Nov 25
I feel good about what I am doing. Like it is the right thing to do. If this gets my friend back things will be awesome. If I dont, at least I did something nice for someone.
Activate Step 1:
I go down to the Sentry Box after work is done. It is about a 20 minute walk, but well worth it. I get there, and I snoop around a bit. I look at the RPG books, I look at some of the comics, and I look at some of the games. Finding some interesting stuff, but I ignore them.
I walk up to the guy behind the card counter and ask from some Magic cards. I want to buy 3 three packs. The guy behind the counter tells me that there is a price break when I buy 4 packs. I think for a minute. Yeah, I can do that. So I buy three packs.
I guess the extra pack will be going to Mary.
Activate Step 2:
I walk from the Sentry Box to the train stop. I am whistling some song to myself. Along the way I see this really cute girl walking in the opposite direction. She smiles at me, I smile at her. That smile made my day. I dont think I have seen her before or since I might have
I hop on the train go down to the Mall, to find a Hallmark store. I find the store, find some cards and go up to pay from them. The guy at counter talks to me and we have one of those brief banters with jokes conversation. The conversations that go know where and just make you smile.
The guy totally reminds me Barry. The way he talks, his mannerisms. Totally uncanny.
I feel really good about what I am doing now. This will get my friend back. This will work!
I write in my journal:
I feel good about what I am doing. Like it is the right thing to do. If this gets my friend back things will be awesome. If I dont, at least I did something nice for someone.

Activate Step 1:
I go down to the Sentry Box after work is done. It is about a 20 minute walk, but well worth it. I get there, and I snoop around a bit. I look at the RPG books, I look at some of the comics, and I look at some of the games. Finding some interesting stuff, but I ignore them.
I walk up to the guy behind the card counter and ask from some Magic cards. I want to buy 3 three packs. The guy behind the counter tells me that there is a price break when I buy 4 packs. I think for a minute. Yeah, I can do that. So I buy three packs.
I guess the extra pack will be going to Mary.

Activate Step 2:
I walk from the Sentry Box to the train stop. I am whistling some song to myself. Along the way I see this really cute girl walking in the opposite direction. She smiles at me, I smile at her. That smile made my day. I dont think I have seen her before or since I might have
I hop on the train go down to the Mall, to find a Hallmark store. I find the store, find some cards and go up to pay from them. The guy at counter talks to me and we have one of those brief banters with jokes conversation. The conversations that go know where and just make you smile.
The guy totally reminds me Barry. The way he talks, his mannerisms. Totally uncanny.
I feel really good about what I am doing now. This will get my friend back. This will work!
I write in my journal:
Okay, I have finished one phase of my plan. I hope this works
so ticked i missed out AGAIN on the acad art show. bah
gimme a ring/msg/msn on sunday and we'll make plans.