So right now I'm using all the old wood frame windows I replaced last year to make psuedo stained glass.... I'm painting them like stained glass with floral motifs...... for my ma's new green house...... its her birthday on the 13th....... I just wish I had a screw gun!
More Blogs
Monday Jan 09, 2006
I HAVEN'T HAD SEX THIS YEAR! Can you believe it? Please don't offe… -
Friday Jan 06, 2006
I'm running out of pot ..... my boyfriends an asshole ...... I don'… -
Thursday Jan 05, 2006
So right now I'm using all the old wood frame windows I replaced last… -
Thursday Dec 29, 2005
My bags are packed.... (I need two suitcases cause I don't know what … -
Monday Dec 26, 2005
So I had a great Solstice and Christmas and will have a babysitter on… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
Goddammit..... first the CD player...... and now the record player… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
It is official.... I am self employed! The change: Postal Scale.... n… -
Friday Dec 09, 2005
Saw The Narnia movie tonight.... it was pretty good... hope they do s… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
So my life is boring and I have nothing to say. We live in a world de… -
Wednesday Nov 09, 2005
So this weekend is Lotus' Sixth Birthday! I'm kinda like whoa holy sh…