Please stay tuned
for an update
less generic
and rhetoric
and more excitement.
like wood

Lately food shopping is exciting to me. I've been buying all natural and organic food. geez is that shit expensivo! ahhh fuck it.
I bought a new camera phone. my other one wouldn't ring at all anymore. sucked. but i'm very happy with this new phone.

I'm tired. I'm worn. I need to take my own advice and take a break
I'm sorry for the lack of enthusiasm
My time ran out
It expired. Like your driver's licensce expires and you need to renew it. yeah, like that sort of thing. I need to renew my enthusiasm. it left me on sunday.

ok, I'm not really sad.

But i'm so tired. sometimes i think of just leaving. No where in particular...
just leaving. vanishing
exploring the many avenues i've never seen. opening my eyes and heart to the unknown. Blah...i don't know...
Monday is monday. new workweek. but everything else remains the same. ANd that my dears is life.
I hate writing while feeling so loopy. I'm on autopilot.

When does my driver's license expire? That is a good question.