It is official.... I am self employed! The change: Postal Scale.... now I only have to leave the house for 8hrs a week......
When I moved here I wanted Lotus to grow up in the woods like I did...... I was so excited about living away from it all..... now I am lonely and bored...... I am a Leo! I can't paint because I need excitement and change for inspiration! What the fuck was I thinking! I have creativity block!
This weekend was the worst..... usually I drive to Seaside to hang out with my BF and buddies...... but I stayed home.... and the bastard didn't even call to see if I was alive!
When I moved here I wanted Lotus to grow up in the woods like I did...... I was so excited about living away from it all..... now I am lonely and bored...... I am a Leo! I can't paint because I need excitement and change for inspiration! What the fuck was I thinking! I have creativity block!
This weekend was the worst..... usually I drive to Seaside to hang out with my BF and buddies...... but I stayed home.... and the bastard didn't even call to see if I was alive!