Okay, so... ummmm.... yeah. The good news, I am still in Calgary! 
The bad news.... I LIED!
If you fell for my joke.... April Fools!
I thought somebody would have noticed that it was right off the bat. I mean, come on, you really think I would up and move in a day to a new country. I would at least make them give me a month to get my crap together, you know, sell my house, everything in my house that I can't take with me, allow me to drive me car down there, take my computer with me!
And I wouldn't leave my friends out to dry. I would like to see them one last time, so I can say goodbye in person, and get some major cuddles or at least a hug. 
There were also some clues in the post that should have tipped you off to something was not right.
1. I signed the post as "Stilpacer".
Me: Why can't I be Mr. Stilpacer?
Boss dude: Becasue, Mr. Stilpacer is a different guy, on a different alternative porn site, posting a different April Fools post. You! You are Mr. Tilpacer.
Now, what if Stilpacer was a woman? If I met up with her we could get married and have us a couple of kids, Distilpacer and Untilpacer. Awww. We would make the perfect Pacer family....
But I degress....
Why would I sign the post with a name that is not mine? Hmmmm... Typo? Was I drunk? Could it be because I as stressed out? I don't know....
2. I gave you a "nugget of wisdom":
BE AWARE OF WHAT IS DOING (ok this should have been going, my bad) ON AROUND YOU
you will never be SURPRISED when something JUMPS out at you, even from the START
What could that mean? Hmmmm....
Both of these point to this fact, if you take the first letter in all the paragraphs, from start to finish, including the signage, it spells APRILFOOLS!
Even though I have not moved. Thank you guys for all the wonderful comments and well wishes!
But the post did have it's bit of truth, I am concerned about making friends. I am not talking about you efriends, you guys rock! I am talking about the friends I can hang out with. As such, I have been hybernating this winter, for the most of it. I can't remember when I left the house on a weekend to see a friend. I know I have seen family on the weekend, but that is all I do, if anything. I know there is zenfish that I have been neglecting for many months, sorry dude. As such, I have been coming aquinted with being on my own. I entertain myself for most of the weekend, but come Sunday, I am talking to myself, or to the TV.
I also wanted to point out that this has got to be quickest I have gotten to 15 comments in a long time! The next recent was when AWEN posted like 10 times in a row. Silly girl.
Which got me to wondering, have I become on interesting? Does change and drama bring out the need for people to communicate?
I know I am a firm believer that drama = life. And in the absence of drama, can there be life. I know for the past... well, we will just say months, I have lived life without drama, if that is living at all. Maybe it is from not having that much human contact. Well, I am the like social tefflon, no one really sticks to me that much.
I also have noticed that I have not had any adventures as of late. What is life without discovery right? Self discovery, exploration into the unknown, finding something that is new, etc. Why have I been lacking in adventure? Maybe, it is because I have set limits on myself. There are a couple places and events in town that I can not go to due to restraining myself. I also believe that adventures are not that great unless you can share the experience with someone. And yet again it comes back to I have been isolated from others, except through the intarweb.
I also heard that in life you should surround yourself with love and happiness. Well, I am happy in most cases with my life and I have tried to surround myself with happy people, but it is tough. The only love I have is for my family. I like my friends, but I don't think there is love there. I wouldn't do anything to harm them, and I would go out of my way for some, but I am not that attacted. I like my job, but I don't love it. I find it interesting and fulfilling, I have fun while I am at work most days, but I am not attached to it. Which might be a good thing, as I don't want to turn into a workaholic.
If I look at my life like it is a movie, I don't see myself as the hero in shiny armour, nor the priest that gives out the key point of wisdom to the hero, nor the helpless damsel is distress. Nope. I am the jester. The funny man, the comic releif. I am the Chris Tucker to someone else's Jackie Chan. I am the Jerry Lewis to someone else's Dean Martin. I am sidekick that comes in the quick one liners to distract the enemy while the real hero saves the day, and get the glory.... and the girls.
Am I saying that my life stinks? No. Hell no! My life is pretty good. I got a good job, I got a warm place to live, my finances are not screwed up, I have a loving family. I just suck at relationships, be they friend or romantic. I need help with this, I think it is time to do some reading....
On a related note:
******** 2007 goals update ******
1. Girlfirend:
Yeah, I think I am going to give up on this one. I have not made any progress on it in 3 monthes.... seems like it is time to quit and come up with a new goal....
2. Sysadmin:
Well, I don't have access to a box, which is the only thing that I am lacking physically. Motivation on the other hand.... I still want to do this, because I want to move ahead in my company. To make my resume better, just to accomplish something I have never done before.
3. Friends:
Yeah, I am going to have to put this one aside too with the girlfriend.... in the trash.
4. Go to 10 events:
I had had the chance to go 2 plays in the past month, and I did not go to either of them. Again, lack of people to share the experience with....
No giving up, as summer is coming and that mean more outdoor things.... right?
5. DVD project:
I think this has been taken away from me. My grandpa I think is going to do this on his own, because he has more time than I do. I am probably going to have to help him do some portion, but once he gets going, I will hands off.
There you have it ladies and gents. Sorry for the long and emo post.
I hope you all have a great day!

The bad news.... I LIED!

If you fell for my joke.... April Fools!

There were also some clues in the post that should have tipped you off to something was not right.
1. I signed the post as "Stilpacer".
Me: Why can't I be Mr. Stilpacer?
Boss dude: Becasue, Mr. Stilpacer is a different guy, on a different alternative porn site, posting a different April Fools post. You! You are Mr. Tilpacer.
Now, what if Stilpacer was a woman? If I met up with her we could get married and have us a couple of kids, Distilpacer and Untilpacer. Awww. We would make the perfect Pacer family....
But I degress....
Why would I sign the post with a name that is not mine? Hmmmm... Typo? Was I drunk? Could it be because I as stressed out? I don't know....
2. I gave you a "nugget of wisdom":
BE AWARE OF WHAT IS DOING (ok this should have been going, my bad) ON AROUND YOU
you will never be SURPRISED when something JUMPS out at you, even from the START
What could that mean? Hmmmm....
Both of these point to this fact, if you take the first letter in all the paragraphs, from start to finish, including the signage, it spells APRILFOOLS!

Even though I have not moved. Thank you guys for all the wonderful comments and well wishes!

But the post did have it's bit of truth, I am concerned about making friends. I am not talking about you efriends, you guys rock! I am talking about the friends I can hang out with. As such, I have been hybernating this winter, for the most of it. I can't remember when I left the house on a weekend to see a friend. I know I have seen family on the weekend, but that is all I do, if anything. I know there is zenfish that I have been neglecting for many months, sorry dude. As such, I have been coming aquinted with being on my own. I entertain myself for most of the weekend, but come Sunday, I am talking to myself, or to the TV.

I also wanted to point out that this has got to be quickest I have gotten to 15 comments in a long time! The next recent was when AWEN posted like 10 times in a row. Silly girl.

I know I am a firm believer that drama = life. And in the absence of drama, can there be life. I know for the past... well, we will just say months, I have lived life without drama, if that is living at all. Maybe it is from not having that much human contact. Well, I am the like social tefflon, no one really sticks to me that much.
I also have noticed that I have not had any adventures as of late. What is life without discovery right? Self discovery, exploration into the unknown, finding something that is new, etc. Why have I been lacking in adventure? Maybe, it is because I have set limits on myself. There are a couple places and events in town that I can not go to due to restraining myself. I also believe that adventures are not that great unless you can share the experience with someone. And yet again it comes back to I have been isolated from others, except through the intarweb.
I also heard that in life you should surround yourself with love and happiness. Well, I am happy in most cases with my life and I have tried to surround myself with happy people, but it is tough. The only love I have is for my family. I like my friends, but I don't think there is love there. I wouldn't do anything to harm them, and I would go out of my way for some, but I am not that attacted. I like my job, but I don't love it. I find it interesting and fulfilling, I have fun while I am at work most days, but I am not attached to it. Which might be a good thing, as I don't want to turn into a workaholic.
If I look at my life like it is a movie, I don't see myself as the hero in shiny armour, nor the priest that gives out the key point of wisdom to the hero, nor the helpless damsel is distress. Nope. I am the jester. The funny man, the comic releif. I am the Chris Tucker to someone else's Jackie Chan. I am the Jerry Lewis to someone else's Dean Martin. I am sidekick that comes in the quick one liners to distract the enemy while the real hero saves the day, and get the glory.... and the girls.
Am I saying that my life stinks? No. Hell no! My life is pretty good. I got a good job, I got a warm place to live, my finances are not screwed up, I have a loving family. I just suck at relationships, be they friend or romantic. I need help with this, I think it is time to do some reading....
On a related note:
******** 2007 goals update ******
1. Girlfirend:
Yeah, I think I am going to give up on this one. I have not made any progress on it in 3 monthes.... seems like it is time to quit and come up with a new goal....
2. Sysadmin:
Well, I don't have access to a box, which is the only thing that I am lacking physically. Motivation on the other hand.... I still want to do this, because I want to move ahead in my company. To make my resume better, just to accomplish something I have never done before.
3. Friends:
Yeah, I am going to have to put this one aside too with the girlfriend.... in the trash.
4. Go to 10 events:
I had had the chance to go 2 plays in the past month, and I did not go to either of them. Again, lack of people to share the experience with....

5. DVD project:
I think this has been taken away from me. My grandpa I think is going to do this on his own, because he has more time than I do. I am probably going to have to help him do some portion, but once he gets going, I will hands off.
There you have it ladies and gents. Sorry for the long and emo post.
I hope you all have a great day!

Thanks. I'm in good spirits today...was just remembering things last night. 

Nope, I can't apply again til next April. Also I applied last year and wasn't accepted. Argh!