Seeing how I am probably not going to get any more hugs today, I think it is time to do my hug log. 
Hug 33: Mar 6, 10PM-ish: Female, age late 20's
This one was with the executive assistant at my work, who will be code named "The Dictator". It was her birthday and I just finished having dinner with her and her friends/other coworkers.
Hug 34: Mar 15, 6PM-ish: Female, age withheld
This one was from my mommy. I wasn't feeling that great that week and went to my parent's place to do laundry. I spent the weekend with them. I got the hug when I left to go home.
Hug 35: Mar 17, 2PM-ish: Male, age late 20's
This one was from a coworker, who will be code named "Andy". I was wearing my security badge on my shirt and was talking to The Dictator at her desk. Andy walked by and I called him by a female name that sounds like his name. He then tried to grab my shirt to get my security badge. I turned away from him and put my back towards him. The then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. He did eventually get my security badge and he threw it down the hallway. Though his intension was not to hug me, he did wrap his arms around me and squeezed, therefore, I am counting this one.
Hug 36: Mar 17, 7PM-ish: Male, age 21, Male, age 21, Male age 21, Male, age 31 and Female, age 28
This was a group hug, that is why there are 5 people in this one. Group hugs only count for one hug because there is only one instance of the hug. The participants were all co-workers, with code names of "Talkative Intern", "Tall Intern", "Fuzzy Intern", "Male Tech Writer" and "Chuck". This occurred after we went to a pub to watch Fuzzy Intern's girlfriend do some traditional Irish dancing.
Hug 37: Mar 20, 3PM-ish: Male, age late 20's
This was Andy again. As I was leaving work and Andy, The Dictator and a person that will get the code name name of Damo were leaving for a walk. Andy put his arm around me and I gave him a hug.
Hug 38: Mar 20, 7:30PM: Female, age early 20's
This one was with person will get the code name of Distress. I just arrived at tea with the sub-culture kids and got a hug.
Hug 39: Mar 20, 7:30PM right after Hug 38: Female, age early 20's
This person will get the code name of E.V. I just arrived at tea and got only one of the hugs she promised me. She promised me three, but I will let that slide.
Hug 40: Mar 20, 9PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
The person will get the code name of Ice Queen. The Ice Queen, was leaving the tea gathering to go to work. She was giving out hugs to everyone. I was sitting down and she gave me a hug from behind.
Hug 41: Mar 21, 7PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
I went over to Ice Queen's place to play some games, aka Munchkin. I arrived and got a hug as a greeting.
Hug 42: Mar 22, 12AM-ish: Female, age early 30's
I was leaving Ice Queen's place and got a good-bye hug from the Ice Queen.
Hug 43: Mar 22, 12AM-ish right after Hug 42: Female, age late 20's
This person will be code named Pixie. I she was leaving the same time I was. We hugged and went home.
Hug 44: Mar 23, 3PM-ish: Female, age 28
Chuck and Tall Intern were going for a walk and followed me as I was making my way to the train station. At some point it was they got bored and wanted to go back to work. Chuck asked for a hug and I gave her one. I have begun advertising on facebook my hug counts. She has become interested in increasing my hug count. Which I am all for.
Hug 45: Mar 23, 3PM-ish, right after Hug 44: Male, age 21
Tall Intern got the other hug from me this day. He is so tall that I have to stand on my toes to get my head over his shoulder, and he was leaning down a bit too.
Hug 46: Mar 29, 6PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
After helping move a person, which I will code name Flash, I was treated to a meal at Denny's for my hard work. The Ice Queen showed up to eat with us, us being me, Flash and a person that will be code named The Crushinator. After we were finished eating we were all going are separate ways. The Ice Queen gave a farewell hug, as per usual.
Hug 47: Mar 29, 6PM-ish, right after Hug 46: Male, age 27
This one goes to The Crushinator. It was less crushing as the last one he gave me. I know I promised him no more hugs from me, but I was too tired to fight and I think he was too tired to crush. We carried 3 couches that day. He carried most of the weight, but I still helped.
Hug 48: Mar 29, 6:30PM-ish: Female, age late 20's
This one was from Flash. She drove me back to my car and gave me a hug. It was in the car so it was some what awkward, not emotionally but physically. 15 seconds later I found out I got my first parking ticket.
Hug 49: Mar 30, 3:30PM-ish: Female, age 28.
Chuck was having a bad day at work. She went for a walk with Tall Intern and another coworker. I ran into them on their way back and my way home. She asked for a hug and gladly gave her one. She need it.
Hug 50: Mar 30, 3:30PM-ish, right after hug 49: Male, age 21
Tall Intern got this hug. The other coworker noticed that I had to stand on my toe tips to hug Tall Intern.
Total hug count for Mar: 18
Total count: 50
Projected count for 2009: 200 (+8 from projection in Feb)
Editors note: I gave a code names to people here. When I do the summary at the end of the year, I will go back and put code names in as they get their first hug. You may have noticed that a gave a person a code name without hug them this month. That is because I have hugged them in the past and when the summary at the end of the year comes out, it will make more sense.
Also, I should have awards for when I do the summary. I know I will do stats on the hugs, like who got the most, do I hug more females or males, what age do I hug the most, etc. If you can think of any special awards I should give, like most awkward hug, or longest hug, please post your thoughts.
Have a great day readers!

Hug 33: Mar 6, 10PM-ish: Female, age late 20's
This one was with the executive assistant at my work, who will be code named "The Dictator". It was her birthday and I just finished having dinner with her and her friends/other coworkers.
Hug 34: Mar 15, 6PM-ish: Female, age withheld
This one was from my mommy. I wasn't feeling that great that week and went to my parent's place to do laundry. I spent the weekend with them. I got the hug when I left to go home.
Hug 35: Mar 17, 2PM-ish: Male, age late 20's
This one was from a coworker, who will be code named "Andy". I was wearing my security badge on my shirt and was talking to The Dictator at her desk. Andy walked by and I called him by a female name that sounds like his name. He then tried to grab my shirt to get my security badge. I turned away from him and put my back towards him. The then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. He did eventually get my security badge and he threw it down the hallway. Though his intension was not to hug me, he did wrap his arms around me and squeezed, therefore, I am counting this one.
Hug 36: Mar 17, 7PM-ish: Male, age 21, Male, age 21, Male age 21, Male, age 31 and Female, age 28
This was a group hug, that is why there are 5 people in this one. Group hugs only count for one hug because there is only one instance of the hug. The participants were all co-workers, with code names of "Talkative Intern", "Tall Intern", "Fuzzy Intern", "Male Tech Writer" and "Chuck". This occurred after we went to a pub to watch Fuzzy Intern's girlfriend do some traditional Irish dancing.
Hug 37: Mar 20, 3PM-ish: Male, age late 20's
This was Andy again. As I was leaving work and Andy, The Dictator and a person that will get the code name name of Damo were leaving for a walk. Andy put his arm around me and I gave him a hug.
Hug 38: Mar 20, 7:30PM: Female, age early 20's
This one was with person will get the code name of Distress. I just arrived at tea with the sub-culture kids and got a hug.
Hug 39: Mar 20, 7:30PM right after Hug 38: Female, age early 20's
This person will get the code name of E.V. I just arrived at tea and got only one of the hugs she promised me. She promised me three, but I will let that slide.
Hug 40: Mar 20, 9PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
The person will get the code name of Ice Queen. The Ice Queen, was leaving the tea gathering to go to work. She was giving out hugs to everyone. I was sitting down and she gave me a hug from behind.
Hug 41: Mar 21, 7PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
I went over to Ice Queen's place to play some games, aka Munchkin. I arrived and got a hug as a greeting.
Hug 42: Mar 22, 12AM-ish: Female, age early 30's
I was leaving Ice Queen's place and got a good-bye hug from the Ice Queen.
Hug 43: Mar 22, 12AM-ish right after Hug 42: Female, age late 20's
This person will be code named Pixie. I she was leaving the same time I was. We hugged and went home.
Hug 44: Mar 23, 3PM-ish: Female, age 28
Chuck and Tall Intern were going for a walk and followed me as I was making my way to the train station. At some point it was they got bored and wanted to go back to work. Chuck asked for a hug and I gave her one. I have begun advertising on facebook my hug counts. She has become interested in increasing my hug count. Which I am all for.
Hug 45: Mar 23, 3PM-ish, right after Hug 44: Male, age 21
Tall Intern got the other hug from me this day. He is so tall that I have to stand on my toes to get my head over his shoulder, and he was leaning down a bit too.
Hug 46: Mar 29, 6PM-ish: Female, age early 30's
After helping move a person, which I will code name Flash, I was treated to a meal at Denny's for my hard work. The Ice Queen showed up to eat with us, us being me, Flash and a person that will be code named The Crushinator. After we were finished eating we were all going are separate ways. The Ice Queen gave a farewell hug, as per usual.
Hug 47: Mar 29, 6PM-ish, right after Hug 46: Male, age 27
This one goes to The Crushinator. It was less crushing as the last one he gave me. I know I promised him no more hugs from me, but I was too tired to fight and I think he was too tired to crush. We carried 3 couches that day. He carried most of the weight, but I still helped.
Hug 48: Mar 29, 6:30PM-ish: Female, age late 20's
This one was from Flash. She drove me back to my car and gave me a hug. It was in the car so it was some what awkward, not emotionally but physically. 15 seconds later I found out I got my first parking ticket.
Hug 49: Mar 30, 3:30PM-ish: Female, age 28.
Chuck was having a bad day at work. She went for a walk with Tall Intern and another coworker. I ran into them on their way back and my way home. She asked for a hug and gladly gave her one. She need it.
Hug 50: Mar 30, 3:30PM-ish, right after hug 49: Male, age 21
Tall Intern got this hug. The other coworker noticed that I had to stand on my toe tips to hug Tall Intern.
Total hug count for Mar: 18
Total count: 50
Projected count for 2009: 200 (+8 from projection in Feb)
Editors note: I gave a code names to people here. When I do the summary at the end of the year, I will go back and put code names in as they get their first hug. You may have noticed that a gave a person a code name without hug them this month. That is because I have hugged them in the past and when the summary at the end of the year comes out, it will make more sense.
Also, I should have awards for when I do the summary. I know I will do stats on the hugs, like who got the most, do I hug more females or males, what age do I hug the most, etc. If you can think of any special awards I should give, like most awkward hug, or longest hug, please post your thoughts.
Have a great day readers!
How are you these days?
Right after I've eaten this caramel bar. Yup.