Hello sweeties!!!!
I have issues getting on this site from work
every time I try I get some wierd *forbidden to accesss from this server* or some shit like that. I just assume that they upped the internet security...ahhh welll what can i do right?
SO, ON TO MY ANSWERS TO The Q'S you guys asked me
thanks by the way. very very entertaining..especially purpledustmurder for asking me to next years prom. so cool!!!!!
what are you wearing? pink mini skirt and sky blue tank
What do you like on your burger? mustard and lettuce
Do they do it different on the west coast? Like grilled avocados and shit? hahaha. I do!!!
Why are you on the other side of the damn country so we can't hang out?!?!?!!?....damn girl
I wish i was on the east from time to time.
who's your favorite on your friendslist on here! ooohhh...a stumper...dang...I really have to ponder that hon
but I will say that you are up there!!!
If you were a day of the week, what day would you be? Hello! Friday baby!
what crime would you commit if you had a get out of jail free card? Robbery!!!!
what's your superpower?FLYING AND TELEPORTATION
what's your favorite bar? Damn...so many to choose from.... food? Lately, italiano
will you be my date to the prom next year? HELL YEAH!!! and I am totally serious
and I still want to know which celebrity whom you would choose to pimpslap and why. Christina aguilera...just because
orlando bloom
there's really no ryhme or reason to this answer but I would really like to slap them bitches
would you swap places with me? that means : you living in paris, me living in pasadena! YEAH!!!!
Were you always this spontaneous, or did you used to be more regimented? Spontaneous since day 1 baby!!!
if your from Illinois what made you come out to so cal? I was raised in Illinois and moved to nyc for a while then moved to cal for a lover and that didn't work out but cali is working out just great for me so yeah...I'm staying
do you prefer chinese or italian food? Italiano!!!
I'm in a really good mood
For a second I was wondering if my interest in this site was waning but it's only because i have less access to it that I feel so seperated. I still love it though. The ass, the beauty, the art, the e friends,
yeah....much love
Is it cheating if you're in a different area code?? ummm yeah but what he doesn't know won't hurt
I'm kidding! I'm kidding!

I have issues getting on this site from work

SO, ON TO MY ANSWERS TO The Q'S you guys asked me

what are you wearing? pink mini skirt and sky blue tank

What do you like on your burger? mustard and lettuce
Do they do it different on the west coast? Like grilled avocados and shit? hahaha. I do!!!

Why are you on the other side of the damn country so we can't hang out?!?!?!!?....damn girl

who's your favorite on your friendslist on here! ooohhh...a stumper...dang...I really have to ponder that hon

If you were a day of the week, what day would you be? Hello! Friday baby!
what crime would you commit if you had a get out of jail free card? Robbery!!!!

what's your superpower?FLYING AND TELEPORTATION

what's your favorite bar? Damn...so many to choose from.... food? Lately, italiano
will you be my date to the prom next year? HELL YEAH!!! and I am totally serious

and I still want to know which celebrity whom you would choose to pimpslap and why. Christina aguilera...just because

there's really no ryhme or reason to this answer but I would really like to slap them bitches

would you swap places with me? that means : you living in paris, me living in pasadena! YEAH!!!!
Were you always this spontaneous, or did you used to be more regimented? Spontaneous since day 1 baby!!!

if your from Illinois what made you come out to so cal? I was raised in Illinois and moved to nyc for a while then moved to cal for a lover and that didn't work out but cali is working out just great for me so yeah...I'm staying

do you prefer chinese or italian food? Italiano!!!

I'm in a really good mood

For a second I was wondering if my interest in this site was waning but it's only because i have less access to it that I feel so seperated. I still love it though. The ass, the beauty, the art, the e friends,

Is it cheating if you're in a different area code?? ummm yeah but what he doesn't know won't hurt

sorry I haven't been posting here, but work has been busy, and im stil getting situated in my new apt.
It's a very very, maaddd wooorrllddddd.
I'll leave something good for you soon.