The previous week I worked 58 hours in six days. I told Carrie I was working 48+ work weeks now and she wanted to know why. I told her that it was related to why I was bummed out on the movie night.
Carrie gave me a call the previous day. Was really wanted to know why I was angry. I turned her down, say that walls in my house were thin and I didnt want my family know why. She then suggested that I write an email to her about it. I agreed to that.
Here is a the email that I wrote to her:
Hey Carrie,
To understand why I was angry you have to know why I was bummed out when we went to the movies a couple of weeks back. I wanted to tell this when I was at your house, but I kind of forgot about it. I wanted to tell you because I feel I have learn to be honest with you about my feeling if we were to have a relationship.
To understand why I was bummed out I have to take you back to the days before the Thanksgiving weekend. You were totally bummed that we didnt get to out that Friday and stated that 80-90% of the time you are alone.
Well, I sent you a message that I could work Thanksgiving Monday and in turn take the following Friday off. I could then spend that day with you. I then gave you some ideas about what we could do.
You responded that you lost my phone number. I thought this meant that you were interested in that idea and you wanted to give your input. I didnt get that message until the following morning. So, I sent back that I would phone you that night.
When I phoned, we talked about what we were doing for the weekend. I told you that I had to work on Monday in hopes to bring up the plan to spend the day with you on Friday. But that didnt happen.
Like a dummy, I went ahead and worked on Monday anyways in hopes that I could spend the day with you on Friday.
Tuesday, the CEO of my company came up from San Jose. He gave a speech about what the companys plans are and where we are going to take the company over the next 8 months. At the end of the speech he ask that we all had to step up in order for us to meet our goals. He was going to let what stepping up meant to each of us. If that meant longer hours, we had to define those hours were. He is a very inspiring person.
I kind of dropped hints all week that I Friday off, but I guess you didnt pick them up. But I kept up with my plan that I was going to take Friday off and try to spend it with you. Wednesday you gave me a message that the movie night was going to be that Friday. I still had hope that I could spend the day with you.
Friday morning, I wake up later than I usually do. I go check my messages. I find one from you saying, that you were going to bed and that I was to give you a call when you get home for work today. The time on the message was 6-ish in the morning. This kind of meant that I was not going to be spending the day with you. This was the start of me being bummed.
I was totally bummed out because I could have gone into work and did something. My company just asked me to help them out and I felt like I had abandoned them. I had let down my company. I just felt disappointed in myself.
When I went out with you and the others that night, listened to the conversation that was taking place and started to realize that I shouldnt be bummed out. I was trying to be passive about spending the day with you, and that might not work on you. Next time, I should just come out and ask you if you want to do some instead of doing something and hope you will accept. That is totally my bad.
I am going to leave an empty space here so that you can give me an electronic punch or something
AUTHORS NOTE: I am going to spare you to scroll through the empty space, it was like a page long
Are you done pounding on me? Good.
Now the next Friday my manger reminded us about the speech and asked what we are going to do to step up? I was reminded about that night and how I let my company down. I had to do something to make up for that. So decided that I would work 48 hours a week. Add a whole extra day to my work week.
The last week was the first week I was going to do put this 48 hour work week in to practice. I was going to do it by doing 10 hours for 4 days and 8 hours on Fridays.
There is a lot that happened during that week and I think I am going to tell you it journal style:
Monday October 24
Well, the day was like a normal day instead I work 10 hours today. I havent done that if a long time. Not since April have I when my company did a release of their software. But coming home there was an event. I was on the bus coming home, there was about 20 or so high school kids at the back of the bus swear and yelling, like normal kids. I stood beside the back doors because there were no other seats. All the yelling that the kids were doing made one of the people at the front of the bus uncomfortable. She told the bus driver this. Being PC, the bus driver told the kids to keep it down. We went about 5 stops and the kids started to pick up again.
The same woman told the bus driver and we stopped for like 5 minutes. He then came back and pointed to spot right in front of me and said, Everyone from here back, you are kicked off the bus.
I was all fuck this shit. I am going to be kicked of the bus because I just so happen to be around some noisy kids and I look like one. You fucking asshole. I was not even talking!
Luckily, I was only 5 block for home and I didnt really mind walking, so I just got the bus and walked.
But being accused of something I didnt do, and being punished because of it, you fucking asshole, if I didnt have to work the next day I would have stay on the bus and argued with the bus driver about it.
Costume: Hooligan
Tuesday October 25
Well the day started off as normal. I get up, watch some tv, eat, shower and then brush my hair. Next I had to brush my teeth. I put the toothpaste on the brush. I then went to brush some of my hair that was in my face. In the process I accidentally got my hand in the toothpaste that was on my brush and the paste went flying. It was in my freshly washed hair, on my clothes, on the walls. It was mess. I tried to clean it up but with no success.
I had no time to clean my hair again, so I tried my best to get the stuff out. I clean the walls and my shirt but I still had paste in my hair. All day long I would play with my hair and find places where it was stuck. It felt like I had taken a really bad facial and I didnt clean it up. It was totally gross.
As soon as I got home I had a shower to get it out.
Costume: Porn Star or Mary from Theres Something About Mary
Wednesday October 26
Well, I was doing my normal routine again, this time I got passed the toothpaste without an incident. Then I went to check my mail and messages online. Not finding anything I then go for the looking at pictures of naked ladies, and sometimes you fall into there. I look at the clock and I leave when I usually do.
I go to bus stop, wait for a couple of minutes and my bus doesnt come. Oops. I remember yesterday that the power went out and the clocks had to be reset. Looks like they are a little slow and I have missed my bus.
Luckily I have a back up plan. There is an express bus that comes shortly after my regular bus. It takes me straight downtown. I dont know where it is going to stop because I have never taken it before, but this bus is my plan B. So I get on the plan B bus and off I go. I am looking out the window seeing where I am, and where I am going. I recognize anything until we get downtown.
I then start to figure out where I have to get off and I notice I am about 2 blocks from work. I know I should get off at the next stop and do that. I realize that I am dropped off right in front of my office building. I then check my watch, and realize that it is about the same time I come in during plan A.
It was great day to know that plan B works.
I also notice that morning that I had a sore throat. I didnt think to much about it. I think I just need some juice or something. This happens to me all the time.
Costume: Adventurer!
Thursday October 27
I woke up. My nose is stuff. I am totally breathing through my nose. I feel icky but functional. I do the usually morning stuff. I leave earlier this time to not miss my bus.
I put on my shoes and out the door. I start walking, *Squish*, *tap*, *Squish*, *tap*. Why does it feel like there is water in my shoe. Oh no! My uncles dog peed in my shoe! I dont have time to walk back and catch my plan B bus. Damn! I must press on.
So the entire day I have dog pee in my shoe and I start to feel worse. I have dizzy, my headaches and I cant focus, but I continue with my 10 hour day as planned.
I get off the bus and start to walk to the bank to get some money for the weekend. As I walk, *squish*, *tap*, *urrgggh*. I totally feel like a zombie. I am not looking at anything, groaning, I am breathing through my mouth because my nose is pluged, making weird noises with my shoes. I think to myself, I can still make it to a party on Saturday. I can fight this stupid virus off by then, go to value village get a costume together and all will be good.
I get home get a call from you and I learn that the party is not Saturday but tomorrow. I am okay with this. I hope I feel better tomorrow and am able to go to the party, because I need some laughs for what happened to me this week. I think I have some old things in my closet to use a costume. I can do this!
Custome: Zombie
Friday October 28
YAY! Short day today. But I still feel like crap to the max. I dont feel like working. I dont feel like doing anything but crawling into bed and resting. I get home and ask myself, do I want to go to the party? I feel like crap and I dont want to pass this to anyone else. I should just stay at home.
I call up Jerry and let him hear the bad news. I know that I could have fought this off by tomorrow, but today it had me out. I have super and goto bed at 8PM.
Costume: None no party to go to
Saturday October 29
2:14 AM
Woke up for the 9th time that this night.
Sniff. Nose still plugged. Sniff. Nose still plugged. Sniff. Nose still plugged.
2:15 AM
*POP*. Breathing through my nose! FUCK! I knew I could beat this thing by Saturday! FUCK! Sleep time. Zzzzzz
I was angry I missed the party. I really wanted to go to the party.
I was initially angry at my body because you told me that you got the date mixed up. I could have gone to a party on Saturday and that I fend off my sickness by then.
But when I went to work on Saturday, I started to realize that that is a stupid reason to be angry. Because what if I got sick one day later and the party was on Saturday, I still would have not gone, I would just be disappointed. Now, what if I knew the party was on Friday and I still got sick on the same day, I would just be disappointed that I didnt go. Why should I be angry about something that was just bad timing? I totally got over me being angry by the time I left work that day.
The fact of the matter is that I still really wanted to go to the party for many reasons:
I would have met some of you other friends. I like meeting new people and hear stories from them.
I really like Halloween, and Halloween parties. It is one of my top 5 parties:
Tils top 5 parties:
5. Birthday parties: there is always cake and party games.
4. New Years parties: a time for a new beginnings
3. Christmas parties: there are always presents
2. Halloween parties: dressing up is fun
1. Housewarming parties: new dig are always a great to break in with a party.
I really like Halloween. It is a time when everyone gets to dress up and be something that they are not. Something that want to be. People get to show off their bodies more on Halloween than any other night. People are not themselves. They dress up as they want to be not what they are.
There is also insight into peoples personalities as what they dress up as. Sometimes it is something that they are interested in, something that they like. It is a great time to learn about someone. They are at the most playful.
We all wear masks, Halloween is a time where we can exchange those masks and show something that is hidden bellow.
Plus there is always candy!
I felt disappointed because I was invited to something and I was not able to go. I feel like I totally missed out on something special that night. I hate being left out of something. That is why I usually walk at the back of a group when they walking I want to make sure that no one is left behind. You might have noticed that when went for the Movie night.
I think I have this feeling because when I was in grade 5, all the grade 5s and 6s went to this little inner city learning center. It was more like a camp of sorts. We spent two night and three days there.
One night we were supposed to go for a bike ride. Before we left the instructor asked that we were going to need a sweep. Some one at the back that makes sure that none of us gets left behind. On girl said she would do it.
We were riding on the bikes with hand breaks and I didnt know how to operate one of those, I was used to the bmx pedal brakes. I was going really slow so I could figure out how the brakes works and so that I wouldnt flip over the handle bars.
I fell to the back of the pack and was going really slowly. The girl at the back yelled at me with hurry up and not being encouraging to my inexperience. We started to lose the others and she just the hell with you I am catching up with the group. I started to pedal faster but she just took off. I know they turned a corner and when I did, I lost them. I was left behind.
I couldnt find them, so I went back to the center on my own. I waited for the other to come back. When they did, the instructor yelled at me for coming back on my own and not staying close to the others. Jerk. I made a promise right then and there that I would never let anybody be left behind. If it meant that the rest of the group was lost, I didnt care. No one was going to be left on there own when I am there.
That also reminds me, the following year on the bike ride thing. I had gotten better with hand brakes and confident to keep up with the others. We were going down this hill and it was all wet and I applied some pressure on my brake so slow myself down. I guess I applied too much pressure to the front one because I flipped over the handlebars. I was luckily wearing a helmet. I slid down this paved hill and I remember my head bouncing on the ground. I also banged my knee pretty bad and had scrapped it.
Again the instructor took off ahead and one of my classmates had to chase here down to stop her. She didnt know that most of the class was way back there and waiting for her to come back and do something.
I got the first aid I needed. Just some band-aids and iodine. I broke the bike pretty bad too.
But I am getting way off topic.
I was also disappointed that I didnt get to see you at the party. I know I was going to let you down by not being there. You are an important person in my life and I dont feel great when I disappoint. I might even say you are the greatest thing that happened to me since I moved here.
I also needed to get this some relief from this hectic week full of stress. I am working 48 hours a week now, and I have to make all the things that are important to me into my life.
The way I see it I have 4 factors that I need to fit into my life right now:
1. I have you, Jerry, Mary and others. My support group, my stress relievers. The people I care about.
2. I have my work. I am going up to 48 hours a week.
3. I have a house to look for. A place of my own.
4. I have to work on my next promotion at work. This will take a long time and I have do it on my own. I think Jerry might want to hear what I have to do.
So, I dont want to cut 1 out of my life. You guy are very important to me. I guys keep me sane, you guys keep me happy. Especially you. I need you guys to be there for me.
I cant cut 2 out because I need money. I made a promise to work 48 a week and I am going to stick with it. When I make a promise I keep it.
I have to do 3 because it means more freedom on my part. I need a place of my own. I want to get on with my life. I dont want to rely on my parents forever.
I have tons of pressure at work to do 4. I dont know what I am going to do with this. It will mean more money for me, but I am totally scared about it. And it will take a load of time to complete. Time that I cant dont seem to have.
Thanks for listening to my rants. I really needed to get this off my chest.
After this I went and gave some candy to the trick-or-treators. One for you princess, one for you ghost, one for me!
My work aprons seem to dissapear though.
i shall comment/read later on yoru current entry.
hows life in general?