In preparation for Nov 11...
I had this sent to me by a friend... part of me agrees with the message, but part of me also does not agree with the message...
*WARNING* Canadian political rant!!!! *WARNING*
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Yeah, soldiers that faught is some wars do deserve my respect. WWI, WWII, serval of the peacekeeping missions that have gone on, etc. But to tell someone that they need to show respect seems a little authoritative. The singer wants to punch somebody's lights out because he does want to show respect and I say to him, chill out. We live in a free country. If somebody does not want to show respect to the armed forces, they have the right to do so.
The counter point to this is, that these soldiers fought for that freedom. The last war fought on Canadian soil was back in 1812. I guess those soldiers that fought and died in that war should deserve my respect for getting my freedom. But don't tell me that soldiers that fought in WWI, WWII, etc were fighting for my freedom, because they were not. They correct thing to say is, they fought for other people's freedom.
Granted, that those soldiers that fought in WWI, WWII, etc up to war being fought in the last couple years, might have given people freedom to move to Canada and have a great life here. Which I can respect, because it is the truth.
The point I am trying to make here is, that you have a choice and that no one should have to force you to give respect to someone. They can give you imformation to make your choice but they should not try to persaude you (or threaten you with violence). Respect is earned, not taken. Heck, the soldiers should know that.
Have a great day readers!