushinator posted he had an extra ticket to go see Who's Live Anyways, a turning show involving people from Who's Line is it Anyways. When I saw this, I jumped at it to see if I could go with Crushy, and I lucked out. So, I met him outside the theatre before the show started. I gave him a hug when he got there. I knew it was a trap to get a date with me, but whatever, free tickets right.
Hug 132: April 25, 9PM-ish: Male, 28
The show was awesome, I have not laughed that much in a long time. The seats were second row so it was easy for us to yell out things when the hosts asked for suggestions. I would recommend anyone who like Who's Line to go see this show. Here is a link for you to follow if you are interested. At the end of the night, I gave another hug to Crushinator before we parted ways.
Hug 133: April 30, 4:30PM-ish: Male, early twenties
It was Golden Intern's last day. After today, if I see him again and winds up on this blog, he will be known as the Golden boy, maybe man if that suits him better. As my farewell to him, I gave him a hug.
HUG 100!: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 27
This one was a shocker even to me. There is a guy at work, which I will call Remington because he likes guns... a lot. He own like 6 rifles and a bunch of hand guns. His views are very right wing kind of guy. It was his last day at work before he gets to go to his new job. After work a bunch of co-workers took Remington out for drinks, which he had quite a few. After it all, we were going are own ways home. I noticed Fuzzy, who showed up to send off Remington, a hug. I thought I would take a chance. It started off as a handshake and ended up as a bro hug. I was surprised I got that from him. Seems very cool.
Hug 101: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 22
After some more talking, Fuzzy went home as well. I got a hug from him before he took off.
Hug 102: April 1, 11PM-ish: Male, 27
What is even more surprising about hug 100, is that it got a repeat that very night, like 15 minutes later. That's right, Remington gave me two hugs in one night. Something I wasn't expecting.
Hug 103: April 2, 8PM-ish: Male, mid-twenties
It was Jinx's birthday and I was going to go and wish her a happy b-day by going to tea with her. Unfortunately, the tea shop we visit was closed due to the fact it was Good Friday. What tea shop closes on Good Friday? I can see being closed in the morning, but all day? Whatever. The alternative plan was to go to Crushinator's place for a bbq/fire pit chat.
When I got to Crushinator's, his neighbor and good friend, who I will call Von Digital because he is German and is into computers. Anyways, I haven't seen him in a while and started talking and got a hug from him.
Hug 104: April 2, 8PM-ish: Male, 28
Crushinator was cooking up some burgers for the hungry guests. I got a hug from him when I wondered over to say hello to him.
Hug 105: April 2, 9PM-ish: Male, early thirties
After some time, Nerdstar showed up. When he got there, I gave him a hug.
Hug 106: April 2, 11PM-ish: Male, early, thirties
Nerdstar also took off from the bbq/fire, I gave him a hug as he left.
Hug 107: April 3, 12AM-ish: Female, late twenties
Flash was the bbq for sometime. I got a hug from her when she was coming back from the bathroom. I haven't seen her in a long time.
Hug 108:
Von Digital was kind of drunk and tired, so he decided to go to bed. Before he left to his place, I gave him a hug.
Hug 109: April 3: 1AM-ish: Male, late twenties
Sven was also at the bbq. He showed up way before I did. I got a bro hug from him when I was taking off, because I was tired at this point.
Hug 110: April 3: 1AM-ish: Male, 28
I also hugged Crushinator before I left. It is always important to hug your host before you leave a gathering.
Hug 111: April 3, 10AM-ish: Female, age withheld
It was Easter Sunday and my parents were hosting dinner for the family. So, I went and picked up my bro and we went over to the parent's place. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother.
Hug 112: April 3, 10AM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my dad.
Hug 113: April 3, 12PM-ish: Female, age withheld
My aunt Suse arrived just after noonish. I got a hug from her when she got there.
Hug 114: April 3, 1PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
My cousin came and brought her kid, Cool Hand. I got to hold the kid for some time, which counts as a hug. The kid is really growing fast. I am amazed.
Hug 115: April 3, 5PM-ish: Female, 24
My cousin Goldielocks gave me a hug thinking I wasn't going to see her for sometime, like June. She would be wrong on that for I saw her once more before the month was over. As a reminder to those not up to date with everything, Goldielocks is my cousin's wife. Since I don't want to keep calling her my cousin's wife, I am just going to go ahead and call he my cousin. Savy?
Hug 116: April 3, 5PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I got a hug from my Aunt Suse as she was leaving my parent's place.
Hug 117: April 3, 6PM-ish: Female, age withheld
My brother wanted to go home, and my laundry was complete, so we prepared to leave. But not first getting a package of Easter candy and leftover ham from dinner. Mmm. Anyways, I got a hug from my mother when I left.
Hug 118: April 3, 6PM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my dad when I left too.
Hug 119: April 10, 6PM-ish: Male, early twenties
It was the intern's birthday, which I will all Golden Intern as he helped me win the office Olympics and won many of the individual events himself. He is from Victoria and wanted to do something for his b-day. There were many of the other co-workers there. I gave the Last Intern a bro hug, just so he wouldn't feel weird. The night didn't produce anymore hugs, but there was much fun. Ate at a Mexican restaurant, went to a Korean karaoke bar, sang some songs along and with the group. There were some good song in there. We finished the night with some fooze ball and pool. It was a good night.
Hug 120: April 17, 10AM: Female, age withheld
I had to do laundry again, so it was off to the parent's place. When I got there, I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 121: April 17, 10AM: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 122: April 17, 8PM-ish: Female, age withheld
After helping my parent's setup their new computer with a wireless connection and helping my mom with somethings for May long weekend, plus dinner and doing my laundry, it was my time to go home. I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 123: April 17, 8PM-ish: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 124: April 24, 1PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I was invited to my cousin's super secret surprise birthday party. I was going as the DD for my parents. When I got the parent's place, I got a hug from my mother and...
Hug 125: April 24, 1PM-ish: Male, 51
I got a hug from my dad.
Hug 126: April 24, 3PM-ish: Female, age withheld
We went over to my aunt's place to do some crafts for May long weekend. When I got there, I gave a hug to my aunt Suse.
Hug 127: April 24, 7PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
When I drove my dad to the super secret surprise b-day location, my cousin (the male one) gave me Cool Hand as he was going outside in the blizzard that popped up out of nowhere to get a play seat from Cool Hand. I held onto Cool Hand for about a minute before my cousin got back.
Hug 128: April 24, 9PM-ish: Male, 5.5 months
After Goldielocks arrived and she was surprised, Cool Hand was passed around the room from person to person. At some point, he was handed to me. I held him from some time. I did a little thing where he would kick his legs while standing in my lap and I would raise him up and down. He thought he was doing all the jumping. I count this all as one hug because I never left go of the kid during this time.
Hug 129: April 24, 10PM-ish: Male, 51
I drove my parents home as I wanted to get home before blizzard got bad again. When I dropped them off, I got a hug from my dad and...
Hug 130: April 24, 10PM-ish: Female, age withheld
I got a hug from my mother. You thought it was going to be the other way around didn't you.
Hug 131: April 25, 6:30PM-ish: Male, 28
On Facebook, Crushinator posted he had an extra ticket to go see Who's Live Anyways, a turning show involving people from Who's Line is it Anyways. When I saw this, I jumped at it to see if I could go with Crushy, and I lucked out. So, I met him outside the theatre before the show started. I gave him a hug when he got there. I knew it was a trap to get a date with me, but whatever, free tickets right.
Hug 132: April 25, 9PM-ish: Male, 28
The show was awesome, I have not laughed that much in a long time. The seats were second row so it was easy for us to yell out things when the hosts asked for suggestions. I would recommend anyone who like Who's Line to go see this show. Here is a link for you to follow if you are interested. At the end of the night, I gave another hug to Crushinator before we parted ways.
Hug 133: April 30, 4:30PM-ish: Male, early twenties
It was Golden Intern's last day. After today, if I see him again and winds up on this blog, he will be known as the Golden boy, maybe man if that suits him better. As my farewell to him, I gave him a hug.
117 hugs until I meet my 2010 hug goal. This month I got 34 hugs which is way more than the 17 hugs a month average I needed to from last month. So, the average number of hugs I need per month is 15 a month. I was dong about 15 a month last year when I wasn't trying, but there are the drought months coming up so we will see if we can make the goal happen.
Author's Note: I took me a long time to figure out who got hugs on April 3. I am still not sure how I got 8 that night, because I can only remember 7 right now, but I assure you the count is correct.
Have a great day readers!
The best kind 
