Alright kidos,
Time again for the next installment of Tilpacer 2010 Hug Blog!
I have to admit that this month was nowhere near as assume as last month's 61 hugs, but 22 hugs in a month is still pretty awesome.
Time again for the next installment of Tilpacer 2010 Hug Blog!
I have to admit that this month was nowhere near as assume as last month's 61 hugs, but 22 hugs in a month is still pretty awesome.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Thanks for the congrats. I always love reading your blog. lol.
Yeah. Strangely enough I don't remember making out with anyone recently. That doesn't mean it didn't happen but...
Hey kids.
It is that time of month again. It is time to pull out the old hug count meter and write up a hug blog.
Just to let y'all know that this year I have set a goal to get 250 hugs. I made that goal based on the 2009 hug count, which was 191. I though I could make up 59 hug through...
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It is that time of month again. It is time to pull out the old hug count meter and write up a hug blog.
Just to let y'all know that this year I have set a goal to get 250 hugs. I made that goal based on the 2009 hug count, which was 191. I though I could make up 59 hug through...
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thanx babe
Thank you!
Hey kids, guess what time it is? That is right, it is time for an update on my hug count from 2009.
Just so you don't have to scroll down to the bottom, the count ended at 191. Not bad for a first year. This year was suppose to be the control year, one that wasn't influenced by outside factors. As the year rolled on,...
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Just so you don't have to scroll down to the bottom, the count ended at 191. Not bad for a first year. This year was suppose to be the control year, one that wasn't influenced by outside factors. As the year rolled on,...
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me too!
In the iPad demo with Jobs in it he actually showed pieces of the movie. It looks interesting... I haven't seen it 

Hey, hey, hey!
It is the last day of my "vacation". I got some things done, but not all that I wanted.
I didn't get a new job.
So now I am REALLY bummed that I have to go back to the hell hole that is the company I work for. I want things to change but I don't know if I can get enough...
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It is the last day of my "vacation". I got some things done, but not all that I wanted.
I didn't get a new job.

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Thanks for reading the superblog!
Favourite drink ever would probably be... A vanilla and Oreo malt from Eddie Rockets on Parnell Street. Fruit juice would be a Caribbean Sunsplash from Zumo: mango, peach, orange, papaya mixed. Soft drink would be Pepsi Max. Alcoholic drink, if i had to pick one, would be Southern Comfort or Jager Bomb, Jager and Red Bull
Favourite drink ever would probably be... A vanilla and Oreo malt from Eddie Rockets on Parnell Street. Fruit juice would be a Caribbean Sunsplash from Zumo: mango, peach, orange, papaya mixed. Soft drink would be Pepsi Max. Alcoholic drink, if i had to pick one, would be Southern Comfort or Jager Bomb, Jager and Red Bull
You too 

*sigh* Sitting at home, hiding by my computer so I don't have to deal with Trick or Treaters. *sigh*
I have the next month off work and going to look for a MUCH better job. Yes. That is the goal. I don't want to work for an evil corporation anymore. I would much like to work with an honest one.
Anyways, time for the hug...
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I have the next month off work and going to look for a MUCH better job. Yes. That is the goal. I don't want to work for an evil corporation anymore. I would much like to work with an honest one.
Anyways, time for the hug...
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thanks. I try. 

That time of the month again... Time for a HUG COUNT UPDATE!!!!
Hug 135: Sept 4, 10PM-ish: Female, 21
I was at with friends, having tea. There was DJ Jinx (put her first to because she likes to think she is the most important), Distress, and E.V. present. We are getting ready to leave because E.V. was leaving to go to Europe the following day....
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Hug 135: Sept 4, 10PM-ish: Female, 21
I was at with friends, having tea. There was DJ Jinx (put her first to because she likes to think she is the most important), Distress, and E.V. present. We are getting ready to leave because E.V. was leaving to go to Europe the following day....
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I'm also excited to see a real live casino!! 

Happy halloween man!!
Hey readers!
Here is something special for you.
So yesterday, or should I say really early this morning, I came to my computer to check SG/mail/facebook/myspace before I went to bed and found out my computer was not responding. I had to do a power cycle of it and when it came back, it couldn't find the boot disk. I was like "Oh crap!" I...
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Here is something special for you.
So yesterday, or should I say really early this morning, I came to my computer to check SG/mail/facebook/myspace before I went to bed and found out my computer was not responding. I had to do a power cycle of it and when it came back, it couldn't find the boot disk. I was like "Oh crap!" I...
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What kind of music work? Organization?
Thanks! I really like it! 

End of the month, time for hug recap blog!
Hug 125: Aug 7, 9 PM-ish: Female, 21
I was at a BBQ hosted by Distress. During the gathering, E.V. called me a woman for not having a pop-cicle before dinner. I agreed with that fact. later in the evening as E.V. was leaving, I got a hug from her.
Hug 126: Aug 8, 1 AM-ish:...
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Hug 125: Aug 7, 9 PM-ish: Female, 21
I was at a BBQ hosted by Distress. During the gathering, E.V. called me a woman for not having a pop-cicle before dinner. I agreed with that fact. later in the evening as E.V. was leaving, I got a hug from her.
Hug 126: Aug 8, 1 AM-ish:...
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Oh yeah the engineering Prof's would have to. If you didn't use that stuff every day it'd be dam hard to remember.
I've been to other schools before, and I know TA's are supposed to be students, but I've never had another undergrad teach a lab before. Even at community college all my profs worked in their field (for the gov't, as private consultants, or as active researchers) and all had PHD's (except one, who was working on finishing his).
It seems so peculiar that the U of C "social sciences" faculty has lower standards than my community college.
I've been to other schools before, and I know TA's are supposed to be students, but I've never had another undergrad teach a lab before. Even at community college all my profs worked in their field (for the gov't, as private consultants, or as active researchers) and all had PHD's (except one, who was working on finishing his).
It seems so peculiar that the U of C "social sciences" faculty has lower standards than my community college.
I will karate chop you.
It is that time of the month again, where mother nature give her present to me... Wait, no...
It is time for the Hug update log. Here we go!
Hug 116: July 18, 11PM abouts: Female, late 20's
I was at the Crushinator's home, he was having a BBQ and I got invited. He made some awesome chicken on an open flame, and some eggplant...
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It is time for the Hug update log. Here we go!
Hug 116: July 18, 11PM abouts: Female, late 20's
I was at the Crushinator's home, he was having a BBQ and I got invited. He made some awesome chicken on an open flame, and some eggplant...
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They like tanning beds too.
Wait a minute, after finally mulling this over in my head for a while I realized I should've said porn tan lines.
June is almost over and I don't think I am getting anymore hugs this month so...
Hug 94: June 5, 10PM-ish: Male, 27
After having tea with some friends, I got a hug from the Crushinator. I was going to walk away without getting a hug, but the the Crushinator put a stop to that.
Hug 95: June 12, 10PM-ish: Female, age unknown (best...
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Hug 94: June 5, 10PM-ish: Male, 27
After having tea with some friends, I got a hug from the Crushinator. I was going to walk away without getting a hug, but the the Crushinator put a stop to that.
Hug 95: June 12, 10PM-ish: Female, age unknown (best...
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Thank you sweetie! Lots of hugs for you!
thank you 

It's that time again. But first, a quote from the novel I am reading:
"He love constantly, instantly, spontaneously, without thought or words. That's what he taught me. Love is not something you think about, it is a state in which you dwell. That was his gift."
Now, on with the hug log.
Hug 72: May 1, 8 PM-ish: Male, 30-ish
I was at tea...
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"He love constantly, instantly, spontaneously, without thought or words. That's what he taught me. Love is not something you think about, it is a state in which you dwell. That was his gift."
Now, on with the hug log.
Hug 72: May 1, 8 PM-ish: Male, 30-ish
I was at tea...
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nice, very nice
Happy Canada to you too.
Happy Canada to you too.
I didn't read that book quote until just now. Its amazing.

I didn't read that book quote until just now. Its amazing.
That's right kids! Time for another hug log!
Hug 51: Apr 3, 9:30 PM: Female, early 30's
As I was walking home from have tea with peeps, I was walking a person I just met to the train station and with The Crushinator. We ran into the Ice Queen, as The Crushinator was going to go to a show with her. I got a hug...
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Hug 51: Apr 3, 9:30 PM: Female, early 30's
As I was walking home from have tea with peeps, I was walking a person I just met to the train station and with The Crushinator. We ran into the Ice Queen, as The Crushinator was going to go to a show with her. I got a hug...
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Yes... a wonderful weekend in front of the computer when I'm not at work, lol 

Glad to see things are on the up for you.
Ya, the place is cool, I fucking love this city.
Ya, the place is cool, I fucking love this city.