Taxi Service, New DS and...
I a got a message from zenFish yesterday. He wanted a ride to get his new Nintendo DS Lite. I said I would drive him.
After putting on some pants I go pick up zenny. Drive him to EB to get his DS. I looked at the games while there, nothing was really peaking my interest.
Then it is off to antoher EB to pick up a game for zenny. We get there. I pick out some games for me, because I was getting bored. It turns out that zenny had a pre-order for a DS at the second EB. At this time I am at the counter getting my games. He decided to give it up, because he doesn't need two. So the clerks, say "Okay, we have a DS Lite, any takers? Going once, going twice...."
"SOLD." I yell. That is right kids I am a order of a brand new DS Lite, from EB, without a pre-order.
I must praise/scold zenFish for making love to his in my car on route to the second EB.
I like the DS Lite... Now I just need some games...
This is all I have to say...
I either have to stop caring or find someway to make things better... Both seem like it will be totally hard to do. One I am bound by my own emotions, the other by my lack of ablitiy to do anything...
I wish happiness for everyone... not just you readers, but EVERYONE....
I a got a message from zenFish yesterday. He wanted a ride to get his new Nintendo DS Lite. I said I would drive him.
After putting on some pants I go pick up zenny. Drive him to EB to get his DS. I looked at the games while there, nothing was really peaking my interest.
Then it is off to antoher EB to pick up a game for zenny. We get there. I pick out some games for me, because I was getting bored. It turns out that zenny had a pre-order for a DS at the second EB. At this time I am at the counter getting my games. He decided to give it up, because he doesn't need two. So the clerks, say "Okay, we have a DS Lite, any takers? Going once, going twice...."
"SOLD." I yell. That is right kids I am a order of a brand new DS Lite, from EB, without a pre-order.

I like the DS Lite... Now I just need some games...

This is all I have to say...
I either have to stop caring or find someway to make things better... Both seem like it will be totally hard to do. One I am bound by my own emotions, the other by my lack of ablitiy to do anything...
I wish happiness for everyone... not just you readers, but EVERYONE....
and you need voicemail on your cell phone
oh, i have brain age, metroid, and mario.