Last night was pretty rad. Hopefully another hangout soon.
Met up with Drama talked nerdy for hours.
Kewpie and I decided we were going to make an asian porn last night. Never happened but its in the works.
Saw Alissa , Durb , Sunshine the regular c-bus friends. One of my favorite people ever Nessy and met several new faces. In cluding the insanely beautiful and fun to talk to Tovi even though we made it a point to learn each other names til after 1a.m.
We took the threesome to hounddogs then crashed at Dramas place. Today we hit Chipotle and now i'm home. Theres a carshow across the street going on, may hit it up then sneak in a little cardio before deciding tonight events. Either go out or stay in. May make it a movie night with small backyard bon-fire.