******** Retraction/Correction *******
Some people were under the impression with my last update that me and misguided showered together. For the record, no matter how much I wanted that to happen, me and guided had separate showers.
That is all.....
On with the update:
Back at work. Work is going to pick up for the next couple of weeks.
Work late and missed a dinner with mark_oneil.
Oh well. Next time you are in town, we have to get together.
Worked another long day and went straight to tea. Lots of peeps came out. Looks like tea season is back in swing.
Work. Finished watch the Firefly series. Damn that is good tv. Then Guitar Hero II. I got to the 7th set on normal. And after playing for 3 hours, my hand was kind of hurting. I give major props to those peeps that can really play the guitar hours on end.
Went to my 'rent's place. Had some roast beef and potatoes and green beans. Awesome dinner. Played some card games with my family.
Repeat of Saturday, but with the exception that roast beef was replaced with beef stu.
********* 2007 Goals ********
In the last blog there two people that tried to help me out with Goal #1: Get a Girlfriend. quasievil and Copper both suggested that I should try the internet to help me out. Well, I have to say that I don't think that will work for me. Even though they have worked for some people I know it does not work for me.
First off, I have been trying to use the internet to meet people for about 8+ years. In that time, I have only gone out with 4 people.
1. The first I insulted on the date. We went for dinner, and after we finished, she went to bathroom. During that time the bill arrived. Now I asked her out and made decisions on what we were going to do, so I thought it would be customary for me to pay for dinner. I paid the bill and she came back and asked where the bill was. I told her that by some fluke her dinner was free. She kept on insisting that she pay for her meal and I would not let her. So then we went to the movie where she bought my ticket and we didn't talk at all after that point in the night. I think I pissed her off somewhat.
2. The second, we met and just sort of fell into a friends area. But she was pretty cool and had some great stories to tell. I only ever saw her once too. Bad weather and random events prevented us from staying in contact.
3. The third was.... no comment
4. The forth, was a spur of the moment date. When planning the date, she kept asking me if I was looking to get laid, which I told her no, which was true, I just wanted to meet her. She asked me this like 7 times before agreeing to meet me, even though she was the one who asked to meet me first. But I can understand where she was coming from, stranger is going to meet me in a deserted location (train station) and take me on a ride to Denny's. I can see why she needed to protect herself. I drive to the train station to pick her up and the first thing she says to me in person, "Man I can't believe how long your hair is!". I reply saying something like "I try." She replies, "What?" She was listening to her cd player at too long of a volume to hear me. Great the first attempt a live conversation and she is not even trying. Well, we get to Denny's and about 15 minutes into the stay, she DEMANDS that I entertain her. I am a quite guy and a shy guy too, so asking me to not be myself in the first 30 minutes of date just pissed me off. After that I became very disgruntaled. I drive her home and even come into her home to watch some random tv. Until I was tired and needed to get home. The next day she is planning to save some cookies for me, and that just made me really uncomfortable because I was trying to decide if I even wanted her as a friend, let alone a girlfriend. I try to tell her to leave those cookies for somebody else, then she got really mad at me and I haven't talked to her since.
Hmmmm.... Oddly enough that is my entire dating history too. Hmm... All girls I have met online.
The other reason why I think the internet is not for me is because I SUCK AT WRITING. It is my greatest weakness. Why try to get a girl with your greatest weakness, play towards the strengths I say.
And maybe I just need to deal with the "bullshit" that real life brings me. It might be better for me.
Don't get me wrong, the internet is a great way to meet people, as I have met many a great friends from her, and it might even be good to find a mate, but I believe it is not going to be the way I will find a girl.
But quasievil and Copper do give me a great idea, and a way for people to help me out:
Tell me a tale of how you met your current love/first love/any love. With more data I can see how people meet and maybe it will give me an idea.
I will leave this post up for a week or 15 comments, whichever is the latter.
Have a great week readers!
Some people were under the impression with my last update that me and misguided showered together. For the record, no matter how much I wanted that to happen, me and guided had separate showers.

That is all.....
On with the update:
Back at work. Work is going to pick up for the next couple of weeks.
Work late and missed a dinner with mark_oneil.

Worked another long day and went straight to tea. Lots of peeps came out. Looks like tea season is back in swing.

Work. Finished watch the Firefly series. Damn that is good tv. Then Guitar Hero II. I got to the 7th set on normal. And after playing for 3 hours, my hand was kind of hurting. I give major props to those peeps that can really play the guitar hours on end.
Went to my 'rent's place. Had some roast beef and potatoes and green beans. Awesome dinner. Played some card games with my family.
Repeat of Saturday, but with the exception that roast beef was replaced with beef stu.

********* 2007 Goals ********
In the last blog there two people that tried to help me out with Goal #1: Get a Girlfriend. quasievil and Copper both suggested that I should try the internet to help me out. Well, I have to say that I don't think that will work for me. Even though they have worked for some people I know it does not work for me.
First off, I have been trying to use the internet to meet people for about 8+ years. In that time, I have only gone out with 4 people.
1. The first I insulted on the date. We went for dinner, and after we finished, she went to bathroom. During that time the bill arrived. Now I asked her out and made decisions on what we were going to do, so I thought it would be customary for me to pay for dinner. I paid the bill and she came back and asked where the bill was. I told her that by some fluke her dinner was free. She kept on insisting that she pay for her meal and I would not let her. So then we went to the movie where she bought my ticket and we didn't talk at all after that point in the night. I think I pissed her off somewhat.
2. The second, we met and just sort of fell into a friends area. But she was pretty cool and had some great stories to tell. I only ever saw her once too. Bad weather and random events prevented us from staying in contact.
3. The third was.... no comment
4. The forth, was a spur of the moment date. When planning the date, she kept asking me if I was looking to get laid, which I told her no, which was true, I just wanted to meet her. She asked me this like 7 times before agreeing to meet me, even though she was the one who asked to meet me first. But I can understand where she was coming from, stranger is going to meet me in a deserted location (train station) and take me on a ride to Denny's. I can see why she needed to protect herself. I drive to the train station to pick her up and the first thing she says to me in person, "Man I can't believe how long your hair is!". I reply saying something like "I try." She replies, "What?" She was listening to her cd player at too long of a volume to hear me. Great the first attempt a live conversation and she is not even trying. Well, we get to Denny's and about 15 minutes into the stay, she DEMANDS that I entertain her. I am a quite guy and a shy guy too, so asking me to not be myself in the first 30 minutes of date just pissed me off. After that I became very disgruntaled. I drive her home and even come into her home to watch some random tv. Until I was tired and needed to get home. The next day she is planning to save some cookies for me, and that just made me really uncomfortable because I was trying to decide if I even wanted her as a friend, let alone a girlfriend. I try to tell her to leave those cookies for somebody else, then she got really mad at me and I haven't talked to her since.
Hmmmm.... Oddly enough that is my entire dating history too. Hmm... All girls I have met online.
The other reason why I think the internet is not for me is because I SUCK AT WRITING. It is my greatest weakness. Why try to get a girl with your greatest weakness, play towards the strengths I say.
And maybe I just need to deal with the "bullshit" that real life brings me. It might be better for me.
Don't get me wrong, the internet is a great way to meet people, as I have met many a great friends from her, and it might even be good to find a mate, but I believe it is not going to be the way I will find a girl.
But quasievil and Copper do give me a great idea, and a way for people to help me out:
Tell me a tale of how you met your current love/first love/any love. With more data I can see how people meet and maybe it will give me an idea.

I will leave this post up for a week or 15 comments, whichever is the latter.
Have a great week readers!

As for YOUR search for love, my suggestion is; join some random club or team. Like kick boxing or fencing or something that you've always been interested to try but haven't for whatever reason. Most of them have free trial lessons or allow you to sit in on one. If in the room of people there isn't a single appealing female (or female at all) DONT sign up for lessons. if there are at least 3 girls in the room, sign up, and see what happens. If you don't meet someone, at least you still get to learn some cool new hobby or sport so the time is not lost. Maybe sound good? I'd say with that kind of history I'd give up on the internet for dating purposes for a while. :-p people are CRAZY here.