Today was a great day!
First it started with me walking in the rain! YAY! RAIN!
I got to work and was soaked! 
When I got my morning juice, I had my sun glasses off (yes, I wear my sunglass whenever I can, even at night
). The lady who owns the shop told me, in her spanish accent, "You have very beautiful eyes. Why do you wear your glasses all the time?" That totally made me blush. I am such a girl! 
Got to work got what I needed to do out of the way today. Plus I spent like an hour and a half doing nothing. Don't tell my boss.
I met up with zenFish. He got his hair cut... that means, I will have to get mine cut too...
I bought me some games for my DS.
Now I can actually use the silly thing that has been sitting on my coffee table since Sunday. 
Oh... Side note...
I have not been sleep well. I don't know what it is. Work is going great, I have no relationship problem, except for the fact that I don't have a relationship with anyone at the moment, and no one is really worring me right now. Well, there is one person, but I am not too worried about it, not enough to loss sleep over it.
Off to pay some bills!
Have a great day reader!
Edit: Oh I almost forgot. My bro showed me this. Enjoy!

Today was a great day!

First it started with me walking in the rain! YAY! RAIN!

When I got my morning juice, I had my sun glasses off (yes, I wear my sunglass whenever I can, even at night

Got to work got what I needed to do out of the way today. Plus I spent like an hour and a half doing nothing. Don't tell my boss.

I met up with zenFish. He got his hair cut... that means, I will have to get mine cut too...
I bought me some games for my DS.

Oh... Side note...
I have not been sleep well. I don't know what it is. Work is going great, I have no relationship problem, except for the fact that I don't have a relationship with anyone at the moment, and no one is really worring me right now. Well, there is one person, but I am not too worried about it, not enough to loss sleep over it.
Off to pay some bills!

Have a great day reader!

Edit: Oh I almost forgot. My bro showed me this. Enjoy!
and no, no defrost button. it's a oldschool 80s fridge.