Hey scoobie! where are you???!?!?!
yeah...extremist tendencies I have..
either I'm on the comp 24/7 or not at all..for days.
I was beginning to lose interest
I realized that I put myself in a bubble and was becoming hermit like... I took me a mini break. but...I always find my way back
eerrie that i actually dream of this place
I dreamt i was updating this damn thang.
the weekend included: (not in this order)
Kill Bill 2 (blah)
tequila shots
body shots
bailey's irish cream
frozen strawberry margaritas made by moi
meeting new people..
making out
laying in bed for 5 hours because of a stomach ache (bad dairy! bad!
walking a dog (not mine. I have no doggies)
Horny doggie humping me
kitties jumping out of the window and me looking for them all night
I found them
actually they found me! smart kitties. (stupid roommate left the window open!!!
loud music
bodies shaking
and touching and playing...
and walking
lots of walking
multiple long phone conversations
my phone got some usage for the first time in a while
staying up till 3 this morning talking.
I haven't had someone who I could talk to like that since my lovely porn king broke my heart over a year ago..or was it the other way around?
and now...
i'm a robot
aka I'm at work....
I have the urge to eat something sweet. this is what happens when you're on a high carb diet
So what is the last thing that made you go WTF????????
me- getting my credit card bill.

yeah...extremist tendencies I have..
either I'm on the comp 24/7 or not at all..for days.

I was beginning to lose interest

I realized that I put myself in a bubble and was becoming hermit like... I took me a mini break. but...I always find my way back

the weekend included: (not in this order)
Kill Bill 2 (blah)
tequila shots

body shots

bailey's irish cream
frozen strawberry margaritas made by moi

meeting new people..
making out

laying in bed for 5 hours because of a stomach ache (bad dairy! bad!

walking a dog (not mine. I have no doggies)
Horny doggie humping me

kitties jumping out of the window and me looking for them all night

loud music
bodies shaking
and touching and playing...
and walking
lots of walking
multiple long phone conversations
my phone got some usage for the first time in a while

staying up till 3 this morning talking.
I haven't had someone who I could talk to like that since my lovely porn king broke my heart over a year ago..or was it the other way around?

and now...
i'm a robot

I have the urge to eat something sweet. this is what happens when you're on a high carb diet

So what is the last thing that made you go WTF????????

me- getting my credit card bill.

damn you rocked out this weekend. mine was pretty low key. i can make some blazin maragaritas. al types of flavors. i am like baskin robins but with booze!

sounds like you had a good weekend!!!!