This week was full of coincidences.
Saw Borat with zenFish and a friend of the Fish. It was super funny. If you are not put off by offensive humour, go see it.
Coin. #1: While at the movie theatre I had into a friend from tea. We chatted for a minute. She said that she stop going to tea. It was getting to snobbish for her. Makes me wonder what I missed in the two week while I was in Austin...
Monday & Tuesday:
Played lots of FFXII.
Called cute hair dresser, she hasn't called me back... oh well.
Had lunch with an ex-coworker. He is going to be a reference for me on my passport application. Went to a Indian resturant, Glory of India. This wasn't the first time I have been there, and it probably won't be the last.
Coin. #2: While at GOI, I ran into an old acquaintance of mine. We met back in my last year of University. We were taking the same philosiphy/logic class. It turns out that the next semester, the guy is in a class where my bro is the TA. He and my bro both go to the University bar to drink on occassion during that time. So they became some what of drining buddies. I ran into the guy at a pub once and when once when I saw the UAMC when the past through town last May. I just keep running into this dude... hmm
I went home and missed the snow storm that came through town.
It was also tea night and I decided I would venture out into the snow fall, because it didn't seem that bad. Unfortunately, only one other guy showed up and he didn't even recognize me. I was content on reading my book and having some great chicken fingers! (THE TOUR CONTINUES)
The down side is that I have not seen the past 4 episodes of Lost. I guess I am going to have to wait until the DVDs for the season come out.
More FFXII. Made some awesome chicken nuggets. Sooooo gooooood.
My night started out with me picking up my bro accross town. It took me an hour to get from my house down to the south end to pick up my bro. Then we went up to University so my bro could say Hi to his friends and so we could get a bite to eat. (Again the fingers). The stop to say hi turned into my bro playing card for an hour. Which made us late to see an ex-coworker for his b-day bash.
Arrived at the pub where the celebration was being held and met up with my co-worker. Chatted with some of the others there. I tried out my new found interest in trying to read people. I talked to some people I have not met before to see if I could get a sense of what they are about. Well to make a long story short, I didn't to well in asking my questions. One guy I talked about geek stuff with, and didn't get to much of sense of who he was. Another girl was not open enough, and I don't blame her. I wasn't too open with her. It must have felt like I was interigating her. But I did get some information from her.
I learned that I am not as open as I think. If anyone asks me a question, I will try to answer it, but I don't give information with out people asking me.
Coin. #3: The guy who's b-day it was, my bro and another guy all knew some guy I worked with during my internship. It was very interesting.
Laundry day, hang with my rents. Did my two minutes of silence. Watch Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang... good movie. So many good lines; "This isn't good cop, bad cop. This is New Yorker and fag." I am still laughing about it. And it is the third time I have seen the movie. I totally recomend it.
Dinner with the rents, maybe....?
Have a great day readers!
This week was full of coincidences.
Saw Borat with zenFish and a friend of the Fish. It was super funny. If you are not put off by offensive humour, go see it.
Coin. #1: While at the movie theatre I had into a friend from tea. We chatted for a minute. She said that she stop going to tea. It was getting to snobbish for her. Makes me wonder what I missed in the two week while I was in Austin...

Monday & Tuesday:
Played lots of FFXII.

Had lunch with an ex-coworker. He is going to be a reference for me on my passport application. Went to a Indian resturant, Glory of India. This wasn't the first time I have been there, and it probably won't be the last.
Coin. #2: While at GOI, I ran into an old acquaintance of mine. We met back in my last year of University. We were taking the same philosiphy/logic class. It turns out that the next semester, the guy is in a class where my bro is the TA. He and my bro both go to the University bar to drink on occassion during that time. So they became some what of drining buddies. I ran into the guy at a pub once and when once when I saw the UAMC when the past through town last May. I just keep running into this dude... hmm
I went home and missed the snow storm that came through town.

It was also tea night and I decided I would venture out into the snow fall, because it didn't seem that bad. Unfortunately, only one other guy showed up and he didn't even recognize me. I was content on reading my book and having some great chicken fingers! (THE TOUR CONTINUES)

The down side is that I have not seen the past 4 episodes of Lost. I guess I am going to have to wait until the DVDs for the season come out.
More FFXII. Made some awesome chicken nuggets. Sooooo gooooood.

My night started out with me picking up my bro accross town. It took me an hour to get from my house down to the south end to pick up my bro. Then we went up to University so my bro could say Hi to his friends and so we could get a bite to eat. (Again the fingers). The stop to say hi turned into my bro playing card for an hour. Which made us late to see an ex-coworker for his b-day bash.
Arrived at the pub where the celebration was being held and met up with my co-worker. Chatted with some of the others there. I tried out my new found interest in trying to read people. I talked to some people I have not met before to see if I could get a sense of what they are about. Well to make a long story short, I didn't to well in asking my questions. One guy I talked about geek stuff with, and didn't get to much of sense of who he was. Another girl was not open enough, and I don't blame her. I wasn't too open with her. It must have felt like I was interigating her. But I did get some information from her.

Coin. #3: The guy who's b-day it was, my bro and another guy all knew some guy I worked with during my internship. It was very interesting.
Laundry day, hang with my rents. Did my two minutes of silence. Watch Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang... good movie. So many good lines; "This isn't good cop, bad cop. This is New Yorker and fag." I am still laughing about it. And it is the third time I have seen the movie. I totally recomend it.
Dinner with the rents, maybe....?
Have a great day readers!

i hope so too.
*hugs back*