Sorry about that folks.... I just needed to beat my self-esteem down some... I am better now.

Okay, here is how the rest of my weekend went.

Well, I had friday off for Canada day.... Well, I had a choice, either Friday or the Monday... I went with Friday because you never get Friday's off.

So I spent the day surfing the net and playing games!

As I was going to see Superman with a co-worker of mine, I found this message in my mailbox:
Don't kill the gophers!!!!
What did they ever do to you?
Even if tehy dig, that is no reason to "kill" them. you should just catch them all and move them somewhere else!
How would you feel if they killed you???
I guess some little girl is trying to protect the gophers... I say little girl because of the writing style. The 'i's have circles above them and the '!' have circles below them.... and it is super neat... I don't remember any boy having this neat of hand writing.
I don't know why this was in my mailbox.... I liked the gophers. I thought they were cute. Very odd.
Saw Superman... must say... there was cheese but at least the man didn't fly around the world to reverse time or some stupid crap like that. Well, I must say, I liked it. I have been whistling the Superman theme the last 5 days.
Saturday, I spent the day shopping. Got me some new shoes. My other ones were falling apart.
They it was time to hang with zenFish. Went and picked up Animal Crossing and the New Super Mario Bros. for my DS. YAY! Plus zenny bought me a smoothie for driving him around the past couple of time we hung out.
Then it was off to Ikea, where zenny picked up some stuff for his place and I picked up a cutterly separator. I have been meaning to get one.
Then I went home and decided to have some supper and play my games. I was suppose to go to the SGWest Canada Day shindig... but I couldn't find how to get a hold of anyone.... well not until the next day... sorry guys my bad.... .
SO I stayed at home and just read my book and played games. But watching the webcam show in chat was freakin' funny. I have never seen so many white pasty chest before in my life... and if I was there, I would have just added to the mass...
*hit fast foward*
Sunday morning I went to for brunch with some peeps from SG. It was good to see the gang from Edmonton.
Then half the crew had to get back to Edmonton. But mr_dave, carla stayed behind to hang with zenFish,char1es and me. We went to get some ice cream and had a nice walk before the bugs attacked.... damn you mosquitoes!
I left the gang to go and do some laundry because I was fresh out of any clean clothes... So I spent the afternoon playing DS games with my bro. Played lots of the New Super Mario Bros.
Monday... back to work....
Today... more of the same...
Well, I hope you have a great day readers!
You're a sweet pie!!