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Help +15 Guy Meet Gwen Stefani
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I signed up for facebook just for this dude!
And it is not like it is to make fun of the guy entirely. There are people willing to donate money to the Interfaith Food Bank and Calgary Homeless Foundation if he does win. Let us make some petty stupid thing and make into giving back to the community.
Well the important news is out of the way.
Okay, time for the real update:
I wish I remember what I did two weeks ago, but I don't. It must not have been that important.
Last Thursday at tea was pretty rad. It was raining, we were on the patio, there was snuggling of bodies, lots of laughs and smiles.
Last Sunday, I went down to the Lilac Festival to meet up with a friend, ummm... let us call her P... no wait that sounds gross.... L then. We spent like 1:30 in a crowd and didn't do anything except wade through the stream of people. Then it was time for some ice cream. We met up with Awen... (yes I know she is grey) and her cousin. We went to Phil's ice cream thing on 17th Ave. Very good ice cream. I wants some more. We had some ice cream and talked about stuff. Then we went to the magazine shop accross the street. Awen wanted to check out some mags, me and L looked at the video game mags together then move on to the rest of the other stuff. We met up with Awen... and well...
I rather not say.
After that we went to the book store next door-ish. We looked at some books and wandered the place. There was a very interesting book there called the "World's Funniest Storybook".... it wasn't that funny.
But the drawings were very nice.
Awen's cousin bought some childern's French books.
Awen's cousin then had to go home, for some reason, and I got to spend some time walking with Awen and L to my car, which was park many blocks away. There were many laughes and hugs along the way...
When we finally got to my car, we went up for tea at Oolong. I bought some tea for the girls because it was "my turn". We sat on the patio and it was raining, and awesome!
After that I dropped off the girls. First L, where I almost did something naughty...
. Then Awen, where I gave her some birthday wishes.
Well, that was my awesome weekend.
Oh, I got to show off my home to a co-worker of mine yesterday. Today he didn't come into work because he was "sick". I wounder if there is something in this house that made him sick?
Nothing else to report on....
Have a great day readers!
Help +15 Guy Meet Gwen Stefani
Go join the group!

I signed up for facebook just for this dude!

And it is not like it is to make fun of the guy entirely. There are people willing to donate money to the Interfaith Food Bank and Calgary Homeless Foundation if he does win. Let us make some petty stupid thing and make into giving back to the community.
Well the important news is out of the way.

Okay, time for the real update:
I wish I remember what I did two weeks ago, but I don't. It must not have been that important.

Last Thursday at tea was pretty rad. It was raining, we were on the patio, there was snuggling of bodies, lots of laughs and smiles.

Last Sunday, I went down to the Lilac Festival to meet up with a friend, ummm... let us call her P... no wait that sounds gross.... L then. We spent like 1:30 in a crowd and didn't do anything except wade through the stream of people. Then it was time for some ice cream. We met up with Awen... (yes I know she is grey) and her cousin. We went to Phil's ice cream thing on 17th Ave. Very good ice cream. I wants some more. We had some ice cream and talked about stuff. Then we went to the magazine shop accross the street. Awen wanted to check out some mags, me and L looked at the video game mags together then move on to the rest of the other stuff. We met up with Awen... and well...

After that we went to the book store next door-ish. We looked at some books and wandered the place. There was a very interesting book there called the "World's Funniest Storybook".... it wasn't that funny.

Awen's cousin then had to go home, for some reason, and I got to spend some time walking with Awen and L to my car, which was park many blocks away. There were many laughes and hugs along the way...

After that I dropped off the girls. First L, where I almost did something naughty...

Well, that was my awesome weekend.

Oh, I got to show off my home to a co-worker of mine yesterday. Today he didn't come into work because he was "sick". I wounder if there is something in this house that made him sick?

Nothing else to report on....
Have a great day readers!

I saw it start from this Car Forum