I just want to take this blog to thank some people.
Alissa, Phedca,xheartswornx itsafork, and his lady, Rainbow, Ru5ty, Tovi, Cashmir, Essence and usedupfool for showing support and hangingout with me in my sad state last night. I can't tell you how much it means to me and how happy i am to have you all as friends.
Also to my P.I.C and potential future roomie Drama for the place to stay last night. Thanks again Brother.
And since it cheers me up imma repost my loot along with the latest addition.

I really don't go out shopping much however yesterday I went out and visited several places in a row and to pick some thing up for this weekends luau I ended up getting a few thing for myself. See if you can see the pattern.

Had to spend some nerd money. Any how hope to see you guys this weekend in c-bus for said luau.
Edited to say that only a few hours after this post when I got home from the gym I recieved the following in the mail.


Sick addiction?1? I'll think i got one.
Alissa, Phedca,xheartswornx itsafork, and his lady, Rainbow, Ru5ty, Tovi, Cashmir, Essence and usedupfool for showing support and hangingout with me in my sad state last night. I can't tell you how much it means to me and how happy i am to have you all as friends.
Also to my P.I.C and potential future roomie Drama for the place to stay last night. Thanks again Brother.
And since it cheers me up imma repost my loot along with the latest addition.

I really don't go out shopping much however yesterday I went out and visited several places in a row and to pick some thing up for this weekends luau I ended up getting a few thing for myself. See if you can see the pattern.

Had to spend some nerd money. Any how hope to see you guys this weekend in c-bus for said luau.
Edited to say that only a few hours after this post when I got home from the gym I recieved the following in the mail.


Sick addiction?1? I'll think i got one.
you are awesome!!!! thanks sooo much for getting a book!!!!
You're an awesome friend man! We're doin' the Gallery Hop tonight which starts at four. Don't know how late you're going to be here but if we don't see you I'm sure we'll get together soon. :] Hope your sister is doing well. Miss you!