Holy shit! i've come back to life!
I've been in a dead zone for a few days. I know my comments have been sparse but my energy is back and i have the positive vibes going. As usual i appreciate all the words and comments.
I'm movin in to my new place this weekend. I told you i move quick.
I was on a mission to find a place on monday. (that's what my drama was this weekend) Took the day off on monday and my boss didn't like that so much but fuck him! He sucks anyway
Thanks to my good credit and my excellent bullshit skills I found a place the same day.
I will be getting caught up with my peeps when I'm at work pretending to be extremely busy. hehehe

I've been in a dead zone for a few days. I know my comments have been sparse but my energy is back and i have the positive vibes going. As usual i appreciate all the words and comments.

I'm movin in to my new place this weekend. I told you i move quick.

I will be getting caught up with my peeps when I'm at work pretending to be extremely busy. hehehe


whud up babe

hey congrats on the new pad!!!