Na na na na na na na na na na na... UPDATE!
Umm... the only thing I have done since Monday is have tea. It started off with me finishing a book that zenFish reconmended/force me to read. Ray Bradbary's The Zen in the Art of Writing. It was a good book. And AWEN showed up early because traffic pissed her off so much. Thanks you Calgary drivers for being really bad at driving, becuase it is always a pleasure to talk with AWEN.
Me and AWEN talked for about two hours (not in a row, because she went to pick up some people and such). Then some of the other dark kids started to show up. As well as drunk girl that I took care of. It seems like she had a great humour about what happened to her that night, which is cool. If you can laugh at your stupidness it is always a great feat.
*sigh* And this was the "last" tea of the season. Apparently it is getting too cold to stay out on the tea house patio. There was talk about moving the tea night to a pub night, but, last time I checked, there was not place that had good parking, good talking atmosphere and good pricing. Looks like no tea until the winter has come and gone. I am going to miss hanging out with the dark kids.
Oh, and I guess I met up with a friend for coffee on Friday. We talked about the small things (school, work, stuff going on in life) for sometime, I had some hot chocolate that she bought me and I went home. Now this was only two friends meeting up, because she already has a boyfriend and is a monogamist.
That was the highlights for my week...
Time to play... Beat Tilpacer Silly... WARNING: EMO CONTENT....
I have got to thinking, I think I am turing asexual. Lately I been finding myself not attracted to women anymore. I am slowly turning into a robot, a robot that just sits there and records everything that is said and done. Which might be a good thing because according to Diesel Sweeties even robots can get more action than me.
Maybe it is that I don't feel attractive. I know people tell me I am an attractive guy, but they are coming from people who are "safe". The "safe" people are ones that are currently unavailable or I myself don't find attractive, which in the current moment this group is becoming larger. Because I don't feel attractive, I don't dress to impress, I dress to be clothed. Function over style, like a good robot.
Maybe it is that I don't see that many attractive women. The only times I see people are when I go to and from work, with the occassional adventure with zenFish or tea with the dark kids. Let me tell, ya, the train at six in the morning is not the best time to see attractive people. I have put my blinders on when taking the train home, because there is no way to tell if the women I see are legal. Even if I am walking to and from places, I am more focused on the destination than the scenery. If I am spending time with someone, my attention is more on that someone than on people passing by.
Even if I somehow get in the presence of an attractive woman, my mind goes blank. Maybe it is because of the way I socially interact with people. My whole social interaction is based on reaction. I don't start conversations, unless there is something important I want to know or want to talk about. Then most of the time, I am either just asking questions or just responding with "uh huh"s or "aww"s. Very rarely do you see me adding my own experiences into the conversation.
And forget about flirting, my flirting chip has been fried. It might spurt out a occasional flirtatious remark every once in a while, but it is usually with people that I know are safe and will accept the remark and not be all grosssed out.
And really it all comes down to experience, like an employer would with a potential employee. You have two options:
Option A:
- 3 years experience in the lovely relationship
- 10 years sexual experience
- has diverse techniques when it comes to sex and kissing
- has a reference from the last girlfriend
- has a long history of pleasing women
or Option B:
- no relationship experienc
- no sexual experience
- no known techniques
- no references
- no history
Most employers would take option A. The dude has proven himself to be able to handle the job time and time again.
If you don't believe me, look at dating shows. Some of the questions that get asked are, "How long ago was you last relationship? Why did you break up? How long did it last?" The same questions an employer would ask a potential employee.
Since my dating resume is non-existent and I have been trying to build it up for many years now, maybe it is just time to give up. Turning asexual is my next option. And I think I am content with that.
I have also been crunching the number lately.... (aka WARNING: EXTREME MATH ALERT PEOPLE! The following section of this blog has some math content and might be offensive to some readers. Readers descresion is advised.)
I was bored at work one today this week and remembered of the old cliche, everyone has their fifteen minutes of fame. I was wondering what if one peoson wanted to witness all of those fifteen minute of fame.
First we limit this to only the people on this planet. There might be other lifeforms out their, but since we can not communicate with them, let us localize this to only our own planet.
There currently about 6.6 billion people on the planet. So to get the amount of time a person would need to spend to view all those moment of fame would be:
15 minute/person * 6 600 000 000 people = 99 000 000 000 minutes
Converting that into years:
99 000 000 000 mins / (60 min/hour * 24 hours/day * 365.25 days/year) ~= 188 227 years
We use 365.25 as days per year to include those pesky leap years.
Granted that some peoples fame can come at the some time, like if two people are getting married, or if 50 people make the world's largest fruit salad. It might bring the total amount of years down to a couple tens of thousands of years. Of course this does not include time dedicated to sleeping, eating, travel. And of course since the population of the world is increasing, so is this number.
Let us take this in another approach. What if one person wanted to split their time evenly between all the people in the world. Well, the average person lives to be 80 years. If a person wanted to split their life evenly between all people in the world:
80 years / 6 600 000 000 = 1.21 * 10^-8 years / person
Now convert that to seconds:
1.21 * 10 ^ -8 years/person * 365.25 days/year * 24 hours / day * 3600 seconds/hour ~= 0.382 seconds/person
This too is not including time spent sleeping, eating, traveling. Since the population of this world is increasing, this number is getting smaller by the second.
What two conclusion can I make about these numbers?
Tens of thousands of years is far too long for any human to spend with everyone. Spend the time with the people that matter to you and in the moments that matter. Times of joy, time of celebration, time grief, times when you need to be the shoulder to cry on, etc.
Any given person is only entitled to give you that 0.382 seconds. So appreciate anyone who have taken their time to spend with you. Be it a good friend, the person you spoke to at the customer care center, the girl who made you coffee at the coffee house, etc. It would only be fair that you take time out of your life to thank those people who have stopped to give you more than your due share of attention.
On that, I thank you all for reading this blog and wish you a great day.
Umm... the only thing I have done since Monday is have tea. It started off with me finishing a book that zenFish reconmended/force me to read. Ray Bradbary's The Zen in the Art of Writing. It was a good book. And AWEN showed up early because traffic pissed her off so much. Thanks you Calgary drivers for being really bad at driving, becuase it is always a pleasure to talk with AWEN.

Me and AWEN talked for about two hours (not in a row, because she went to pick up some people and such). Then some of the other dark kids started to show up. As well as drunk girl that I took care of. It seems like she had a great humour about what happened to her that night, which is cool. If you can laugh at your stupidness it is always a great feat.

*sigh* And this was the "last" tea of the season. Apparently it is getting too cold to stay out on the tea house patio. There was talk about moving the tea night to a pub night, but, last time I checked, there was not place that had good parking, good talking atmosphere and good pricing. Looks like no tea until the winter has come and gone. I am going to miss hanging out with the dark kids.

Oh, and I guess I met up with a friend for coffee on Friday. We talked about the small things (school, work, stuff going on in life) for sometime, I had some hot chocolate that she bought me and I went home. Now this was only two friends meeting up, because she already has a boyfriend and is a monogamist.
That was the highlights for my week...
Time to play... Beat Tilpacer Silly... WARNING: EMO CONTENT....

I have got to thinking, I think I am turing asexual. Lately I been finding myself not attracted to women anymore. I am slowly turning into a robot, a robot that just sits there and records everything that is said and done. Which might be a good thing because according to Diesel Sweeties even robots can get more action than me.
Maybe it is that I don't feel attractive. I know people tell me I am an attractive guy, but they are coming from people who are "safe". The "safe" people are ones that are currently unavailable or I myself don't find attractive, which in the current moment this group is becoming larger. Because I don't feel attractive, I don't dress to impress, I dress to be clothed. Function over style, like a good robot.
Maybe it is that I don't see that many attractive women. The only times I see people are when I go to and from work, with the occassional adventure with zenFish or tea with the dark kids. Let me tell, ya, the train at six in the morning is not the best time to see attractive people. I have put my blinders on when taking the train home, because there is no way to tell if the women I see are legal. Even if I am walking to and from places, I am more focused on the destination than the scenery. If I am spending time with someone, my attention is more on that someone than on people passing by.
Even if I somehow get in the presence of an attractive woman, my mind goes blank. Maybe it is because of the way I socially interact with people. My whole social interaction is based on reaction. I don't start conversations, unless there is something important I want to know or want to talk about. Then most of the time, I am either just asking questions or just responding with "uh huh"s or "aww"s. Very rarely do you see me adding my own experiences into the conversation.
And forget about flirting, my flirting chip has been fried. It might spurt out a occasional flirtatious remark every once in a while, but it is usually with people that I know are safe and will accept the remark and not be all grosssed out.
And really it all comes down to experience, like an employer would with a potential employee. You have two options:
Option A:
- 3 years experience in the lovely relationship
- 10 years sexual experience
- has diverse techniques when it comes to sex and kissing
- has a reference from the last girlfriend
- has a long history of pleasing women
or Option B:
- no relationship experienc
- no sexual experience
- no known techniques
- no references
- no history
Most employers would take option A. The dude has proven himself to be able to handle the job time and time again.
If you don't believe me, look at dating shows. Some of the questions that get asked are, "How long ago was you last relationship? Why did you break up? How long did it last?" The same questions an employer would ask a potential employee.
Since my dating resume is non-existent and I have been trying to build it up for many years now, maybe it is just time to give up. Turning asexual is my next option. And I think I am content with that.

I have also been crunching the number lately.... (aka WARNING: EXTREME MATH ALERT PEOPLE! The following section of this blog has some math content and might be offensive to some readers. Readers descresion is advised.)
I was bored at work one today this week and remembered of the old cliche, everyone has their fifteen minutes of fame. I was wondering what if one peoson wanted to witness all of those fifteen minute of fame.
First we limit this to only the people on this planet. There might be other lifeforms out their, but since we can not communicate with them, let us localize this to only our own planet.
There currently about 6.6 billion people on the planet. So to get the amount of time a person would need to spend to view all those moment of fame would be:
15 minute/person * 6 600 000 000 people = 99 000 000 000 minutes
Converting that into years:
99 000 000 000 mins / (60 min/hour * 24 hours/day * 365.25 days/year) ~= 188 227 years
We use 365.25 as days per year to include those pesky leap years.
Granted that some peoples fame can come at the some time, like if two people are getting married, or if 50 people make the world's largest fruit salad. It might bring the total amount of years down to a couple tens of thousands of years. Of course this does not include time dedicated to sleeping, eating, travel. And of course since the population of the world is increasing, so is this number.
Let us take this in another approach. What if one person wanted to split their time evenly between all the people in the world. Well, the average person lives to be 80 years. If a person wanted to split their life evenly between all people in the world:
80 years / 6 600 000 000 = 1.21 * 10^-8 years / person
Now convert that to seconds:
1.21 * 10 ^ -8 years/person * 365.25 days/year * 24 hours / day * 3600 seconds/hour ~= 0.382 seconds/person
This too is not including time spent sleeping, eating, traveling. Since the population of this world is increasing, this number is getting smaller by the second.
What two conclusion can I make about these numbers?
Tens of thousands of years is far too long for any human to spend with everyone. Spend the time with the people that matter to you and in the moments that matter. Times of joy, time of celebration, time grief, times when you need to be the shoulder to cry on, etc.
Any given person is only entitled to give you that 0.382 seconds. So appreciate anyone who have taken their time to spend with you. Be it a good friend, the person you spoke to at the customer care center, the girl who made you coffee at the coffee house, etc. It would only be fair that you take time out of your life to thank those people who have stopped to give you more than your due share of attention.
On that, I thank you all for reading this blog and wish you a great day.
my flirting chip has been fried
you're even thinking like a robot!