"The small steps you take will ultimately bring you great fortune"
hahaha! I believe in the foretelling powers of the fortune cookie
I really love the power of resilience. I'm hurt easily but i can overcome it just as quickly as it happend. This is why i can't/don't hold grudges
or even stay angry
I went out and danced last night. I was shaking my ass. fun times had by all. I didn't drink alcohol but I more than made up for it with weed. One of the reasons I love hangin with my boy Kai is because he always has some and he's generous with it
Saves me a lot of ca$h!!!
yeah, anyway I met some dude. He was nice and decent looking but just bored the hell out of me. I was wandering off and he kept following me. Dude...Don't follow a woman around like a puppy dog. It's not appealing at all
(and it's cockblocking!
) Some guys! I'm also one of the pickiest people ever. Anything can put me off. I'm idealistic not realistic...lol
At least I don't lie to myself
When the fuck did i become such a picky ass biotch? oh yeah, the day I told myself I would never settle for less again!!!!
and this my friends...is all
I must go stuff my face then go outside!!! It's so gorgeous out!!!!
Now this is a happy sunday.
hahaha! I believe in the foretelling powers of the fortune cookie

I really love the power of resilience. I'm hurt easily but i can overcome it just as quickly as it happend. This is why i can't/don't hold grudges

I went out and danced last night. I was shaking my ass. fun times had by all. I didn't drink alcohol but I more than made up for it with weed. One of the reasons I love hangin with my boy Kai is because he always has some and he's generous with it

yeah, anyway I met some dude. He was nice and decent looking but just bored the hell out of me. I was wandering off and he kept following me. Dude...Don't follow a woman around like a puppy dog. It's not appealing at all

When the fuck did i become such a picky ass biotch? oh yeah, the day I told myself I would never settle for less again!!!!

and this my friends...is all
I must go stuff my face then go outside!!! It's so gorgeous out!!!!

Now this is a happy sunday.

works every time!