So I just got a new computer from my best friend ever @chunkmonster! and its amazing! a Asus notebook touch screen and I am the happiest girl in the world!

So working 30+ hours at my new job at express:) looking for a seasonal job at PAC sun in the mall I work at and they said they'd take me but I'd have to pull doubles with my jobs lol so 4-5 hours t express and 4-5 at PAC sun a day so I'll probably be working 60+ hours a week WOOOO! Then I totally...
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so I have even trying to upload this set for a very long time now and I finally was gonna do it but then the SG layout was changed and the uploaded was being picky with me an now my motherboard on my laptop is fried!
My poor set won't go up till I get a new computer I'm so sorry guys!!!!!

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That said, SKOL!