Would you fucking believe it? I'm updating 2 days in row!
and i'm not late for work!!!! I'm actually early and trying to kill time before i leave my house!!
looking for a place to stay is consuming my mind. I'm even dreaming of looking at apartments
I dreamt that i found one and it was furnished and everything! i didn't have to move anything in! hahaha! that was a fucking dream
I slept 10 hours last night!!! I never ever ever sleep like that. I usually sleep about 6 hours. I hate sleeping for too long. the body feels even more weary when i wake up and i had a headache.
list of things to do today:
I don't keep lists
takes too much time and thought
and I'm sure I won't follow it anyway.
Ask me a question. I'll answer this time...the last time I didn't because I was caught up in a depression phase
see, now I'm late!!! woo hoo! I feel normal again
I'm in such a silly mood
pinch me!

looking for a place to stay is consuming my mind. I'm even dreaming of looking at apartments

I dreamt that i found one and it was furnished and everything! i didn't have to move anything in! hahaha! that was a fucking dream

I slept 10 hours last night!!! I never ever ever sleep like that. I usually sleep about 6 hours. I hate sleeping for too long. the body feels even more weary when i wake up and i had a headache.
list of things to do today:
I don't keep lists

Ask me a question. I'll answer this time...the last time I didn't because I was caught up in a depression phase

see, now I'm late!!! woo hoo! I feel normal again

I'm in such a silly mood
pinch me!

but... you are fuckin cute as ever
in the name of metal
I'll be seeing it at the Los Feliz 3.