WOw! My updates are getting sparse
there was a time when i wouldn't miss a day but then I would end up being on all fucking day
. I think maybe a break was do
All work and no play makes Liz a dull girl. oh wait....I did play
Apartment hunting is like looking for a fucking job!!!!
I feel like i have to put on this pretty little facade and blah blah bullshit which i hate but am good at
I vaguely remember this weekend dudes. I was either high, fucking or sicky and all three on sunday and today. although I am a lot better today . My immune system is pretty damn good!
I've been thinking of random people from here.
I'm so psyched...4 more days of work and then i'm off!!! for a week and a half!
I need this vacation. but I know that everyone does.
I need to revitalize and recup my vital energy or maybe look for another job. or figure shit out. I always need to figure things out. Life is constantly changing. that is a *good* thing of course.
If you could rewind time would you? HELL NO!!!!
what's done is done.
and if i didn't get it right the first time...I'm sure I learned something from it

All work and no play makes Liz a dull girl. oh wait....I did play

Apartment hunting is like looking for a fucking job!!!!

I feel like i have to put on this pretty little facade and blah blah bullshit which i hate but am good at

I vaguely remember this weekend dudes. I was either high, fucking or sicky and all three on sunday and today. although I am a lot better today . My immune system is pretty damn good!

I've been thinking of random people from here.

I'm so psyched...4 more days of work and then i'm off!!! for a week and a half!

I need to revitalize and recup my vital energy or maybe look for another job. or figure shit out. I always need to figure things out. Life is constantly changing. that is a *good* thing of course.
If you could rewind time would you? HELL NO!!!!

and if i didn't get it right the first time...I'm sure I learned something from it
Have I mentioned the eyes in your new profile? Love'em! I'm sure I have, but damn they're captavating!
Yes yes, Apartment hunting does suck. I've been lucky enough that I haven't had to look for one in four years or more. I have been lucky to just have friends that happen to need roommates, So I get a place to live and don't have to be on the lease. Pretty sweet eh? good thing too, cuz apartment prices suck ass here.
Your Sunday sounds better than mine....I spent from 5 am (got home late from a great party) and slept from then till 4:50 pm! I would have rather been doing what you were doing personally, but sleep is good too.
I haven't found a fun site for you in awhile...hold on a minute...ok...back...found something interesting...not sure if funny, but interesting....
Trippin balls...
this ones alright illusions
That's all I could find at this late time of night.
Well talk to you later.
oh and thanks for the kind word on the profile pic....I don't like it much, but it was the one that turned out the best....