So I dreamt of my snake and this morning I woke up and he was out of the tank. So I'm frantically looking for him and he's right under my bed the whole time.
I'm kind of a chicken shit to pic him up because of the biting incident
after a good half hour of debating whether to leave him there or not I finally just pick him up and this time he didn't bite.
what a lame update. I'm just procrastinating to be honest
I'm gonna be so fucking late for work
I'll update more later...
muah muah
You ever feel *closer* to someone after you've dreamt about them??????
ok...I'm out!!!

what a lame update. I'm just procrastinating to be honest

I'm gonna be so fucking late for work

I'll update more later...
muah muah

You ever feel *closer* to someone after you've dreamt about them??????

ok...I'm out!!!

yeah i can't believe that we kidnapped someone... heheh then i woke up and found his id in my truck... so we had to go back 45 minutes away and take it back to him... lol... cause we didn't know his number.. now he wants to bbq for us... sweet free food!