As you all know I recently did a shoot with Rude McFototaker for his NOH8 project. His project is directed towards giving same sex couples the right to get married. I myself have a few lesbian and gay friends. I also have a lot of friends who are straight with gay parents. I myself have nothing against gays or lesbians. They are people too and anyone who is in love deserves the right to marry. The NOH8 project is to raise awareness that minnesota is closing in on their dicision to let same sex couples marry in their state. We who have modeled for the NOH8 project would love for that answer to be yes. To have same sex couples be able to marry in our state and know they are accepted and loved. They are people too and deserve the same rights any other human being gets.
Please anyone who is interested in the slightest show your support and go to "" and show your love and support! <3
Please anyone who is interested in the slightest show your support and go to "" and show your love and support! <3
P.S.: Sorry, if it comes to facebook, I am of no help as I have decided not to go to facebook. I leave the rant on fb out but if you want some reasons feel free to ask and I will go into more detail
P.P.S.: You have stunning eyes! I think I mentioned it before but the truth may be repeated!