HEllo lovely people of my electronic world!
I just finished getting a full body massage thanks to my MonkeyBoi!
I feel so relaxed. almost like i'm high!
Had me a fun time again last night
dancing and drinking and not so nice puking!!!! awww man! I don't usually puke when i drink
I'm not hungover though so thats an A++++++!
Can Cats go crazy?
seriously, I have a cat who I think may be a little looney.
she keeps grooming the other cats and tries to nurse them...no she's not preggers. she's fixed...weird animals...
I have to clean my house! I hate a messy house and mines looks like a tornado ran through it. It was a fucking hit and run i tell ya
when I clean... I CLEAN!!! like scrubbing walls and throwing mountains of stuff away just because...
then later on regretting throwing so much stuff away.
oh yeah, I don't have a roommate anymore!!! woo hoo!
I'm fucking psyched to have my own place back! it was getting kind of stifling and tight for me in here
Now i can fuck wherever i want
well...not that i'm fucking or anything
anything else? nope..I'll be on my merry way now

I just finished getting a full body massage thanks to my MonkeyBoi!

I feel so relaxed. almost like i'm high!

Had me a fun time again last night
dancing and drinking and not so nice puking!!!! awww man! I don't usually puke when i drink

I'm not hungover though so thats an A++++++!
Can Cats go crazy?
seriously, I have a cat who I think may be a little looney.

I have to clean my house! I hate a messy house and mines looks like a tornado ran through it. It was a fucking hit and run i tell ya

when I clean... I CLEAN!!! like scrubbing walls and throwing mountains of stuff away just because...

oh yeah, I don't have a roommate anymore!!! woo hoo!

anything else? nope..I'll be on my merry way now
