I have warned you all, and now it is offical....
I am evil......
someone has to show me how to stop caring...
or shoot me....
I am a mence to society....
how did I go from feeling like superman to feeling like lex luther....
somebody help me get this black suit off me....
everytime I am thinking I am being the hero, I am actually the villain...
I am not the hero of this story, I am the villain...
Who is going to be the hero who will stop me?
Stop me from continuing with my evil ways.....
So let it be warned....
I am evil...
Even when I am being stupid....
No good comes from me....
Leave now, before I hurt you too....
I am evil......
someone has to show me how to stop caring...
or shoot me....
I am a mence to society....
how did I go from feeling like superman to feeling like lex luther....
somebody help me get this black suit off me....
everytime I am thinking I am being the hero, I am actually the villain...
I am not the hero of this story, I am the villain...
Who is going to be the hero who will stop me?
Stop me from continuing with my evil ways.....
So let it be warned....
I am evil...
Even when I am being stupid....
No good comes from me....
Leave now, before I hurt you too....
i'm confused.
interesting turn of events.....how boring would life be with out drama...??? You're not evil, just accident proned
Tea Thurs?? See if Zenfish wants to come??