Here I go, here I go, here I go again.
What is my problem? MEN... WHAT!? No... No problems here at all.
I haven't been able to sit down in front of my computer since last thursday. I have soo many blogs and naked beauties to go check out.
So here is how my week went:
I went to tea with AWEN and her crew. I got there slightly early, by three hours. The tea house is downtown, I work downtown, I live way up north... it is just easier if I go to the tea house after work and wait. While reading I started to read my book, Thinking in Java. I read for about an two hours, when I started to get bored and took a break.
Durring my break, a guy came out to the tea house patio and asked me what I was reading. I told him, then we started to have a conversation. He sat down with me and he told me his life story. He was born in Africa, moved to Saudi Arabia, where he grew up. The dude has lived in many cities in the US and had moved to Cowtown. We talked about life, politics, relationships. This guy that I had not known just gave me one of the most intellectual and spiritual conversation I have had in a long time.
After the guy left, AWEN's crew started to show up. Had a couple of laughs with them, but I had to leave before AWEN arrived.
Oh, well. She has to work, and I need sleep.
I don't remember anything happening that day? Oh, I finally finished New Super Mario Bros.
I left work and headed to my parent's house. My grandfather was moving his stuff from my parnent's house to his new condo, and I was enlisted to lift some stuff.
On my way home from work, I decided that I would have to stay at my parent's house all weekend. I had laundry todo, my car was there and I needed to take my car in on Tuesday.
Me and my Dad, took my grandpa and his stuff to his new digs, and I might say, it was freakin warm in the place. It was a room size oven. I think I even broke a sweat, and I rarely sweat.
But the place seems nice and all. Lots of people to talk to. You can come and go as you please. When my parents get old, I am going to put them in a home just like that.
Had pizza for the first time since I moved into my new place. Okay, delivery pizza.
I woke up. Saw my parent's before they left for the vaction into the BC interior. Drove to my house, picked up my dirty smelly clothes and drove them back to start to wash them. I also picked up my toothbrush and comb.
I then spent the rest of the day with my grandpa. We went shopping for some items, (pillows, batteries and cable). We just hung out the rest of the day. Then went for subway for supper.
That night, I went to listen to the University radio. I got a friend that was training there that night and she might have been put on air to do a public service announcement. I also read my book during this time. They played some really weird country music. Like a spanish version of the Eagles "Hotel California"... It was some good listening.
Drove my clean clothes back to my place. Shower. Back to my parent's house with a night bag for the next two days.
Nothing happened, still at my parent's house. I got to get on here just to check out if anyone messaged me with anything important. It turns out that there was. mark_oneil left me a message that he was coming in on Tuesday. Well, I haven't seen this guy since if buggered his knee up back in May. He is a good guy, I would like to see what he has been up to. So I sent him a message.
Took my car into the shop. Wandered around the lot for a while trying to figure out how this works. Hey this is my first time I had to take a car in for service like this. While the car was there and I decide I might as well get the brakes checked, etc.
The service guys were nice enough to have a shuttle to take me to my work after I dropped off my car. The down side was. I could have taken the bus and gotten to work quicker.
Well, it was nice to feel important.
After work I went to tea house to meet up with Mark. After waiting for about half an hour, I decided to see if I good get in contact with AWEN because she was suppose to be there too. I got her voice mail, well I got somebodies voice mail... I don't know if it was AWEN's.
I didn't know what Mark's number was, but I remember calling him back in May. So I check my previous called people, and luckily, his number was still in my phone. YAY!
Had tea with Mark and AWEN showed up, and got to talk to her too.
Then it was off to see Pirates 2. Super wicked movie. If you have not seen it, go see it. If you have seen it. Want to go again with me?
Wednesday (Today):
So, it turns out that I am complete idiot when it comes to cars. My problem was a single fuse had blown. I know I had checked the fuses, so I must be an idiot with cars...
Yeah, I'm a girl. One with a really good beard going on too.
Picked up my car today. I now have wheels again! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I missed having Sam around. That is right, I named my car Sam.
I am back in my house and all is good.
Now it is time to see what everyone else has done since I went off line.
Have a great day readers!
What is my problem? MEN... WHAT!? No... No problems here at all.

I haven't been able to sit down in front of my computer since last thursday. I have soo many blogs and naked beauties to go check out.

So here is how my week went:
I went to tea with AWEN and her crew. I got there slightly early, by three hours. The tea house is downtown, I work downtown, I live way up north... it is just easier if I go to the tea house after work and wait. While reading I started to read my book, Thinking in Java. I read for about an two hours, when I started to get bored and took a break.
Durring my break, a guy came out to the tea house patio and asked me what I was reading. I told him, then we started to have a conversation. He sat down with me and he told me his life story. He was born in Africa, moved to Saudi Arabia, where he grew up. The dude has lived in many cities in the US and had moved to Cowtown. We talked about life, politics, relationships. This guy that I had not known just gave me one of the most intellectual and spiritual conversation I have had in a long time.
After the guy left, AWEN's crew started to show up. Had a couple of laughs with them, but I had to leave before AWEN arrived.

I don't remember anything happening that day? Oh, I finally finished New Super Mario Bros.

I left work and headed to my parent's house. My grandfather was moving his stuff from my parnent's house to his new condo, and I was enlisted to lift some stuff.
On my way home from work, I decided that I would have to stay at my parent's house all weekend. I had laundry todo, my car was there and I needed to take my car in on Tuesday.
Me and my Dad, took my grandpa and his stuff to his new digs, and I might say, it was freakin warm in the place. It was a room size oven. I think I even broke a sweat, and I rarely sweat.

Had pizza for the first time since I moved into my new place. Okay, delivery pizza.

I woke up. Saw my parent's before they left for the vaction into the BC interior. Drove to my house, picked up my dirty smelly clothes and drove them back to start to wash them. I also picked up my toothbrush and comb.
I then spent the rest of the day with my grandpa. We went shopping for some items, (pillows, batteries and cable). We just hung out the rest of the day. Then went for subway for supper.

That night, I went to listen to the University radio. I got a friend that was training there that night and she might have been put on air to do a public service announcement. I also read my book during this time. They played some really weird country music. Like a spanish version of the Eagles "Hotel California"... It was some good listening.

Drove my clean clothes back to my place. Shower. Back to my parent's house with a night bag for the next two days.
Nothing happened, still at my parent's house. I got to get on here just to check out if anyone messaged me with anything important. It turns out that there was. mark_oneil left me a message that he was coming in on Tuesday. Well, I haven't seen this guy since if buggered his knee up back in May. He is a good guy, I would like to see what he has been up to. So I sent him a message.
Took my car into the shop. Wandered around the lot for a while trying to figure out how this works. Hey this is my first time I had to take a car in for service like this. While the car was there and I decide I might as well get the brakes checked, etc.
The service guys were nice enough to have a shuttle to take me to my work after I dropped off my car. The down side was. I could have taken the bus and gotten to work quicker.

After work I went to tea house to meet up with Mark. After waiting for about half an hour, I decided to see if I good get in contact with AWEN because she was suppose to be there too. I got her voice mail, well I got somebodies voice mail... I don't know if it was AWEN's.

Had tea with Mark and AWEN showed up, and got to talk to her too.

Then it was off to see Pirates 2. Super wicked movie. If you have not seen it, go see it. If you have seen it. Want to go again with me?

Wednesday (Today):
So, it turns out that I am complete idiot when it comes to cars. My problem was a single fuse had blown. I know I had checked the fuses, so I must be an idiot with cars...

Picked up my car today. I now have wheels again! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I missed having Sam around. That is right, I named my car Sam.

I am back in my house and all is good.
Now it is time to see what everyone else has done since I went off line.

Have a great day readers!

sometimes a stranger will give you the most it's true

I was so impressed with the tasty sandwiches!