arghhh!!! I had a lovely entertaining journal that just vanished. why in the hell does that keep happening??????
why oh why??? it's really annoying and inconvenient.
ahh well, I guess you'll get the abridged version
I said my goodbyes to one of my fave sg's ever
Ms Nala. I absolutely adored her ever since I first joined almost a year ago.
Holy crap! almost a year I've been a member
whooooaaa! and boy have things changed on here! thankfully!!!
I am simultaneously looking for a new job and apartment. You can just imagine how much fun I'm having
They are almost one and the same. But since I have so much motivation I may as well put it to use.
I work one more day then I'm off for about a week and a half. Too much shit going on. I have no idea when I'll update again after tomorrow.
Oh me oh my.
Lately I've had so much motivation and energy that I can feel the fire burning inside out. Most would say fire is a good thing. Motivation is fantastic but too much fire can really be a negative thing. THere's so much energy that I have no idea how to facilite.
So either I'm the ultimate procrastinator or the ultra motivated, don't want to waste a single second laying around type of person. so unpredictable
have you ever approached someone and then inadvertently scared them off? yeah!!
the other day actually
hahhahahaha! I am truly misunderstood!
It wasn't like i was hitting on him. (i already have my sweetie) but he just seemed so fucking nervous around me and then abruptly "had to go"
People confuse me
Maybe I'm too friendly?????
I still have that midwestern girl in me. Those were the days. people were so freaking friendly and hospitable. Then i moved to ny and then here and damn people are not friendly
Does friendship with exes work?
For the most part I think not. But I'm not totally writing the possibility off. It's the underlying reasons of wanting to remain friends that urks me though...
ok my sweeties
bye bye
hasta luego

why oh why??? it's really annoying and inconvenient.
ahh well, I guess you'll get the abridged version

I said my goodbyes to one of my fave sg's ever

I am simultaneously looking for a new job and apartment. You can just imagine how much fun I'm having

I work one more day then I'm off for about a week and a half. Too much shit going on. I have no idea when I'll update again after tomorrow.
Oh me oh my.

Lately I've had so much motivation and energy that I can feel the fire burning inside out. Most would say fire is a good thing. Motivation is fantastic but too much fire can really be a negative thing. THere's so much energy that I have no idea how to facilite.
So either I'm the ultimate procrastinator or the ultra motivated, don't want to waste a single second laying around type of person. so unpredictable


have you ever approached someone and then inadvertently scared them off? yeah!!

It wasn't like i was hitting on him. (i already have my sweetie) but he just seemed so fucking nervous around me and then abruptly "had to go"

Maybe I'm too friendly?????

Does friendship with exes work?
For the most part I think not. But I'm not totally writing the possibility off. It's the underlying reasons of wanting to remain friends that urks me though...

ok my sweeties
bye bye
hasta luego

My sentiments exactly.
"have you ever approached someone and then inadvertently scared them off?"
Couple days ago. I think there is something in my personality (intensity/passion?) that if I don't keep it under control is freakes the hell out of people.
"Does friendship with exes work?"
Are priests always chaste?
Question #1
#2: Not that Im aware of. Not one person I know has any sort of good realtionship wtih an ex. As for me personally I can say I hate all my ex's with a passion and wish to never see them again
Have a grrrrreat weekend babe.