Hug 84: March 5, 11PM-ish: Male, early 30's
I went to tea with my friends. I usually get there about 7PM or so because I am usually get tired about 8:30PM or so on Fridays. The week is tough when you wake up every morning at 5:30AM. People usually show up by 8:30PM, this time, no one did. I was about to pack up and head out when Nerdstar showed up. That was timely. Anyways, others started showing up and there was conversations about pointless things, mainly because I can't remember any of them. Tea was over and I walked with Nerdstar back to he train station where we parted ways. We exchanged a hug as we did so.
Hug 85: March 20, 6PM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
Ice Queen hosted another Munchkin night. I got to her place at about 6PM and got a hug from her as she was coming in from parking her car.
Hug 86: March 20, 6PM-ish: Male, 28
Crushinator was with IQ. I offered him a hug but he refused me. So I just put one arm around him. He is a big guys and I couldn't get both around him without getting in his way as we was walking at the time. When inside the Ice Palace, where it is always winter/Christmas, offered him a hug again, got refused but was able to get both arms around him this time. *ding* It counts because two arms were around the torso.
Hug 87: March 20, 6:15PM-ish: Female, 30
Pixie arrived shortly after I did. When she got there, I gave her a hug. This was semi-long hug with back rubbing.
Hug 88: March 20, 6:15PM-ish: Female, 30
Pixie caught me off guard. As soon as we released the hug, she hugged me again.
Hug 89: March 20, 6:15PM-ish: Female, 30; Female, mid-thirties
After getting a hug from IQ, she asked Crushinator where her hug from him was. He was still being grumpy. That is when I offered another hug in his honour. IQ was in between me and Pixie and got part of this hug as well.
Hug 90: March 20, 6:45PM-ish: Female, 27
Kenny came along for the fun and games. When she got there I got a hug from her. This is unusual because Kenny doesn't like touching. So to get a hug from her is very special. Or we are breaking her in, either way.
Hug 91: March 20, 11PM-ish: Female, 30
After a night of playing Munchkin, having fun but not winning, plus getting some excellent Vietnamese food, Pixie got tired and getting ready to go home. I got a hug from her before she left.
Hug 92: March 20, 11PM-ish: Female, 30
She did it to me again, though I was less of guard, she was still able to sneak in another hug. I think she is going to the be the main contributor to this year's hug count.
Hug 93: March 21, 12AM-ish: Female, 27
We played another round of Munchkin before the rest of us were being kicked out of the Ice Palace. I got a hug from Kenny before she left.
Hug 94: March 21, 12AM-ish: Female, mid-thirties
I also got a hug from the Ice Queen.
Hug 95: March 21, 12AM-ish: Male, 28
By the end of the night Crushinator did get out of his grumpiness. This resulted in him giving hugs out freely. I think he just needed to get some food into him. Anyways. I got a hug from him before I left.
Hug 96: March 21, 10AM-ish: Female, age withheld
Me and my bro went to my parent's place for dinner and spend time together as a family. When me and my bro arrived, I got a hug from my mother.
Hug 97: March 21, 10AM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my Dad.
Hug 98: March 21, 8PM-ish: Female, age withheld
After playing some card games, watching the world women's curling matches and having a good dinner, it was time for me and my bro to go. As we left, we got our usual take home food packages and hugs from our Mother.
Hug 99: March 21, 8PM-ish: Male, 51
I also got a hug from my Dad. I asked my brother if he wanted to give me one too. He refused. He didn't want to help me with my hug count. Jerk.