Okay.... I haven't updated since last Friday, and I am weell over my 15 comment quota.... so another update time!
Today, we are going to play a game. The game is called "Am I Drunk, Stoned, Tweaked, or Sick?". I will list some things that I noticed about myself, and you tell me if I was drunk, stoned, tweaked or sick. Okay here we go:
- dazed
- confused
- spacing out
- red eyes
- dizziness
- stumbling
- running into walls
- a overwhelming feeling of paranoia
- a overwhelming sense of euphoria
- slurring of speak
- waking up with my shirt wrapped around my neck
- an overwhelming urge to kick someone in the nads
If you guess drunk, you would be wrong my friends. The correct answer is sick. That is right. I was sick of the last four days. It should explains my lack of comments on other people blogs, well those that don't know in real life or don't really care about.
I have learned, that being sick is like a weekend for me. Except I feel like crap. I sit watch TV, play video games, eat food and take naps. But don't get me wrong, I went to work for the past three days. Well, I didn't feel good about taking monday off (the day I felt the worse). And it is a good thing I didn't. I got work and found out I had work that needed to be accomplish that day. So I zombie code my way through it. Tuesday I out of work early, because I wasn't do anything and my mind was gone. Today I felt better, but I still went to work. I wish I didn't because my team lead is now sick... OOPS!
I have mainly been living off of Alphagetti and PB & J sandwiches for the past couple of days. Ahhh, my comfort food!
I also learned, I am pretty grumpy when I am sick. I think I threaten all my co-workers with kicking them in the nads today.
At least I was able to laugh today. That is the best medicine, ain't it?
I also notice that my house is pretty empty. My master bedroom just contains my "desk" and my computer. I have another smaller room that is completely empty. There is stuff in the closet, but the room it self is empty. My basement only has my freezer and some boxes. Most of it is pretty empty down there. Heck I still only take up half my bed on most nights.
Maybe I am just being emo again and feeling lonely. While I was sick, I really wanted todo was to cuddle with someone and isn't touch one of the most theoriputic things out there. But then again, I remeber Sunday night. I was thrashing around and didn't get any sleep. I know if anyone else was in my bed, they wouldn't have gotten any sleep either. Unless they were a sound sleeper and didn't mind waking up with mysterious bruises.
Well, that is my week.
Have a great day readers!

Today, we are going to play a game. The game is called "Am I Drunk, Stoned, Tweaked, or Sick?". I will list some things that I noticed about myself, and you tell me if I was drunk, stoned, tweaked or sick. Okay here we go:
- dazed
- confused
- spacing out
- red eyes
- dizziness
- stumbling
- running into walls
- a overwhelming feeling of paranoia
- a overwhelming sense of euphoria
- slurring of speak
- waking up with my shirt wrapped around my neck
- an overwhelming urge to kick someone in the nads
If you guess drunk, you would be wrong my friends. The correct answer is sick. That is right. I was sick of the last four days. It should explains my lack of comments on other people blogs, well those that don't know in real life or don't really care about.

I have learned, that being sick is like a weekend for me. Except I feel like crap. I sit watch TV, play video games, eat food and take naps. But don't get me wrong, I went to work for the past three days. Well, I didn't feel good about taking monday off (the day I felt the worse). And it is a good thing I didn't. I got work and found out I had work that needed to be accomplish that day. So I zombie code my way through it. Tuesday I out of work early, because I wasn't do anything and my mind was gone. Today I felt better, but I still went to work. I wish I didn't because my team lead is now sick... OOPS!

I have mainly been living off of Alphagetti and PB & J sandwiches for the past couple of days. Ahhh, my comfort food!

I also learned, I am pretty grumpy when I am sick. I think I threaten all my co-workers with kicking them in the nads today.

I also notice that my house is pretty empty. My master bedroom just contains my "desk" and my computer. I have another smaller room that is completely empty. There is stuff in the closet, but the room it self is empty. My basement only has my freezer and some boxes. Most of it is pretty empty down there. Heck I still only take up half my bed on most nights.
Maybe I am just being emo again and feeling lonely. While I was sick, I really wanted todo was to cuddle with someone and isn't touch one of the most theoriputic things out there. But then again, I remeber Sunday night. I was thrashing around and didn't get any sleep. I know if anyone else was in my bed, they wouldn't have gotten any sleep either. Unless they were a sound sleeper and didn't mind waking up with mysterious bruises.

Well, that is my week.
Have a great day readers!

no highlighters!
i say hit up the unicorn for saturday night.
start by messeging (not commenting) to whom you want to invite.
and whats this about you in vegas?
pathfinder looks stupid.
eragon looks f'ing awesome.