So I am watching my nephew today and he decides he wants to brush his teeth. The little bugger begs for me to set him on the counter, so I did. Then he plops himself into the sink as I put tooth paste on his Buzzlight year toothbrush. Then I hand him his tooth brush and he starts brushing his teeth like a good big boy, then he sucks off the toothpaste -_-
I'm like you for sure are a one year old and he just bursts into laughter and starts brushing his teeth like a good boy again and I sit there like why do I even try with you? But I love my nephew with all of my heart even though he is a little booger
I'm like you for sure are a one year old and he just bursts into laughter and starts brushing his teeth like a good boy again and I sit there like why do I even try with you? But I love my nephew with all of my heart even though he is a little booger

I shall make sure to post some photos of them in the near future ^_^
lol yay cant wait to see them!