I think that's my fave 'smiley' or should I say UN- 'smiley' face as far as aesthetics go. He's so adorable. It figures he would be the negative guy. I don't give him nearly enough props as I give the other guys.
and this is partially what boredom does to me. If i'm not frustrated I'm rambling and updating back to back.
I need a hug. no I don't I'm just spewing out random thoughts I thought of today:
Needing a hug
Then not wanting to be touched
Even the term Goodbye is rooted in "god"
I want to take some random photos of nekkid dudes. nah, scratch that. oh wait yes i do!!!!

I should do this
I should do that
Analyzing dreams is quite easy if you know yourself well.
Smoking weed ( i haven't done it in a week.)
I drank the last of my vodka. or someone else did

I hate shorts
I love skirts
I hate dresses
I love my feet
I tend to read a lot when I'm feeling pissed off at the world. You guys should try and piss me off once in a while.

i don't type nearly as fast as my brain thinks.
someone desires my body.

I've gotten in the habit of asking q's everyday. I hate habits and routines.Instead of 3 or 4 I'll stick with one.
Are you a habitual person or spontaneous? I believe I answered my question before I even asked it

I feel stagnant, dull, and lazy when stuck doing the same thing over and over. It makes me grumpy.

So, it appears that I have a stalker.


I am way too random to be habitual. I wake up at different times everyday, eat at different times. It annoys the hell out of my boss, which in turn makes me happy.
The proper way to become stalker-free, and I know because it worked for me twice, is to tell them flat out to go away. You must be completely blunt. Tell them never to contact you, write, e-mail, call, walk on the same side of the street, etc. Just tell 'em to get lost. People don't take hints when they're infatuated.